Published at 21st of December 2022 05:45:44 PM

Chapter 595

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During this period of time, the territory of vilning has not been very calm.

Due to the sudden outbreak of war, a large number of creatures in the territory of blakhada, whether they were mages or ordinary elemental creatures, began to flee to other places around.

With the progress of the battle, more than one battlefield, there are traces of forbidden magic barrier used. Under the effect of the forbidden magic barrier, the mages of blakada undoubtedly lost most of their resistance ability.

In this case, some high-level mages in blakada may still be able to keep calm, but for those ordinary mages, their worries have never eased.

these Under the cover of the forbidden magic barrier, the original glory of blakhada seems to be dim.

Bordering on blakada, the originally peaceful vilning has undoubtedly become the first choice for these creatures to escape.


When these mages came to vilning because of their escape, they undoubtedly lost their former demeanor as mages and began to attack vilning's native creatures, trying to build a new city of mages here.

Among the mages who can escape from the barbarian army and cross the border to vilnin, there are many official mages and even high-level mages.

When these mages came to vilning, with their full efforts, the whole pattern of vilning was undoubtedly changed, and all the creatures existing in vilning would be greatly changed.

The native creatures of vilning obviously didn't expect this. In their impression, most of the mages sent by blakhada in the past were lords who left the magic academy, rather than sending a large number of official mages or even high-level mages like now.


For this reason, it is not surprising to see members of any of the forces in vilnin. There are even a lot of different kinds of creatures in a town.


In addition to facing the attacks of other forces, what we need to worry about is the local forces in vilning.

Even in the face of the aggression of many forces around us, this disputed land has always existed independently and has not been completely occupied by any force.


With the arrival of master blakada, this situation is bound to change.

Even though these mages are just fleeing, their strength is obviously not what ordinary creatures can deal with.

these Long before the mages of blakada fled, the situation in vilning changed a lot.

In the territory of vilning, the necromancer, who has never been strong, suddenly made a big move.

In a very short time, a powerful undead Lord rose from this land. By destroying the creatures in vilnin, the undead Lord got a lot of hands and attracted a lot of ordinary undead mages to take refuge.

Under the influence of this undead Lord, the calm undead mage who originally existed in vilning seems to have completely given up his mind and began to wantonly kill the rest of the creatures in vilning and create a large number of undead creatures.

This action of the necromancer undoubtedly aroused the hostility of all the forces in the whole vernin, and began to launch corresponding attacks against the existence of the necromancer.

The war broke out in vilnin long before the arrival of the mages of blakada. It was not only for the existence of the necromancers, but also for all the frictions in the past.

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Centaurs usually live in the ERI area, and some centaurs also appear in vilnin. But before that, no one thought that this undead Lord should have such a status.

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special Only some necromancers who took refuge with the Lord could understand some information about it.

In the whole territory of vilning, the strength of the undead Lord is relatively strong. When many undead mages learned about this and came to take refuge, the strength of the undead Lord was further improved.

Under the leadership of this undead Lord, the situation of the undead mages in vilning is very good. Even in the face of the siege of many lords, the undead mages can resist effectively and create more undead creatures. Only when they face the native creatures in vilning, they will be in a disadvantage.

For the conventional creatures, the fifth order creatures are already the top existence they can touch. Creatures above level 5 will not appear on the battlefield easily. Once the creatures above the fifth order appear, they will cause extremely serious damage.

No matter what kind of creature, when it enters level 6, its strength will become extremely powerful. For ordinary mages, this change may not be obvious. They just become high-level mages in terms of appellation. But for the necromancer, if he wants to enter the sixth level, he must first complete the endless night ritual and transform himself into a lich.

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