Published at 21st of December 2022 05:34:09 PM

Chapter 972

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The emerald green acid fog diffused all around rod, and rod's vision could only be maintained in a very small range.

At this time, the special skill reconnaissance that rod had learned was just able to play a role, which expanded rod's vision a lot, but it was still very limited.

If it wasn't for the signals from the perception that made rod clearly aware of the location of the artifact components, in this unchanging environment without any signs, rod might have been lost.

Along the way, the creatures that might exist in the acid fog did not appear. When rod made his third walk, he finally came to a piece of land.

There was acid fog all around. Looking around, rod couldn't see any living things. If he didn't feel that he was getting closer to the parts of the artifact, rod would even doubt his direction.

There was a solid touch under his feet, no longer the floating feeling of walking on the acid. Rod knew that this was the island in the middle of the lake in Savina's mouth.

After crossing the pestilence lake and coming to the island, rod felt a little relieved. Compared with the previous scene on the lake, he did not need to continue to consume mana and perform volleying micro step. Even if the enemy needed to fight, he did not need to worry about other creatures hidden under the acid.

Before he came here, rod had thought about what form the magician might exist in this area.


For creatures without legendary resistance, this area covered with acid mist has undoubtedly become a forbidden area for them to move. No matter what the magicians inside do, they don't have to worry about being disturbed by alien creatures.

Even though he had landed on the island in the middle of the lake, the signs of acid fog still did not subside, and there was no sign of any living things in rod's sight.

For this reason, Rhode only thought that he was still in the periphery of this area and could not touch the core area of this area. Maybe he had to go deep into it to find the real anomaly.

After a while, in rod's eyes, the shadow outline appeared behind the green acid mist. Through the acid mist, rod could not confirm what it was.

Due to the obstruction of vision, rod could only confirm the scene in front of him when he was close enough. Therefore, rod's speed was much faster, and he still kept enough vigilance in his heart.

With the shortening of the distance, the things that were covered by acid fog also showed their panorama in front of rod's eyes.

environment The wall in front of rod's body is full of traces of corrosion. The remains of the soil vary in height. Not far away is an opening of the size for the carriage to pass through.

With his own knowledge, rod was able to distinguish that the wall in front of him should be a structure similar to a city wall, but it has been abandoned for a long time now. Under the cover of acid fog, there is no need for the existence of a city wall.

Perhaps it is because of the long time in the acid fog that the land under rod's feet, including part of the city wall left in front of him, is full of traces of corrosion, but it has not completely melted away, leaving part of the body.

According to Savina, when lizards living near pestilence Lake collect the acid in the pool as a weapon, most of the utensils they hold are also made of the mud beside the lake. If they use utensils of other materials, they may corrode the utensils before the acid comes into use.

Along the opening in the city wall, rod entered the area without any hesitation.

The existence of legendary resistance enables rod to move freely in this area. Rod has a lot of doubts about this special area in front of him.

After entering it, there are more and more abandoned buildings around. Different from the city wall, many buildings can't bear the corrosion of acid fog due to the material. At this time, they have completely collapsed, leaving fragments all over the ground only on the foundation.

Only a small number of buildings, after the collapse of most of them, can still retain some of their original structures. Under the cover of acid fog, they show strange shapes and shadows.

Aware of this, even if he noticed that there was a shadow in the acid fog, rod no longer went to check it.

Maybe it's because of his age. There should have been some things left on the street where rod walked. But when rod looked around, he could see only corroded and unshaped blocks. Even if rod wanted to get some clues from them, it would be difficult for him to do so.

Rod still can't feel the existence of death energy. In this acid fog, death energy seems to disappear. Everything in it will lose its original form under complete corrosion. Compared with other things, corpses are the first ones to be destroyed under corrosion.

The signal from the perception is as strong as ever. Although rod is very concerned about the surrounding environment, he still does not forget the real purpose of this trip.

What makes rod very concerned is that the end of his trip, the source of the perceptual signals, is not far away from him. It seems that it should be somewhere in the city.

According to the previous information from the thieves guild and Savina, in rod's opinion, the abandoned town he is now in should have been built by a magician.

Although the buildings in the city have been corroded for a long time, only from the perspective of architectural style, rod can not judge what kind of creature is building the town in front of him, but rod has such a premonition in his heart that the town in front of him is closely related to the magician.

After walking through the city for a period of time, I don't know how many collapsed buildings, rod finally came to the destination of this trip.

In front of the ruins of a collapsed building, rod stopped.

The signal from his perception made rod realize that the artifact parts he wanted to acquire during his trip were deeply buried in the ruins. He didn't know how long they had existed.

Rod looked around, it was still a green scene, no expected enemy, no possible battle, even no living creature, and the last artifact he wanted was at his feet, waiting for his acquisition.

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