Is This Really A Game? - Chapter 144

Published at 19th of May 2023 05:55:12 AM

Chapter 144

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Official Website Forum.

Yaya, who had just logged off the assembly line, rushed in immediately.

"Big news!!! That piece of paper with 100CR written on it can actually be exchanged for money! Guess how much I exchanged? (⁠ノ゚⁠0゚⁠)⁠ノ⁠~"

Get Up Ten Times A Night: "Hey? Yaya, does your mushrooms sold, today? (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠"

Irena: "(⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)"

Yaya: "Hey! Don't interrupt, do you still want to know? (;`O′)o"

Sisi: "I guess 10 silver coins."

Tomorrow Seeker: "Tell me how much?"

Tabletop Cop: "That's it! Don't keep it!"

Tail: "Shut up!(`?′)Ψ"

Yaya: "Hey, listen to me, I was selling mushroom soup at that time, and suddenly a sneaky NPC ran over, took out a piece of paper, and wanted to take my pot away! Then, at when I didn't know what to do, Master Manager suddenly appeared! By the way, the new armor of the Manager is so handsome, I don't know if that skin can be bought. (⁠つ⁠⁠ω⁠⁠)⁠つ"

Mole In The Hole: "Damn! What the hell are you talking about!"

Shuri: "???(╯°Д°)╯︵┻━┻"

Yaya: "100! 100 silver coins! The Manager took the paper and gave me 100 silver coins! I was about to say, don't rush. ¯〳⁠ ⁠•̀⁠ ⁠o⁠ ⁠•́⁠ ⁠〵"

The whole post fell silent for a moment.

Afterwards, dozens of posts appeared below in an instant!

Badass Bunny: "?!"

8th Level Gale: "..."

Get Up Ten Times A Night: "What the hell?"

Tomorrow Seeker: "100???"

Yaya: "Don't swipe the screen, to be precise, it's actually 200... because of the 100CR ticket yesterday, I also caught up with the Manager and exchanged it. The Manager even praised me, saying that I am a good kid. (=′ω`=)”

Irena: "¥@#!"

Two pots of mushroom soup were exchanged for 200 silver coins!

This luck can't be described by common sense!

Players on the forum are envious of the wall separation one by one, and even the tickets for the early access expansion pack are not good...


On the other side, the reception room of the outpost.

"Hi~ This wine is not bad. The fruity aroma of grapes is mixed with the fragrance of oak. Even if it is in a company... I am afraid it is a rare treasure."

"You still understand this?"

"Of course, my father has a wine cellar with a lot of his collections in it. He would go there for a while every day without drinking, just to feel the atmosphere. I suspect that if this goes on, the wine will turn into vinegar. ...Hey, I really want to go home."

There were a few empty wine bottles on the table, Dante was so drunk, he leaned on the chair and hiccupped, talking non-stop.

Lucius responded perfunctorily, and took the time to glance at the VM, which listed the information that Popo helped him sort out.

[ 155. This person has a wealthy family and holds a middle-level position in the First Pioneer Corps. It is speculated that the crew of the Pioneer are all middle-level and high-level employees in the "Enterprise", and their status is not low. ]

All this information he got in exchange for a table of barbecue, a pot of soup, and six bottles of wine.

It is absolutely impossible for Lucius to eat so extravagantly in normal times. But these sacrifices have paid off.

From the mouth of the person in charge of the office, Lucius asked a lot of interesting things on the sidelines.

First of all, the company is located in Cloud Collar Province, the easternmost part of the Central Continent. It is the mouth of a big river and two tributaries. It is also the political, economic and cultural center before the prosperous era. It has four strategic areas, three metropolitan areas, and two industrial centers. , and an ancient city group with a "Long history".

As for the headquarters of the company, it is located in the ruins of the industrial zone between Dreake City and Rusvil City, above Shelter No. 6, a place called "Ideal City".

There are huge walls as high as dams, towers that touch the clouds, and aircrafts shuttle between the streets, but they can't fly too far. People are crowded in "Cities" that are less than 500 square kilometers, and most of them live in there are no windows in the underground, and few people can see the clouds outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

As Lucius listened, he always felt that this "Ideal city" was a bit like a "City that never sleeps", and he didn't know how true or false this guy was.

In addition, unlike Sumeria's hearsay information, it is not that there are many factions and serious internal friction within the company, but that they are not the kind of organization that the mercenaries in Boulder City understand.

For example, an enterprise does not have a ruler in the strict sense, but only a corporate board of directors with a rigorous organizational structure and a clear division of power. Most of the members of the corporate board of directors are composed of the chairman of the branch company, and there are smaller subsidiaries under the branch company, layer upon layer of nesting dolls.

Some of these branches produce steel, some produce cement, some manufacture guns and drones, and sell clones or bionic companions. Silver Wing Group is just one of the companies with a relatively large "Market value", but things like market value are changing every day, so it's hard to say who is the biggest.

Ten years ago, the company did send an expeditionary force inland, but the target was not Spring City in the south of the River Valley Province, but the Great Rift Valley in the north.

People always like to take the credit for themselves. As long as the same thing passes through the mouths of two people, more than three versions may evolve.

And most of what was handed down in the end is not the final truth, just because this version is the most talked about, people are more willing to believe that it is like this.

However, according to Dante, it is true that the expeditionary force did fail, because for a period of time, they often heard good news from the front line through various channels.

But suddenly one day, no one mentioned it anymore. Except for those investors who bought "War bonds" who stood on the roof, many never came back, and nothing happened.

In a sense, the "Pioneer" is similar to that expeditionary force. In order to build this magnificent land fortress, the Silver Wing Group also issued a considerable amount of "Bonds", and promised some benefits to the rich people who bought the bonds with a high probability.

But the second half is Lucius's speculation.

Maybe it's because his ideological level is not enough. Lucius felt that if he lived in such an environment and happened to have a large sum of money in his pocket, he would definitely not waste the money.

In addition, from Dante's mouth, Lucius also learned that the goal of their trip was to go to the west to find a place called Shelter 0.

According to legend, it is the birthplace of a certain grand plan. The founder of the prosperous era, the great sea route pioneer, and the immortal who gathered countless glory once died here.

It is regarded by some as the last hope.

"...Since you have such advanced technology, why do you place your hope on the legendary existence? You don't even know where it is, right?" Lucius poured Dante a glass of wine and asked, "And According to your description, since you can build a fortress on the ruins, why did you... well, never thought of starting over?"

Dante sighed, and waved her hands reeking of alcohol.

"I've heard this argument too much... My friend, how far have you traveled? You may have traveled the most roads, and it's only from the north of Spring City to a little bit on the edge of the Fifth Ring Road. It’s not as simple as building a few houses for granted.”

Lucius smiled and said.

"After all, I have only been out of the ground for a few months... I am also very curious about what the world has become."

"It sucks," Dante shook her head. "What's the scariest alien species you've ever seen? Eaters? Crawlers? We collectively call them slime mold parasites. Do you know how they came from? Have you ever seen their brood?"

Dante continued.

"I've seen them all. I've even seen a brood the size of a skyscraper. The out-of-control slime mold and reinforced concrete merged into one, covering half of the city. The survivors there resisted, but failed. Then they were devoured piece by piece...We could do nothing but take dozens of poor people who survived and put them by the lake fifty kilometers away."

Lucius's expression changed slightly.

He has heard that there seems to be a brood in the center of Dante City, and every once in a while, there will be gnawers and other alien species spreading out from the city center.

Survivors of Boulder City called it "The Wave."

These are what Sumeria told him.

"You just...leave that brood alone?"

"Don't worry about that thing," Dante waved her hand, "You have underestimated the power of nature. Everything on this planet will quickly fall into decline after expanding to a certain limit. The same goes for those slime molds. In a few cases, they will mutate, go berserk, no longer afraid of the sun, devour the surrounding living things crazily, and use their flesh and blood to reproduce quickly. This sounds scary, but when they expand to a certain scale, they will soon grow from where to go back and forth ... we call it the self-limiting of the slime mold colony expansion."

Hearing this, Lucius's expression relaxed slightly.

If they could expand endlessly, this planet would have been occupied by them long ago. And from the perspective of energy balance, I am afraid there is no ecosystem that can accommodate such terrifying creatures.

Pausing for a moment, Dante continued to chatter while hiccupping.

"These mutated slime molds are just one of the troubles. As you know, there are not so many slime molds in this world. Even mutated cockroaches that have nothing to do with slime molds are annoying enough. By the way, there are also mutants, I don’t know if you’ve seen a ‘Super-mutation’ as high as a three-story building? I suspect that the whole thing is a lump of humanoid tumor. We used two tactical nuclear bombs to completely eliminate it... so you are really lucky, that for those dozens of mutants, we only used five power armors to get rid of them."

Lucius's Adam's apple twitched.

He originally wanted to ask where these ghost things came from, but the question that had already reached his lips changed his mouth and became a question that he had been thinking about all along.

"Who is our enemy?"

Hearing this question, Dante smiled.

"Us? Enemy? You mean... The doomsday battle? Haha, who knows what happened two centuries ago? I have seen many people who came from the cryogenic hibernation in the 22nd century. Some of them were really for refuge, and some were purely I think it’s fun to go to the future. Haha, anyway, they can’t explain what happened, and they thought they were standing on the scene of a variety show, clamoring to sue us.”

As he spoke, Dante's eyes became blurred, and the hand holding the wine glass kept shaking.

Lucius felt that he was drunk, so he added another glass... Anyway, this is his "Official business", and there is not much left in this bottle.

"Those poor guys... Hiccup, all we can do is give them to nearby survivors, maybe their knowledge will come in handy, but I feel bad enough."

He didn't refuse Lucius to pour him wine, Dante raised his head and took another sip, and hiccupped for a long time, this time he couldn't even straighten his tongue.

"It is said that the answer is in Shelter 0, not only we are looking for it, the academy, the Legion...many people are looking for it, but they haven't heard any results for so many years. Maybe it's not in the west at all, or like you said may not even exist. But who knows? Someone has to try."

While talking, Dante fell headfirst on the table.

Seeing that he was about to tilt his head into the brazier next to him, Lucius quickly reached out to support him, and moved his head to the other side.

Dante was still yelling.

"I'm going to write a biography. If we succeed, it will become the best-selling work in Ideal City."

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. Your names are too awkward to pass on word of mouth. If you change the 'First Pioneering Corps' to 'Templar Knights', then I will give you the changed name of the captain to something more powerful... Like Ruby Yanka, you go to the west to learn scriptures, I bet this book will become the best-selling adult fairy tale on the East Coast."

Originally Lucius was talking nonsense, but Dante's eyes lit up after hearing it.

"Good idea--"

He had only bitten halfway through the word "Meaning", when the young man suddenly gave up with a thud. And the wine glass in his hand fell to the side of the brazier with a bang.

Lucius didn't care about the alcoholic anymore, but stared at the VM screen.

Looking at the last line of information on the screen, he slightly raised his eyebrows.

"Legion and Academy..."

The world seemed wider than I imagined.

Very nice. I can draw a new plot again.


Next morning.

As soon as six o'clock arrived, the hardworking little players went online on time and trotted all the way to the pool of the public toilet in the center of the camp.

After a brief wash, they continued to run to the open space in the center of the camp with their lunch boxes in groups.

However, as soon as they arrived in the open space, they were dumbfounded.

I saw twenty or so NPCs in gray coats holding bowls in their hands, and they were already standing in line in front of the cauldron.

Seeing those blue coats looking over, the crew of the Pioneer were somewhat embarrassed, smiled at their allies, waved their hands in a friendly manner, and pointed to the bowl in their hands.

That expression seemed to say——

"Don't panic, big brother, we'll leave after a while."

The players who were also carrying the bowl were stunned.

"Damn! This group of NPCs are getting more and more confident!"

"The pot hasn't even been opened, so what?!"

"Huh? Where's Brother Scrambled Eggs? I saw him by the faucet just now, why did he disappear?"

Not far away, Brother Scrambled Eggs was following old Luka, walking over with a large basket of noodles in his hand. When he reached the iron pot, he placed the frame heavily on the table.

There are also some other ingredients and condiments on the table.

Raising his arm and rubbing his forehead, Brother Scrambled Eggs put on his sleeves and apron, and knocked on the side of the pot with a spoon.

"Plant meat, artificial starch synthetic noodles, and Yabosan's chanterelle mushroom... Let's try some high-tech ingredients today. Let me state in advance, I haven't tried it, try to make it, it won't taste good, etc. Think about it next time."

Brother Scrambled Eggs originally planned to cook porridge to fool around. After all, the time in the morning is not as generous as in the evening, and they have to go to the new map to move bricks later.

But at this moment, his VM suddenly received a task - let him cook a pot of delicious food for the players in the camp to make people happy.

What is food that can make people happy?

Brother Scrambled Eggs looked confused, but the three question marks in the column of mission rewards, as well as the exclusive label of the expansion pack pasted on the header, aroused his desire to win.

Hearing that Brother Scrambled Eggs was going to show his skills, the players lining up excitedly booed.

"The boss is awesome!"

"Give me an extra egg!"

"Pass it on! Brother scrambled Eggs, let us eat!"

"Ugh, I can't pass this on, you can pass it on yourself!"

Although the crew members of the Pioneer around couldn't understand, seeing how excited these blue jackets were, they also looked forward to it.

Brother Scrambled Eggs ignored it and devoted himself to the task in front of him.

After getting some wild boar fat and pasting it on the bottom of the pot, after releasing the aroma of the oil, he skillfully poured the vegetable meat marinated with "Secret cooking wine" into the pot with a bang.

The smell of meat diffuses. Stir-fry quickly, color the soy sauce, sprinkle some salt and pepper to enhance the fragrance, wait until the minced meat is bubbling, the fried egg brother skillfully picks up a pot of boiling water, pours boiling water into the iron pot, and shakes it a few times The iron pot is then covered with a lid and stuffed.

The sound of gurgling is covered together with the fragrance.

The saozi here is ready, and the stewed chanterelle mushroom soup over there is also fragrant.

The taste buds were constantly being teased, and the NPCs in the queue kept swallowing their saliva one by one. The bowls were switched from left to right, and then from right to left, and they were almost full of pulp.

Finally, open the pot.

Brother Scrambled Eggs put the noodles in a strainer, simmered them twice, and put them in the bowl handed over. A spoonful of mushroom soup and a spoonful of minced pork were evenly poured over.

"One copy of 4CR! There is a copy, don't worry."

Old Luka took the money, handed the bowl full of noodles to the truck driver who was full of smiles and thanked him repeatedly, and continued to shout enthusiastically towards the gray coats queuing up.


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!