Published at 26th of April 2023 05:40:00 AM

Chapter 131: Let's get ready for the next episode.

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I open the door to the headquarters of the adventurer's guild Riod in Quama's home country.

The faint smell of blood on my nose, probably left over from the adventurers who use this place.

I left my compatriots and took Wolfe with me to get more information about Riod.

As a member of Riod's guild, I needed to get Wolfe to join Riod in order to find out what was going on.

After Yugra defeated the Demon King, the wars that had been going on in various regions lost their momentum.

It was not a pretty story of camaraderie as they fought back the invasion of the Demon King, but because everyone feared that if they started a war with a hero who could defeat even the Demon King, that hero might intervene.

What's more, after Yugra ended the war against the Demon King, he entrusted the management of each land to the powerful people in each region.

Only a limited number of people were given training in dealing with the adjacent demon world, so that other powerful people could not deal with the demon world to the fullest.

Thus, other powerful people, unable to give up their selfishness, either moved to remote areas or changed their names to noblemen, swearing allegiance to the king who was in charge of the country.

However, there were those who remained power-hungry even within the rule of the state.

In a way that the state could not, they began to gather together talented people from all over the land and work as a new force.

These were the adventurers' guilds, and the first to appear was the prestigious Morgana.

The founder of Morgana was a human, and at a time when the war with the Demon Lord had just ended, he had yet to dispel his dislike of subhumans.

Therefore, it was natural that the majority of adventurers in Morgana would be human.

Riod, a guild founded by subhumans, was born to counter the threat of Morgana.

Today, there is little resistance to subhumans, but what remains, remains.

There are very few opportunities for sub-humans in Morgana, and if Ulfe is good enough, he could be recommended to Morgana, but since there are only a few sub-humans registered in Morgana, he might stand out in an undesirable way.

For these reasons, Ulfeh ended up registering with Riod. ...... Considering the heartache of working with Lakra, such background is just a bonus.

After that, it was the Schneids who tried to surround themselves with adventurers without distinction.

Their openness was a boon to new adventurers, and they quickly grew in strength.

Morgana and Riod carefully selected the quality of their adventurers in order to compete with the Schneid, and they began to take different directions.

Morgana wanted to gain the trust of all nations, while Riode wanted to be able to make secret requests that could not be made in public.

Once inside, the adventurers around you will be looking at you.

Some turn away when they see that you are not the client, but a competitor, while others look to see if you are friendly.

I walked over to the reception desk and spoke to the man sitting there.

"I'd like you to apply to join the Riod, here.

A white subhuman, how unusual. A white subhuman, a rare thing, and so young, wouldn't it be more profitable to make a spectacle of him?

If that's what you think, you've got a third-rate eye.

"Well, let's see what you can do.

The receptionist leaned forward and shouted to the adventurers around him.

"Hey! We're going to test the newcomers. Anyone who wants some coins, come forward!

The only requirement for joining Liod is that you be good at what you do.

There are also tests for intelligence and magical skills, but the basic focus is on combat ability.

The man who judged from Wolfe's equipment that he was confident in his skill chose to take the test of combat power.

I guess I need to say something before I let my people join.

Shortly after, a man walks up to the reception desk, a man with many scars on his face and an air of intimidation around him.

This is a test of combat ability, a mock battle against the adventurers of Riod.

Those who aren't up to the task will receive a painful baptism of fire, and in some cases, will never be able to work as an adventurer again.

I'll do it. If you want to have some fun while paying for your drinks, I'll take it.

The adventurers around you are looking at you with a twisted grin on their faces.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what's going on in your life.

I'm not sure what to do.

What? You can't tell me to stop now, can you?

It doesn't matter. Wolfe, okay? I'm about to show you what you're made of, but no killing. And by the way, avoid crippling him as much as possible.


That's fine, Wolfe usually trains with very skilled people.

If he were to do battle with the same feeling, it would lead to unnecessary killing, and his compatriots have reminded him to avoid that.

Are you trying to provoke me? That's bullshit, let's get started.

The man and the wolfe move to the center and each take up a position.

The man's weapon is a steel club, the tip of which has turned black, as if he's been using it for years.

It's a shame he doesn't take better care of his weapon.

"Whenever you're ready, I'll remind you that you're ten years too young to be here--

He grabbed the man's face with his bare hands instead of his fists and slammed him into the ground, destroying the floor and burying the man's upper body in the ground.

Judging from his convulsions, he wasn't dead, thank God.

I wondered what my countrymen would have said if I had started to act and let them kill the man immediately.

I never thought I'd see the day when I'd be glad that the floor here was made of wood.

The adventurers around me were dumbfounded and open-mouthed, and only one or two of them must have seen the movement.

"Hey, somebody heal him. I'm sure you can get some money from his liquor money.

Wolfe came back to me with an unconvinced look on his face.

"What's the matter, Wolfe, don't worry about him. He's alive.

Well, this doesn't show you what Wolfe is capable of. ......

...... That's all I need to see.

Go back to the reception and pay the registration fee in silence.

The man at the desk shook his head as if he had come to his senses and began to check the amount of the registration fee.

"What a surprise. Who is this subhuman?

I'm Gladona's apprentice, if that's any help to you.

"So you're the same as ...... that Parshero from The Fist. Just tell me.

Did you trust me when I told you?

...... I don't know.

After counting the registration fee, the man takes out two metal plates, a chisel and a hammer.

What's your name?

I'm Wolfe!

No last name?

Uh, .......

That's fine.

One of the reasons I chose Liod is that you don't have to register with your full name.

This means a lot to the people who live behind the scenes, who receive requests that are resented by others.

On the other hand, in Morgana, if you do not have a letter of recommendation, you will have to go through the trouble of checking with your relatives.

Considering Wolfe's situation, it is obvious that the procedure will be complicated.

The man at the reception desk engraved Wolfe's name on two metal plates that were stacked on top of each other.

Finally, he placed the plates on a piece of equipment on a table and closed the lid.

Put your hand on the crystal there and put some magic into it.


Wait, just a little. Don't do anything like the Iliad.

I'm fine!

After taking a deep breath, put your hand on the crystal and put the magic into it.

After a while, the man at the reception desk stops me.

That's enough. Let go of my hand.

When Wolfe lets go, the receptionist takes out the metal plate from his equipment and hands one to Wolfe.

This is the guild card that proves you are a member of Riod's guild.

The card can also be used to verify your identity, although it can only be used in places where you have registered, by imbuing the card with your magic power.

This is your guild card, and if you lose it, you'll be charged an additional fee, so don't lose it.

"Yes, sir!

The registration has been successfully completed, and now you can finally start your investigation.

Wait a minute.

There were adventurers in the area, not just one, but several.

I don't know what I'm going to do now.

"You've got a pretty promising new recruit here. He's not bad at all. Why don't you join me?

"No, don't work with this breathless bastard. I'll give you a place where you can make the most of your power.

The adventurers who linger at the guild headquarters have several purposes, but there are two basic ones.

The first is to get a quick win when a good client comes along, and the second is to make more friends.

It's hard to find people for dangerous jobs, so experienced adventurers seek out affordable companions in guilds.

They say "companions," but in reality, they are pawns, and they want people they can use.

Even if Wolfe refuses, he won't give up so easily.

"Oh, you're not Ecdysiac, are you?

I'm sure you've heard of it.

You'll be able to find a lot more than just a few of them.

"Gee, Girista!

"What? It's rude to look someone in the face and not like it.

The adventurers immediately distance themselves from Gillista.

There are few people in Riod who don't know the name "Gillista," and it's no wonder, since they'll kill each other on the spot if they get into trouble.

I was here to register Wolfe's guild.

"Oh my god, Wolfe, you've joined some kind of riod? But it's nice to be with me.

"Gee, it's no wonder you know Gilista. ......

It seems that no one was daring enough to join a dangerous person, and the adventurers around them slunk away.

In a way, we should be thankful that it was the most peaceful thing that had happened.

However, now that they knew that I knew Gillista, it might be a big problem for me to gather information in the future.

Originally, we had planned to meet at another place, but now that our destinations were the same, it would be easier.

Gilista picked up his fee at the reception desk and joined us waiting outside.

"You've been taking requests from your own people, but you've also been taking requests from other people?

It doesn't matter, the reward for your husband's request is great, but I also want money for my drinks that day.

Your husband, that's a strange thing to say.

"You're a big client, aren't you? You're a big client, I'll give you some respect.

So, Gillistas are famous.

In a bad way.

Gilista was denied entry to Mejis because of his past history of getting carried away during a demon slaying mission, causing death and injury to the surrounding adventurers.

She has even been issued a letter of intent, and has been banned from the guild as well.

But in Riod, the ban means 'don't show up at sunrise', so she only shows up at night like this.

"Oh, you're so backward because you're not famous, eh?

"Are you not famous?

I'm not in trouble like Gillista and Pershero. I joined the guild to earn my keep, so why narrow down the scope of my activities?

I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.

"Then let's work hard together and become famous in a good way!

"Do we really need to be that famous?

We're still losing to Lacla.

That's right. Good luck, Wolfe.


I completely forgot that Lakra's fame is already known to Quama.

I forgot to mention that Lakra's fame was already well known in Quama. We had to get rid of the mass of demons in the Ghanaian demon world, get rid of the mass of demons that had appeared in Taze, get rid of the great demons Beguragud, Forkdrekra, Zaspenfosse, Baragwelyn, and Tenesasparigun.

In reality, Zaspenfosse and Baragwelyn were killed by Wolfe, and Tenesasparign by Ilias, but it is reported that they must have fought together.

It's rumored that he's already approaching the level of Gladna the Fist, having defeated hordes of demons and slain five unique class demons.

I'm sure I'm strangling myself here, but I'm positive that's why I'm worth surpassing.

I'm not sure if this is a good idea.

In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at the web site. All of these documents are authentic ......, please wait a moment! It's too much for me to handle!

In the event that you've got any questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at the web site.

When your friend was on his way to Quama, as part of his course of action, he had letters of recommendation prepared for the representatives of each country to make it easier for Lakra to join the guild and act.

When I received the request, I had King Zenotta prepare a letter of recommendation as well. ...... If you think about it calmly, it would have been better to have one.

The receptionist also changed her face and ran to the back.

I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.

Your friend at ...... is a meticulous man.

In addition, it is said that most of your friend's accomplishments were done by Lakra-dono.

If you are inquired by other countries, your position will be even more .......

"Oh, sorry to keep you waiting, please go to the back room.

The receptionist came back quickly and led us to the back room, which is only accessible to the guild management or those with special treatment.

This is a place that only the guild management or those with special treatment can visit.

To join Morgana, one must prove one's identity, and although my royal status has been kept secret, I have been treated accordingly.

And if you've been let in here,......, you're probably going to meet him.

The door opens into an elegant room, a special guest room where powerful nobles and state officials receive their requests.

And standing at the back of the room was the current Guild Master of Morgana, a man who is known to all adventurers.

"How do you do, Mr. Rakhra Sarf? I am the representative of Morgana, Rithial-Zentry.

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