Published at 26th of April 2023 05:38:14 AM

Chapter 165: And I feel sorry for him.

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My name is Harkdok, right-hand man to my brother Jestaff, the future king. I'm currently working for my brother in Tarz to learn some things.

The brothers are not really brothers, but I call them brothers because I feel comfortable with that kind of distance.

He's not really my brother, but I feel comfortable calling him my brother because of the distance. ...... For now, he's setting the table for my brother's ambitions, and he's not a bad guy. ...... He's a bad guy. That's for sure. He's an a**h*le.

I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

I'm not sure what to make of this.

I'm not sure what to say, but I'm going to say it. I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea. .......

I think it was when I opened the door to welcome a visitor. My instincts reacted so badly that I lost consciousness instantly.

I thought I saw a very beautiful woman and a well-faced butler. ...... This is the same phenomenon.

I'm not sure if this is a sibling thing or not. I honestly don't even know how it works.

I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but I think it's a good idea.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it on my own. Even if you're cleaning up, you've ...... done it first thing in the morning. ......

There's nothing to do. I'm not particularly interested in what's in the barn, and I'm not particularly interested in going into private rooms,........ I don't feel like going into a woman's room, and I'm ...... interested in my brother's room, but I feel like I'm in trouble even if my instincts don't warn me.

So I'll be alone ...... in my empty living room, working on my right arm.

I untied the bandage and looked closely at my blackened right arm. The difference in height between me and my brother is not that much. So the length of my arm didn't bother me that much.

However, since I started using my right arm in earnest, the demon that I used as a splice has covered its surface, making it slightly larger and unbalanced.

The demon that I used as a splice has covered the surface of my right arm since I started using it.

This demon can move in response to my will to some extent. You can make your arm into a sword by sharpening the tip, or you can make it into a shield by expanding it widely. .......

I'm not sure what to make of this. It's just like a wooden armor.

It's better than nothing as a means of attacking a defenseless opponent, but it's no good as a means of defense. It's not worth talking about.

You need to find a more subtle way to use it. You can't use it with your right arm. I'll have to start training with my left arm.

"Regardless of how to use it, it's useless unless you can deploy it quickly.

Change it into any shape you can think of, and put it back on your arm. Then change into another shape, and repeat.

It takes about five seconds for each change. ...... My brother can make two pens run with this arm, so he's amazing.

It's not that you're not great, but it's your effort that's needed to improve. You should only think about me.

If you can change it instantaneously, you can turn it into a curtain or something that obstructs your opponent's view. ....... I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this. ......

It's a good idea to have a curtain that hangs down from your arm. ...... No, it's too fluttery and it's too annoying. I'm not happy with the way this is interfering with my normal movements.

It might be quicker to talk to your brother. ......

"I don't have any combat skills. I can't give you that much advice.


Of course, the brother and sister in the background made a strange noise. I'm sure you're not the only one.

That's quite a weird scream.

You're back, ...... or why didn't you wake me up?

I was accompanied by Purple. I'll make it simple for you.

The brothers explained the principle behind my fainting. The beautiful woman I saw was the Purple Demon Lord and my instincts overreacted to the Demon Lord.

The black demon lord who summoned them to this world is inside their bodies, and this pair of sunglasses can make them invisible with a little bit of magic.

I see. I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on.

You know difficult words like "residue.

I know one or two difficult words myself!

I know a word or two!

You're right, brother. You're right on target. But there's one thing I'm relieved about.

If the black demon lord is responsible for the danger I feel from the brothers, then the inherent danger of the brothers is such that my instincts don't react.

Of course, I know firsthand how great the brothers are. I know I'm in no position to underestimate them.

Still, it's reassuring to know that I'm not the kind of person you'd avoid if I existed.

But brother, are you okay with the Demon Lord's magic power in your body? I'm not sure what to do. I'm sure you've heard of it.

I can't feel any physical burden. In fact, my physical strength has increased since I came to this world.

So what?

Leave him alone.

You don't need to use detection magic to know your brother's weakness. I'm confident I can beat them anytime they attack me. I'll never be able to do that with Miss...

"But you know what? If I don't see the Demon Lord's magic, I won't lose my mind.

I'm sure you'll be fine if you're in a certain state of readiness.

Oh, yeah, right. Hmm? Does that mean my current siblings can do it too if they're prepared?

I take a deep breath and shift my sunglasses.

"Ugh, .......

The instincts are still raging. The uncomfortable sensation as if your heart is being gripped arouses a feeling of disgust in your body.

If you're not careful, your consciousness will be taken away at once,......, but I see. It's not a bad idea. I'm not sure what to do.

It seems that you have a certain level of tolerance. You may not be able to maintain that state all the time.

Haha ...... haha ....... But that's a good sign. As long as you're with your brothers, you'll have chances to meet the Demon Lord. If you faint every time, you'll be slowed down to a crawl. It's not a bad idea to train once in a while.

"That's true. In a way, it's also a spiritual training, and I can help you as much as I can when you want.

Oh, please do. One of these days I'll be able to look at my brothers and smile without these sunglasses!

To be honest, I didn't want to faint when I saw the faces of the brothers I was taking care of. It's nice to be able to feel their growth, even if it's subtle.

I think it would be faster to improve my sunglasses.

No! Don't underestimate my efforts. It's faster than that.

What are you talking about?

Someone interrupted our conversation. Naturally I turned my gaze in the direction of the voice.

There was a subhuman woman with golden hair and ears and a magnificent tail. I'm not sure if I'm a little more mature than Wolfe,......, but Instinct, you've done a great job with your consciousness.

I'm not sure what to say.

I'm not sure what to make of this.

I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on here.


What's that? You fainted as soon as you saw her face. You can't diminish the beauty of your mistress.

He's a sensitive man. Forgive him. Forgive him, he's a sensitive man.

I was going to take Hark-dog to the magic research after returning from the truid, but I didn't expect the gold to come directly to me. Hark-dog is a man of bad timing.

"When she came to, there was no one here. When I came to my senses, there was no one there, so I thought I'd come and disturb you, in case you were visiting.

The purple is out shopping with the Mix.

Oh, my. I didn't know Murasaki had the will to work with anyone other than you.

I wouldn't go so far as to say that, but I'm glad to see that you and Mixu are on the same page. I'm not going to say that, but I'm glad to see that you've gotten to know Mix.

Yes, there was something I had to tell you as well.

First, I'll share what I talked to the colorless guy at the castle today. I'll also explain about Harkdock.

"I see. I see.

Is there something on your mind?

When you moved into your mistress's virtual world, you had no magic left in you.

Is that so?

I look at Ilias. Ilias nodded as if he remembered.

Iliad nodded as if remembering. "In the first place, it's difficult to even feel your magic unless you're consciously aware of it. I thought that when you switched bodies, your ability to sense magic was paralyzed, but I guess not.

Well, the Iliad said that he had no magic power, and Lakra said that his magic power was depleted. That wasn't a figurative expression, but a complete absence.

"So far, no real harm has been done, right? I'm sure you'll consult your mistress right away.

"Well, yes. I'm sure you'll be able to find out more about the Demon Lord from the Gold or Purple.

It might just be a residue of summoning magic. I'm not sure what to make of that. But this man, the bastard's ability to detect the demon lord by sight, makes other beings feel terrible.

Harkdock's talent is his instinctive ability to detect danger, and no one can surpass him in that one area.

The same is true of Wolfe's magic reserves. If you're not sure what you're looking for, you might want to check out the website.

And even now, new talents may be being born.

It's a good idea to investigate as soon as possible to see how many bastards Leitis has on his hands.

Marito has already instructed the dark side to investigate Raitis. It's just that with the bastard in the group, you have to avoid any careless actions.

That is, if there is someone with a special talent for covert operations.

I'd like to help you as well, but ...... the dark side of Garne is frankly not that great.

You're here?

In a manner of speaking. I'm not sure if you've ever heard of this, but I'm sure you have.

It's more like you're letting the merchant turn you into a merchant. It's not the best way to find out the details of a secret organization.

But if you just want to know what's going on in each country, you'll be safer than a professional.

"Garnet will be busy building his army in the future. Let the other countries take care of it.

Considering the Scarlet Witch King's stronghold, the easiest places to invade are Garne and Mejis. Quama and Taize have limited travel routes. It's a good idea to make sure you have the right equipment in place for the battleground areas of Ghanae and Mejlis.

"Well, I thought I'd let you know. There will be a meeting against Scarlet in Garnets soon. King Taze will receive an invitation tomorrow. Of course you're coming.

"Well, I'll be there. I wonder if the Demon Lord will invite the kings of the world.

The only people who know that King Garne is the Demon King are the heads of the three countries, Marito, Pope Eupalo and King Zenotta.

The Archbishop of Yugra also knows to some extent, but he has been forced to refrain from sharing this information with other countries.

If this were Earth, the king's ears would be like a donkey's ears, and the word would easily spread, but the Archbishops are trying to avoid unnecessary confusion.

That's because if they spread rumors, they'll know that Shigeya Yukura is a match-pump. We can't do anything rash.

I've already told Torin and Selende about the mistress in their letters to the king. If you don't chicken out, I'll make a fool of you.

"So you call yourself the Demon Lord. Doesn't that mean they'll attack us if we don't?

There's a Quama between Garne and Thorin and a Mejis between Celende and me. If it comes to it, they can hold them off.

He's being coy. Ghanae's neighbors are Tarz, Quama, and Mejlis. Torin and Selende would have to march over each of these countries to invade.

Naturally, no country would be comfortable with armed soldiers from another country crossing its territory.

There's no need to worry about Mejis and Quama, who are on high alert for the Scarlet Witch King, turning on them.

But that's only while the Scarlet Witch King is invading. "But that's only while the Scarlet Witch King is invading.

But that's only if the Scarlet Witch invades. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it. I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you.

I'm sure you'll agree. She seems to be saying that there is no such thing as impression manipulation from her point of view, as she can implement various strategies in the virtual space of the power of governance.

"You're very confident.

I have a man with three demon lords in my corner. I'm counting on you.

You're leaving it to me. Well, I'll help you.

Of course I can't abandon her. I have a difficult personality. And lately, I've been taken advantage of a lot.

"I'll give you any reward you want. Even a mistress.

"Yes. You'll have to help me found the Jestaff.

You're greedy. Her beauty could make a man faint at the sight of her.

Only the Harkdock.

But in this battle, all nations will know the state of the world. Even if the Scarlet Witch King's invasion goes off without a hitch, the course of the world will be different from the past.

Let's wake him up one more time.

"Don't play with him. Look at his sad, fainting face.

There will be more accidents like this. The three Demon Lords on our side are all free spirits who don't give a d*mn about Hark-dog's convenience.

The only thing we can do is to help Hark-dog with his mental training.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!