Published at 26th of April 2023 05:35:30 AM

Chapter 221: That's why it's fake.

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We visited the trading post of Landsle, the head of the Horsteal Trading Company. The climate in Trinh is hotter than the rest of the country, but it's much cooler in this trading hall.

"Well, well, Mr. Littoral.

Landseer, it's you. I hope you don't need the head of the trading post to greet you.

I'm a busy man, but I owe you a debt of gratitude for all you did for me in my youth.

Langsre was one of my favorite merchants when I was an adventurer. The fact that it is now useful as a base of operations reminds us of the importance of causality.

Is there anything unusual about this?

"There was an inspection by Trinh's army a short while ago. There have been a number of dealings with Rhaetys, and we believe they are investigating the relationship.

Reitis is a nature-worshipping sect, and the best organization to use in our activities without informing the public. Their influence is far less than that of the Yugra cult, but they are very useful in finding those who do not conform to the teachings of the Yugra cult.

The incident in Quama exposed the connection between us and Rhaetys, and Trinh, where Rhaetys' holy place is located, was thoroughly investigated by Trinh's army. However, since the holy land is only a religious base of operations, no evidence of a connection to us could be found.

That should not be a problem. You're just collaborators who don't know what's going on. You're just cooperators who don't know what's going on.

"I don't want to cause any trouble, and I want to minimize the number of people I share the situation with. I understand those reasons, but I'd be happy to rely on you more.

"It's enough that you don't know what's going on, but you're willing to help. Those contacts are invaluable. How's Solide doing?

At the mention of Solide's name, the situation in the randos thread changes slightly. I'm giving Solide a position as the person in charge of our activities in Trine. This reaction suggests that we are not building a good relationship.

I'd say he's doing well, but ...... he's not doing anything special, so it's hard for me to report on what he's up to.

I guess. Well, I'll do the talking, and you can go on as usual.

Solide is at the back of the building, in a room reserved for entertaining guests. As he walks into the room, he can feel the air gradually becoming filled with a sweet smell.

The smell of incense, not bad in small doses, though even a ...... prostitute wouldn't burn this much.

When you open the door to the room you're looking for, the sweet smell of incense is even thicker, numbing your nose. The room is filled with smoke from the incense being burned, and you find Solide sitting nodding on the back of a chair in the middle of the room.

"-Ritual. What's the matter? It's been a long time since you've been here.

Solide is dressed in big clothes that don't quite fit him, and he's looking at me with vacant eyes peeking out of long hair that hasn't been cut in over a decade. After being in the scent of the incense for so long, my various organs would have become numb. I even feel that I might not even be able to think.

I thought I'd show you my face once in a while.

You don't look like that. ...... Oh, something's wrong, isn't it?

I'm glad your intuition is as good as it's always been. Well, let's start with the story, shall we?

I'll tell Solide what's happened. Solide listens with his eyes closed, as if he were asleep.

"Ritual, the reason you came all the way from Serende to see me is this. "Ritual, you've come all the way from Serende to see me, so I take it that the people of Yugra are quite capable?

"They may be young, but they're just as good as me. But if you and I work together, we'll be enough.

I'll do it myself. You just give me the bare minimum of information and I'll be fine.

That's what I thought. Solide is not a cooperative person, not because he is proud of his abilities, but because he simply does not want to cooperate with others. He has no qualms about dealing with inferiors, but he will almost certainly not work with equals. He takes out a bundle of parchment that he has prepared in advance.

I knew you'd do that. I already have the information you need.

"Yeah, yeah, you're right about that. Everyone is always complaining about 'cooperation is more efficient' and 'camaraderie', and the important thing is to be able to move comfortably. The important thing is to be comfortable.

"But I too have been entrusted by Nektohar to protect you. I'll be staying in Torin for a while, and I'll intervene if I think you're in over your head. You'll have to bear with me, though.

You don't trust me, do you?

That's the price you pay for not trusting me. I hope you'll keep in mind that the only reason you're still able to move freely is because there are people who appreciate your abilities.

Solide will handle the front end. I'll stay behind the scenes and prepare for the movements of the Yggra people. If Solide is to be overthrown, so be it. If Solide is overthrown, so be it. In the meantime, I'll make my preparations for victory.

"Power is less valuable if you don't wield it when you should. But it's the person who has the power who should know when that time is. I don't want to adjust to other people's needs. But the people of the planet Yugra? But if the Yggra Star People are really as nasty as Ritual says they are, then it's not a bad idea to have fun with .......

Solide doesn't care about anything but what interests him. He doesn't care about anything other than his own interests, even Nektohar's goals. But once he decides to make a move, his energy is unparalleled.

"I have one request: Landesle is a valuable asset who is willing to help even if he doesn't know the situation. Do your best to avoid causing him any trouble.

"As much as possible. Copy that. Copy that.

I can't expect this reminder to have much of an effect, but it should at least be able to guide the man's actions somewhat. In the worst case, though, you'll have to be prepared to let Landesle escape to Serende.

I'm not sure what to do.

Check out the items that have been prepared. All of them are rare items that you can't find in the market. Ao has done a really good job.

"Is this enough?

"Very well. There's very little competition and it'll be easy for Horstal to see.

Of course it is. Not many people like to collect plants and ores in the demon world.

The products we sell are from the demon world. For Trinh, things from the neighboring country of Quama are not so rare. But the things that can be obtained in the Quama demon world that borders that Quama are not so easy to get. The only people who go to the demon world are adventurers, knights, priests and other martial artists.

But, compatriot, wouldn't it be too conspicuous to sell the goods of the demon world? That's exactly how Rituals are supposed to work. ......

If only we were the ones selling it. All of these items are supposed to have been collected by JaeStaff and purchased through Quama. By now, Quama's marketplace should be filled with similar items. Any merchant with a modicum of skill would have immediately jumped at the chance to do business.

And in a little while, goods from the demon world will also be available in the neighboring country of Trinh. But in reality, these goods are collected by demons under Ao's control. We have the authority to control the total amount and the price.

The only one who has the right to explore the Quama Realm is Lord Jestiff. It will be very difficult for others to outsmart him, and it will also enrich Jestaff-dono's funds at the same time.

"Well. Even if you want to collect it secretly, you will need to hire adventurers and prepare wards to protect the miners.

The Quama demon world has become a relatively safe area since Ao agreed to peace with Quama. But the fact remains that there are demons in the area, and the magic of the demon world is poisonous to humans. It will cost a lot of money to prepare a stable supply line. On the other hand, this is a simple plan where all Ao has to do is give orders to the demons.

I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this.

It's a good rule of thumb to sell your goods at a price that's a little less than fair. In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at the web site.

In the event that you're not sure what you're looking for, you'll be able to find out more about it here. I'm sure you'll be able to find some very rare items that you can use to make a profit.

sir. I'm sure you'll be able to find something that you can use.

Yeah. Until now, adventurers have collected them while killing demons, and they've been collected by well-wishers. There's a certain amount of testing and experimentation that needs to be done.

I think that would take a lot of time. ......

I've already asked Nora to do some of the research on Taze's side. I've already arranged for the rest.


"Nora's mentor, the great sage Balastos. I heard he lives in the forest near the border of Quama and Torin. I'm going to go see him now and negotiate.

I sent a letter to him and received a favorable response, but I think I should negotiate with him in person. I've been indebted to Nora, and I want to thank her for that.

The Great Sage Balastos. I've heard that he's quite skilled in the study of magic. ......

I'm sure you'll be glad to hear that. The only thing I'm looking for is the appraisal of goods from the magical world.

The only ones that are currently on the market are the ones that Nora has finished researching beforehand, the ones that are simple and easy to understand. But if you can find other useful items, the market will grow even larger.

As for me, I'm curious if it's safe for the ...... demons to show their faces?

If they try to dissect you, you can run.

"Dissection .......

I'm not sure what to make of this. In response to Nora's occasional status report letters, she would send me a few demons to use for experiments. If the demons show their faces, they will be more than happy to play with them.

I don't like it when you say that. You can do whatever you want with Exoik.

"Well... In any case, I have to guard my people, so I'll go along with you.

As for the guards, there's me and Mister Harkdock, if not Mister Eckdrops.

That's right, I'm coming with you! I'd like to meet the Great Sage at least once. I'd like to meet him at least once!

It's not that I don't trust you, but if you're traveling a long distance, it would be more useful to have me there.

Incidentally, Harkdock is currently in the next room. Since Ao and Harkdock cannot be in the same room at all times, it was decided that whoever was in the room first would move to the next room in case one of them came in later. Harkdock said, "I'll always move to the next room, okay? But Ao had suggested this. Hurtdog was moved to tears by this concern, but it didn't matter.

If Harkdock is going, I'll stay here. I'll stay at home if Harkdock goes. ...... It sounds like a terrible thing to say.

"Don't worry about it. Even I can tell that you care that much.

It's also surreal to watch them talk through the door.

It's also surreal to see them talking through the door." As I was muttering this, Marya raised her hand in a hesitant manner.

"Oh, my compatriot. Can I come with you?

I don't mind. Even if there are a few more of us, we won't have any trouble getting around with Ekduik and Kutou.

Thank you very much.

...... I'm fine with ...... too.

If you and Harkdock move separately, Ao can come with you. I'm not going to open my mouth because I don't think it's a good idea to invite him too much. To the forest where Balastos lives, I will take Ekduik, Harkdok, Lakra, and Marya.

It would have taken a considerable amount of time to get there by horse, but with Ecdysium and Kutou, we could travel by air and save a lot of time. I asked Exdoik to carry Marya and Harkdock, and Kuto to carry me and Lakra, and we arrived at our destination forest.

It seems that the forest itself uses a special magic. If we don't follow the correct procedure, we won't be able to reach the house where Balastos lives, so we'll have to walk from here on out. Make sure you don't get separated.

The forest was foggy, and it was easy to lose sight of the others if they got too far away. It's not a problem since Ecdysium has put chains around everyone's arms, but if I had come alone, I would have gotten lost.

It looks like they're using some kind of magic to mess with our sense of direction. This is very helpful.

"Next stop, ......, that tree.

In order to proceed through the forest of Balastos, you need to follow the code engraved on the trees. It seems that the cipher is changed regularly, and the method of deciphering it is also changed every six months to a year. The disciples of Balastos have been taught the cycle of code changes, and can proceed without any problems. However, invited guests are taught the procedure only once in a letter they receive in advance.

"Compatriot. I was wondering, if the letter is stolen, does that mean that bandits can break in?

"The letter itself is a normal thing. However, it seems that this road is being monitored and if it is a bandit, the code will be switched on the way. So an uninvited guest would get lost on the way.

That's scary. ......

But it sounds like it's true, bro. I've been hit by some kind of detection spell a few times now.

I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea. I wouldn't be surprised if Harkdock or someone misread a letter and got lost.

After two hours of walking through the forest, you decide to take a break, and you notice that the fog around you has lifted considerably. Then I saw a house deep in the forest.

It looks like we're here.

We're finally going to meet the Great Sage, Master Shosho!

"...... But first, ...... is this some kind of prank?

A prank? What's going on?

The Lhakra in front of me tilted his head. The others don't seem to have noticed, but this is clearly odd.

The others don't seem to have noticed, but this is clearly odd. "I'm guessing Barastos sent you, since Harkdok doesn't seem hostile. Who the hell are you? I'd like my real Lakra back.

Ecdysium and the others reacted to my words and surrounded the person who had taken the form of Lakra. The person didn't seem to be in a hurry and was smiling with an amused look on his face.

What do you mean, brother? Lakra is not Lakra. ......

I'm not sure what to make of this, but I'm sure it's a good idea. It's amazing.

"How did he know?

He looks exactly the same, but he walks and breathes differently. Also, your sense of distance from me is different from usual. It's like you're judging me or something.

"...... is a bit of a judgment call, isn't it? I've been able to successfully replace the chains that held me together, but there's nothing I can do if I'm exposed like that.

If a person in the form of Lakra snaps his fingers, his form changes in an instant. It is a woman dressed like a wizard in a fantasy world. The only problem is that her clothes seem to be too small.

...... Are you Barastos, by any chance?

Yes, the Great Sage Balastos. My little apprentice is in good hands, aren't you, Star People of Yuggra?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!