Published at 26th of April 2023 05:31:11 AM

Chapter 325: be beaten for one's own sake.

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"Mmm-hmm. Long time no see, mistress! I kept you waiting!

I didn't wait for you at all. I didn't invite you.

You're banned.

Isn't that harsh?

It's a sad story when you're staked by someone who's a bit of a jerk. I was invited to have dinner at Purple's villa today, so I wandered over and saw Gold. Let's not worry too much about whether this is the body or the alter ego.

Are you done with Garnet? I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

I don't know. It was troublesome because his approval rating dropped and people who wanted to be the king came to harass him. But it's all over now.

"Huh? Even if it's because of me and Purple, the image of the Demon Lord is still the worst, isn't it?

That's right. To be honest, it's your fault, isn't it? I didn't do anything wrong.

I've done nothing wrong, mistress, but now you're staring at me like you hate me. But how did you manage to solve it?

This world's history is being set up by Seiya Yukura. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea.

In fact, there have been no major wars since the creation of the Six Powers by Seiya Yukura. It seems that there have been a few minor conflicts due to disagreements within the country, and small countries like Spine have been born, but basically, the six major powers have maintained peace.

However, Gold is the Demon King, an existence that the world hates as a common enemy. Naturally, when her true identity is revealed, there will be many people who will try to eliminate her. If she is to remain king, she will need to find a way to silence them.

"I've done a lot of things while you were busy with Thorin and Selende. I've filled you in inside and out.

You had the help of King Zenotta and King Talma on the outside, right?

Yes. Yes, and at least a little on Taze's side.

Whatever he is, the gold is the king of Gahne. To remove him from his throne, you'll need a certain amount of power.

It's impossible to eliminate him by force. Garne Castle is like a demon world to her, and there is no one in Garne strong enough to kill her in Garne Castle.

In the first place, she is dealing with a demon king who has been feared throughout history. No one would be foolish enough to rely on Garnets' internal strength, which is completely known. That's why we need to bring in legendary figures such as Lord Ragdor and Gladna, but each country already has such people.

So how do we get rid of them? The answer is simple: prove that Gold is not necessary for Garne. No one will accept him as king. No matter how good a king he is, he will not be able to continue his reign if he puts himself in such a situation.

Some of the noblemen of Ghanai were trying to instigate the people and the soldiers to make this happen. The fact that they wanted to include the soldiers was a sign that they were convinced that the gold would not take aggressive measures, but I won't say anything about that because of their attitude of trying to get things done peacefully.

However, the miscalculation for them was that the agitation did not go as well as they had hoped. The title of "Gold of Rule" is not a bad thing.

"If you do not recognize her as king, so be it. "If you don't recognize her as king, that's fine... but she must be replaced by someone everyone else recognizes. If you can do that, I'll gladly give up the throne.

When she revealed herself, the fact that she had already offered these conditions publicly greatly hindered their actions. "He's a demon king. He's a demon king and therefore not fit to be king," but they couldn't find a king to replace her.

Opinions in the country were divided 50-50, and the instigators could not steer the people as they wished. But they did not give up. They were convinced that if they took their time, they would be able to gradually increase their own ranks.

If the people's opinions continue to be divided, the mentally exhausted will seek peace and sway to one side or the other. The nobles, who are the aggressors, not the passive ones, have the advantage.

That's why Kim took the measure to put the weight on his side before the people's opinion tilted to the disadvantageous side.

The King of Ghanaians is the only one who is willing to support the current Ghanaian government. If all the countries agree that she is the rightful king of Garnets, the nobles can't continue to ignore that opinion.

Even if the gold is removed and a new king is installed, the surrounding powers will not be pleased with the result. This fact would have greatly reduced the momentum of the nobles. Even merchants would have been reluctant if their business partners, whose interests were so important to the nation, had shown reluctance. If the people saw that other countries were accepting the idea, they would have a new basis for judgment.

If they are made aware of the practicality of the situation rather than the legends of the past, it is only natural that the cause of the 'demon king' will be weakened.

"Of course, it's not free. "Of course, it's not for free, but we've made a deal with her to let her use her power of governance when countries are considering new policies.

It's a bit of a slippery slope to absolute success in domestic affairs.

In the first place, for the king of a great country, who the king of another country is is of secondary importance. What is important is whether or not the person will be beneficial to his country.

"Didn't he negotiate with Medis and Selende?

"There's a new king in Serendry. I will negotiate with them in time. Mejis is busy with ...... the other side, and we must cut off his escape route.

Noufsa is thoroughly pragmatic. If you want to rebuild Selende, he'll take advantage of anyone he can, even the Demon Lord.

But Mejlis is not so easy to deal with. This is because in Mejis, where the religion of Yugra is central, the influence of the cause of "being a demon king" is far greater than in other countries.

In fact, Mejis is divided into two factions: the Pope Eupharo, who is trying to make peace with the Demon Lords, including the Gold, and some Archbishops, who insist that we should continue to view them as enemies.

If Pope Eupharo supports the money, no matter how much it benefits him, the loss from domestic opposition may exceed the gain.

Even so, the authority of Pope Eupharo will not be lost. I heard that Archbishop Uca has been recommended as the head of the anti-Eupharo faction.

I understand the feeling. There is simply no one better than Pope Eupharo as a cleric, and the way to attack him would be through personal connections and such. In such a case, Archbishop Ucka, who is well connected and has collected most of the funds of the Yugoslav church, would be very attractive.

But the fatal point is that the Archbishop of Uca is a Dantotsu Eupaloist. The Archbishop of Uca respects Pope Eupharo more as a person than he does the teachings of Yugoslavia. It is almost impossible for the anti-Eupharo faction to come to power. It would have been better if Archbishop Serraes were still alive.

There is another reason why Gold did not embrace Mejlis. It is a way out for those in Ghana who are strongly dependent on the Yugoslav religion. No matter how many major powers supported the gold, there will always be opposition. If you want to forcefully suppress such people, it would be better to let them escape to Medis, so that you will have less worries in the future.

But the nobles didn't want to give up, did they?

"The outer moat was filled. I gave them a little taste of the power of governance and they quieted down.

Oh, that's really not fair. The only way to take the throne from the gold with the outer moat filled is to fulfill the conditions she mentioned. If you can prepare a human king, even if he is a little inferior, it is possible.

But the power of the Reign is that of a transcendent being prepared by Seiya Yukura. The difference is more than just a little. If you see it, you'll be at a loss.

"You're a demon king.

"Mmm-hmm! You're a demon king. I have to show him the obstacles he has to overcome. What do you think? What do you think? I've decided on a plan that you might think of all by myself.

"Yes, yes. I'll do it, I'll do it.

I climb into someone's lap and comb the tail of the proud-looking Gold. The only time I'll praise someone who wants to be praised is when I know he's really worked hard, but now would be a good time.

You've been working hard. You've been working hard, so enjoy your tail!

I'll tolerate you for today, but I'd appreciate it if you didn't scatter your hair all over my house.

I don't know if you've been through a lot, or if it's just time to grow back, but you've lost a lot. Hair on my tail.

"Na ...... what the hell ......?

When I showed him the hair on the comb, he made the most serious face ever. Thank you for your time.

"By the way, Gold said he decided on a plan like yours, but how would you have handled it?

"Hmm? They're the kind of people who want power for personal gain, right? I'd just make them want to give up their power for personal gain.

It's not like the anti-Euphoria group, who want to eliminate the Demon Lord as an enemy. You don't need to negotiate with the king of another country if you want to break the hearts of those who are drooling and breathing hard for the cause. It's not that difficult to calm down the people who are wavering between the two when the one who had the power to make the wavering disappear.

"Isn't that right, Demon Lord?

...... Mistress, you're more human than I thought. ......

You're a demon king.

I'll tell you what.

After the battle of Serendipity, I returned to my brother in Jestaff. I would have liked to say goodbye to my brother, but he was still recovering from the horrible treatment he had received from that bastard Mursht.

Hark-dog, where are we going to get all this stuff?

"That's tools, right? That's the barn over there. I'll take it, Smaitos.

Don't be ridiculous. I don't care if I'm a woman, I'm not going to let a man with two arms carry my stuff.

I got my right shoulder blown off by Murscht in that fight, and now I can't move my right arm that my brother gave me. The Purple Demon Lord is currently keeping my right arm and has it modified so that it can be connected to my shoulder area.

I heard that Wolfe lost both arms as I did, but he's using arms that don't need a core like my brother. It can't pass your magic, so it's almost useless in battle, but it's easy to adjust and so on.

I'm going to have to work with Jestiff's brother to make this country a great country. He's in league with the Demon Lord and has many enemies. I'd like to have a high performance arm even if it's a bit troublesome. Well, I don't have the option of wasting my brother's arm in the first place...

"Okay. Is this a good place?

Yeah, thanks. So, where's Komiha?

She's taking care of the kids. She's working hard so she can skip work when Eckdruk comes.

I'm a little surprised. I was expecting you to go with them now that you've joined up with Ritual.

I wouldn't leave my kids behind.

If you had been with your brother, you would have known they were safe, right?

The brother of Jae's staff would never treat the bastard kids so roughly. Smythos and the others who worked for him would have known that for sure.

We have a good supply of understanding manpower, and we don't have to worry about the bastards even without these two. If you're only thinking about the future of the bastards, there's a lot more you can do by going back to Ritual.

"That's true. You're right. Even if you're not as good as Mr. Lityal, Mr. Jestaff is a good man. That's why we wanted to help you in earnest. This country is working very hard to prevent racial discrimination. It's going to be a good country, not only for subhumans, but also for bastards. It's a good place to work for me.

I agree with you, except for the fact that I think Rytal is better.

That's the difference between us being picked up by the same person. I'm not going to argue with you. I don't want to argue with you. Well, my boss is not bad, so I'm not complaining. I'm not complaining. He's not the fisheye-eyed man with a taste for torment who gouges out people's old wounds with that smile, okay?

"Oh, yeah.

If Smyths had a chance to get to know his siblings a little better, I'm sure he'd miss them more than he does. ....... It's not like they have that much contact with each other, so it's not something I'd worry about.

I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one.

"Me? You'll get your right arm back in time.

"No, the other two.

Smythos pointed with his chin in the direction of Masetha and Tudori, who were quietly drying the sheets of the house. In the event that you're not sure what you're looking for, you'll be able to find a lot more information on the web.

It's amazing. The air is so tense in there. Can't we get along a little better?

It's your fault.

After I was defeated by Mursht in Serende, I was walking with Masetha when I ran into Ritual and the others. I bowed my head and begged them to save Masetha, and they readily accepted my request.

After that, Tzadari took me and Masetta to a safe place, and both of us were treated safely.

But for some reason, after that, Tsdoari was strangely irritating to Masetta, and Masetta reacted to that, and we had a bad relationship.

I'm not sure if it's my fault. ....... I'm sure you'll find a lot of people who'd like to know more about this.

No, that's not the point. You don't remember what you said in front of Tudor and Ritual?

Huh? I'm not sure if I said anything funny. I'm sure you'll be able to find something that will help you out.

"...... 'He's more important than anything! That's what he said.

Oh, I may or may not have said something like that. Well, I'm not lying. Masetta was willing to risk her life to save mine. If Masetha hadn't stood in front of Mursut, I would be dead.

If Masetha had died, I would have had no choice. I wanted to help her first and foremost. ...... What's wrong with that?

What's wrong with that?" "...... Okay, don't forget. It's a lot of trouble. I don't have time to worry about anyone else, because I'm too insensitive and I know I'll have a hard time.

I don't have time to worry about others. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it. ...... So, I'll invite those two for a drink today.

I'll take care of them. So let me hit you with one for now.

Oh, my God.

I think the best way to get to know each other is to sit down and have a drink together. Also, I got the feeling from Smyth's fist that he was not only irritated with me, but also had some personal feelings mixed in.

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