Published at 26th of April 2023 05:30:25 AM

Chapter 339: come to fruition as a consequence.

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I grabbed Yokus and Maya, and as I was watching the Medis in the sky, I received a transmission from Marito.

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this, but I'm going to be able to do it.

...... is too much.

Yox spilled his angered words. It was a village he had inspected before the battle began, but there was nothing left of that time.

All that remained was a plain of blackened charcoal scattered here and there. It was as if the village had been engulfed in a huge fire that scorched even the earth.

"Judging by the charcoal, it's not an explosive spell. It's more like the temperature of the space rose rapidly and burned up in the process.

Analyzing the traces in the village, he looked towards the center of the village. From above, it was immediately apparent that the heat source originated in the center of the village.

The person who had created this scene was also easy to find. As I descended toward the center of the village, I saw an unharmed man standing there.

A thin man, not a soldier or a civilian. What is more certain is that this man has not changed his expression at all while looking at this strange scene.

You're awfully fast. That's the power of the Golden Demon Lord's Reign, right? That's a handy power.

You're not trying to hide it.

I'd be interested to know how you can lie and deceive me in this situation.

Is that a sign of confidence, demon?

Oh, yeah. If I kill you right away, I'll have to greet you again. Hello, my name is O'Farrow. It's just a blaze of sunshine consuming the world. ...... That's not something you say more than once a day. Make sure you share the information.

He took a glance at us and then looked around again. There were plenty of openings, but he didn't want to take the easy way out. My nose, which should normally be able to smell the strength of my opponent, is not giving me any information. It must be some kind of concealment magic or something, but it's so much better than the great demon's detection ability that I have to be wary.

"Enjoying the aftermath?

I like to remember the marks I've left. I want to remember all the things I've hurt, all the things I've destroyed with my will. I want to remember all the things I've hurt, all the things I've destroyed, all the things I've done, because I feel that what I've done is more valuable than what others have done.

I don't want you to see the value in killing people.

I don't want you to see the value in killing people. Even human hunters brag about their kills. I'm a demon. Man and beast are different. Just like you humans don't see Demon Lords and Demons as people.

Well, that was ego on the part of the humans.

O'Farrow looked at Maja and smiled, narrowing his eyes. It wasn't meant for public display, but a look of pleasure and interest.

I like it. I like that unpretentious look. You listen to me, but I sense you're ready to dispose of me as an enemy.

I just don't think we're on the same page.

Just as Maja was about to attack the O'Farrow, the wreckage of a nearby building moved. It was at the center of the attack, yet it burned less than the surrounding area. It gave the impression that it was the only place protected from the attack.

Everyone's eyes moved, and they recognized a moving shadow beneath the wreckage. It's a moving charcoal, no, it's burnt all over, but it's in the shape of a person.


Maja shouted, rushing towards the figure. I also sensed a faint leak of magic power and recognized that it was Archbishop Ucka.

I'm better at sensing magic than Maja is. Even so, Maja realized before I did that it was Archbishop Ucka who had fallen. There must be some other factor at work here.

Orfalor looks at Maja, who is casting a healing spell on Ucka, but doesn't seem to move. It's not because I or Yox haven't lowered our guard, it's just that he doesn't intend to make a move.

There's a living person in there, even with the low light. Oh, the guy who was talking to me. I put up a ward as soon as I could, but it held.

"Maja! Where's Mr. Utka?

She's breathing! But we need to get him to a place where he can get proper treatment. ......

Ukka's condition is so precarious that it's a miracle she's even alive on human terms. But if there is life in him, it is possible to prolong his life and save him.

Maja understands this, and is giving priority to maintaining the body's activity over external injuries. If we can continue the treatment and get Ucka out of here, we might be able to save him. But--

You want to run? I don't mind. I don't want to kill anyone in particular, and I'm not obsessed with people I've failed to kill. But let me ask you a question.

The Overlord bent his head and looked up at the sky in the distance. He looks inward at Mejlis.

"I'm going to burn the land of Mejis after this. I'll easily burn down a village or two while you run away with the man. Still, what's the point in helping the dead man?

It was true that letting O'Farrow go at this moment would directly lead to more damage. The decision to save Ukka is the same as risking the lives of the people nearby.

We are the ones who should be asking this question. It is not the Orphalos who are destroying humans. Then what is the meaning?

"You're a naughty boy. Do you really want to see me struggle so badly?

Yes, I do. I want to see a person with a strong will like yours struggle. That's what I want to see.

I'll give you my answer. Yox, take care of Utka.

Yes, sir!

Leaving the healing to Yox, Maya stood up and turned to face the Overlord.

"Don't you dare throw me a choice between the two. I'll save Ucka and I won't let you go. I'm not letting a fallen child like you go free.

That's easy for you to say. But if we fight here, no matter what--

Maja's figure suddenly vanished. By the time she realized it was a combination of illusionary magic and walking, Maja had grabbed Orfaro by the face and thrown him as far away as she could.

The Orfaro flew away without resistance. When he returned his gaze to where Maja had been, she was already gone. She must have moved towards the Orphalos.

"Yox. When you're done with the man, take him to a place where he can be treated. I'll follow Maja.

"...... Okay. Take care of Maja.

She took out her wings and flew towards the direction the Ophiror had been thrown. Maja was already attacking the Orphalos there.

She closed the distance with her illusions and slow movement, and struck with a fist strengthened with purification magic. She grabbed up the arm that was trying to defend and kicked him in the side that was empty. You grab him by the hair and force his head down, then kick him in the knee.

That erratic movement is not from training, but from skill and experience cultivated in actual combat. If it was just physical combat, he might even surpass me.

But even in the midst of his fierce attacks, you can sense his intent to keep the Opharo away from Yox and the others.

There's no grace in your fighting style.

If the demons were suffering from grace, they might have adopted it. ...... Duvvreoris!

Yes, sir.

As his body floated in the air, I matched my 'roaring right leg' with his. His body was so light that he couldn't kill the momentum and was flung out of the village.

That's a good kick.

That should be enough to keep him at a distance. I'm going for the big one. Leave the breaking to me.

You got it.

I follow the O'Farrow out of the village grounds. He was standing up and spitting out the blood in his mouth.

His body was sturdy enough to withstand such an onslaught, but the damage had certainly been done. Compared to an opponent like Arcturial, who couldn't even be touched, he would have a good chance to win. However, there is one thing that bothers me.

"Hmm, my tooth is broken. I haven't felt this feeling in a long time.

"Why isn't ...... trying to fight back?

Yeah. He's never fought back. He's moved his arms and legs to defend himself against Maja's attacks, but he hasn't tried to eliminate us as an enemy.

If they wanted to just kill us all, they could force Lazarikata or Zahava to do it. But since Master Kuro ordered it, I have to kill them too. If I'm going to remember it, I want it to be memorable when I look back on it. If I just kill him, he won't even remember me.

The name "Zahava" referred to the demon tribe of the Kuro Demon Lord, as I had learned from the communication crystal earlier. If so, then the existence named Lazaricata must be one as well.

The O'Fallow was deliberately being attacked, and the reason for this had no tactical significance. His pride was probably due to his absolute confidence in his own strength.

"Really? Well, I've had friends killed by demons. I'll do it without mercy, regardless of your intentions.

Do what you want. You can do whatever you want. I'll let you eat me too.

As Maja jumped into the air, I came up behind the Overlord. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to be able to do it.


I felt a strange sensation in my arm and pulled out the pierced arm to check. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it. Maja's fists are reddened, and her shoes are charred from the kick.

The air around the Overlord is shimmering. Even though he's far away from me, I can feel the strange heat on my skin. And his evil magic, which I hadn't felt before, was now perceptible to all my senses.

I'm sure you've heard of the ...... Zahava demon tribe who called themselves spiders and used spider legs as weapons.

The Orphalos called themselves the Flame-Yang. ...... So that's what they were.

The earth beneath Orfaro's feet begins to melt with heat. He doesn't deal in fire or heat, he's a mass of heat himself. He raises his own temperature and wraps the whole village in the heat.

I'll limit the spread of the heat so you can still breathe. But try not to give up. If you do, it will end soon.

◇ ◇

The spider is trying to survive the onslaught of Zahava, and accumulates attacks aimed at destroying the body. He is wary of decapitation, but not of counterattacks against the spider's legs. He is aware that his strength is being reduced, but he does not have enough time to prevent counterattacks to his limbs.

"Depressing, depressing, depressing! You're so unsightly, using all these defensive techniques! I'm sick of it!

"That's my line. It keeps regenerating even after I slash it. I'm not going to let this turn into an endurance battle though!

Just as Arcreal sliced off the spider's legs, Girista jumped in from behind. The greatsword, which opens and closes like the mouth of a beast, unleashes its power and bites into Zahava's torso.


"Ahh! It's better than biting a man to pieces!

Zahava released her magic enhancement and purposely severed her body to escape from the great sword. As he regenerated, he kept his distance and turned his gaze viciously toward Gillista.

Arcreal and I were not fighting defensively, aiming for an endurance battle. We were making a timing for Gilista to slash at Zahava.

Gilista's magic sword eats the magic power of the person it slashes. The blow would have caused more damage to Zahava than he had imagined.

"Oh, that sword. I thought I recognized it, but it's not Poshmak's sword. It was recovered by the humans.

"Oh, so the original owner's name was Poshmak. That's a pretty name.

Just a name. Like you, he's a sweaty, battle-hardened bozo. He's a hotheaded idiot from the guards.

I like muscular men, don't you?

I don't care. I don't care what you like. But that sword is really annoying.

Zahava is no longer able to hide her annoyance. Arcreal and I stand beside Gillista, ready to attack.

So far we've been able to get our whole bodies used to his movements. From now on, we can fight well enough while protecting Girista.

You can handle Zahava's attacks, block his counterattacks, and let Girista cut you down. If we keep this up, he'll weaken and slow down. Then you'll have another chance to hit him in the head.

The tide is steadily turning in our favor, but concerns remain. For example, Zahava is not using any magic tools, despite his inability to attack. As far as I can see, he doesn't seem to be carrying any kind of weapon, but it is possible that he has one hidden somewhere.

So why don't you use your magic tools? I've heard that the Kuro Demon King gave each and every demon family a magical tool. It's not like you lost it, right?

"Yes, I did. But my ring is not meant to be used as a weapon.

Zahava will stick out his tongue at us. There is a hole in the tongue with a ring through it. There was no jewelry on it, just a simple black ring that was shiny with Zahava's saliva.

I was a little disappointed that Zahava revealed his hand so easily, but thanks to Arcreal, one of my concerns has been removed. If it is not to be used as a weapon, the ring is probably to be used for defense or under special conditions.

It's nice that it doesn't increase the number of attackers, but we should be wary of a tool that we don't know when it will be used.

Hmmm. I thought they were giving out one weapon per person.

"You lack imagination, my dear. I'm just an ordinary village girl. How am I supposed to handle a weapon?

Does an ordinary village girl have to deal with gravity magic and spider legs?

That's a matter of taste.

"Too much of a taste, commoner.

Zahava turned her gaze to the demons fighting in the distance. I'm not sure if you've heard of it or not. They are steadily reducing their numbers.

It's not likely to change even if we continue like this. I'm sure I'll have to change that.

"Oh, you want to play a trick? You don't need more limbs, do you?

Eight limbs are enough, I won't add any more. I'm not going to add any more, because eight is enough, but I will add a few more .......

Zahava charges in. Gilista leaps backward, and Arcreal steps forward. I move back a little, so that I can prevent Zahava from making a surprise attack on Girista.

Zahava thrust out all four of his spider legs. Arcreal evades the attack and cuts them all off in a fluid motion.

'You'll waste all that length if you use it when you get close. Rather, I'll just use this time to cut his neck!

The sword in Arcreal's grip shattered and Arcreal's body was blown to the side. The sight almost made him stop thinking for a moment, but he came back to himself and looked at the attacker.

Zahava's spider legs were still in the process of regenerating, and he was wielding the arm of the human part...!

Oh, that's it, that's the feeling! Oh, how wonderful!

"This is--

Zahava's arms were distorted and deformed. Her muscles and skeletal structure have changed, like the legs of an insect. It's not just her arms. Even her legs and torso are giving up their human form.

The regenerated spider's legs regain their original function and support its body by stepping on the earth. From a humanoid with spider legs to a spider with a humanoid body, the spider transforms fearlessly into a more inhuman form.

"I will say my name once more! I am Zahava! I'm a spider who kills all human vermin for the Demon Lord!

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