Published at 26th of April 2023 05:43:47 AM

Chapter 34: It has become narrower for the time being.

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Well, it's been a long time since I've felt so radiant!

Reach out toward the blue sky. Keep stretching and sighing.

Forget about books and the Demon Lord, it's been a while since I took a walk alone.

Ilias is working as a knight, and Wolfe is training at the castle. Wolfe has become quite at home in the city. In fact, she has been issued a pass that allows her access to the castle.

Lord Raggedy took the trouble to prepare this for him, as it would make him more popular with Raggedy's troops, and would liven up his training.

The quality of the pass is not as good as the one we have, but it is still exceptional among ordinary people, or even among the Kuro Wolves.

The grandfathers who are refining their skills say that it is too valuable to teach. Maybe they will start using various weapons soon. It's scary.

But I'm sure Wolfe will keep his power in check. She's not like the Iliad.

But it's a beautiful day. ......


I sit on a chair in the square and soak up the sun. The last time I was here, there was a battle with the dark forces, but now there are no traces of it.

Even the parts that were supposed to have been destroyed have been cleaned up. Isn't the power of magic amazing?

Yes, yes, magic, magic. Since I came to this world, I've been told that my magic power is hopelessly low, and that I can't even cast a spell, let alone use it, but I wonder if I could use some kind of magic.

See, at first, even a flame from a match is fine. It is said that magic power is like physical strength, and the more you use it, the more you recover and the more its absolute value increases. So I think you can grow to a certain extent with training.

Once you have some magic power, you may be able to use large scale magic with the help of magicians and catalysts.

But who should I ask to teach me? Maja is going to be busy soon. The preparations for the festival have begun.

I hear there's a man in the castle who specializes in magic, so it might be a good idea to make some connections.

Oh, it's a beautiful day. ......

I'm sorry.

I've not been able to communicate with people since I came to this world.

There is a wide range of people, from the king at the top to the taverns in town at the bottom, but it's just a few people.

However, it would be a shame to increase the number of relationships where people ask for each other's contact information and that's it, or where people are invited to drinks as a social courtesy. .......

I don't want to feel that kind of constriction in this world. And I don't need to feel that way.

However, I do miss them as much as anyone else. I wonder if there is a girl I can play with.

It's a nice day, no, it's a nice day. ......



"Blah, blah, blah.

Well, let's go get some lunch.

You're completely ignoring me?

He's got my leg. You've got the weight of a man on your feet.

Let go, Lacula, I'm having a good day.

"Then don't leave me in trouble, Master Shosho!

"Let go, Lakra. Naturally, I wanted to ignore him, but it was too much trouble to escape. It's not that I don't feel a little guilty.

I've cheated you a lot with the book, and you've taken advantage of me. I apologized later with Marito, but I suppose I should at least follow up a little.

Incidentally, since I was officially appointed by Marito as a candidate for the position of Shosho, I will continue to be called by this name.

"Actually, I was kicked out of Maaya-sama's church. ......

"Don't talk without asking why. Oh, so you were excommunicated from Yugraism. I'm sorry to hear that.

It's not that bad!

I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but I think it's a good idea. You said it in one breath!

"You said that in one breath! How do you know?

You don't know?

Maja's church is now crowded with Yugoslavians. The harvest festival is coming up and there are a lot of people coming and going.

Lakra is clumsy in all but combat. She was setting up the wards for the book and seemed to be able to do the job reasonably well, but Maja told me later that an ordinary cleric could do it in a tenth of the time. I was ashamed of myself for thinking that it would take so long.

Anyway... If Lakra wanted to help, it would have taken her much longer. The other day, when I was taking Wolfe to and from church, I heard shouting from the back.

"Shosho-sama, please help me!

What do you want me to do? I'm not competent enough to fix your clunker.

That's all right! No, it's not fine!

And by the way, you can't rent the inn.

Why not? Why not? We're friends, me and the librarian!

I'm staying at Iliad's house. You can't just add more housemates!

What the hell?

A surprised and embarrassed look on her face. I can almost guess what she's going to say next.

"A man and a woman alone under the same roof!

"Wolfe is here too.

"All in harmony?

Are you casting a spell on yourself?

No, you can't do that! What if there's a mistake with someone like Shosho and those two?

The only mistake that could happen is a slaughter due to a mistake in force. The only mistake that will happen is a slaughter by mistaken force. Even if we try to make a mistake, it will happen.

"...... Well, that may be true. But those two are less than twenty years old!

They're tough.

No, I have to do a thorough audit here! I have to protect them from the Shosho-sama's ulterior motives!

You're the one with ulterior motives. You're the one with ulterior motives.

"I'm lonely sleeping under the night sky. I'm scared!

I've slept in the mountains before, so I understand. But it's a good memory.

I don't want to sleep under a chair in the square anymore.

And there he was, right beside me. Look closely and you'll see there's a rush mat under the chair. Wasn't he a priest? Maja is an archbishop, but isn't it a big deal to kick a priest out of the church?

"Since he doesn't seem to listen to me, I'll ask the Iliad to say no directly. ......

It's unavoidable. Since Lakra is very familiar with us, half-hearted persuasion will be counterproductive.

Let's have Ilias, who is more or less engraved with fear, say no to the idea once and for all.



That's bullshit!

Why are you mad at me?

I ran into Ilias, who was having lunch at a market stall. The result was an immediate yes.

He said, "Why would anyone want to see a priest sleeping in the square? The treatment of the Juglar religion could be a problem. And how can a knight leave a woman out in the cold?

Think about it. There are only three bedrooms.


First of all, considering the state of mind of the housemates, you don't think the landlord would let them share a room, do you?

Well, I don't know. I'm not sure I'd want to put them under the care of the Iliad. ......

I don't mind, but I certainly don't want my partner to be intimidated.

Next, you should avoid single-s*x rooms. Isn't that right?

Right. There's no one you can mess with, but it's against public decency.

So, two rooms is inevitable and non-negotiable.

Why don't you share a room with Wolfe?

Why not share a room with Wolfe?

What if she gets the clunker, you idiot?

Isn't that awful?


Mr. Iliad?

This is the level that even the quintessential Iliad is troubled with a serious face. No, your brainchild is just as bad as mine.

I'll put you in the attic.

All right, thanks for the help. I'll take Wolfe.

No, I'm kidding. Why don't you clear out that storage room and give us some room?

I can't help you. It's too heavy.

What, you're going to make the landlord do all the hard work while you stay here?


I'm sure Wolfe will do it without complaint.


"Hmmm, the tables have turned.

Lakra is proud of his victory. If this continues, our family's caste ranking may drop even further. Should I really consider changing my residence? No, that would be like running away from Lakra.

I just genuinely feel like inflicting despair and regret on Lakra.

You mean it, don't you?

The Iliad will continue its knightly duties. He can't just take Lacla home with him.

In addition to a large chest of drawers, the storage room on the second floor contains items that were used by Ilias's parents before they died. In the first floor storage room, there were other belongings and miscellaneous items stored in different levels.

Among them are swords, spears, armor, and other armor. He wanted to move them to the first floor and sort them out.

He told me that he had only brought in what he could carry when he moved out of his previous house, and had not even sorted them out.

Hard work, of course. You can use Lackey to do it, but he'll screw it up. We need a strong man. That's why I'm going to pick up Wolfe.

"Oh, Shishou.

Sorry to interrupt your workout, Wolfe.

No, I'm having a hard time!

Well, I'm sorry to barge in on you like this, but I have something sad to tell you.

Sad. ......

"Lacula is coming to my house.

What's so sad about that?

It's a sad story. In any case, the ratio of men to women will increase. It's going to be a very narrow field.

That's great if it's a harem, but none of us have that kind of relationship. No, even in harem stories, if there is not enough balance of power, men will have a narrow shoulders.

"Lakra ga Kuru...... are you sad?

It's not like that, Wolfe! It's just that the Shoshou-sama has a bad personality!

I'm sure you're not the only one.

...... Maja is a bit of a jerk.

"Wolfe is very happy. He's all right.

What a good girl!

Lacula, you're hurting me.

d*mn, the Wolfe are not half as tolerant as you think. It's hard to get rid of them by majority rule.

I guess I'll just have to give up. I tell Wolfe about the storage room, and we leave together.

"I'm home.

I'm home.

I'm home!

There's already someone who thinks he lives here. Even Wolfe was a bit reserved on his first day. But we can't get anywhere with all this nit-picking. Let's get this done as soon as possible.

"Then, Wolfe, take the things downstairs to the living room in the order I've given you. Ilias's precious things are there, so carry them carefully.

Yes, sir!

What do you want me to do?

Don't do anything.

How dare you?

No, I'm not kidding. Weapons and armor are too heavy for anyone but Wolfe to carry downstairs. We could carry them together, but I don't want to do it with you.

I was about to agree, but then I thought, "Too bad!

I've simulated this several times in my head, and I'm pretty sure someone will get hurt. I'm sorry Wolfe, but I'll leave the heavy lifting to you.

But to do nothing is ......

"Then go take a bath. You've been camping out.

Why don't you take a peek at ......?

Trust me. I'll resist temptation, and I'll throw in a few bugs.

Please don't!

That's why I succeeded in locking the dangerous Lakra in the bathroom and started work.

The belongings are mainly divided into clothing, armor, tools for the clergy, and daily necessities. They seem to have been placed in a certain degree of disarray, so let's sort them out and put them in order.

Wulfe, I want you to gather all the weapons and armor in this area to the right side of the living room. The clothing racks will be on the far left, and the household items in the middle - well, I'll take those over here.

Yes, sir!

Now, if we're going to do this, let's do it quickly and thoroughly. Roll up your arms and carry the tools to the entrance so that Wolfe can carry them easily.

I used to do it by myself, but it's nice to have someone to help. Especially with Wulfe's enhanced magic power, even the heaviest of furniture can be carried easily.

I'm jealous, I've been battling with sore muscles for days.

"Aaah! You're a bug! Master Shosho?

I heard something screaming in the bathroom. And I think I'm being falsely accused. I could head for it, but I can see that it won't end well.

"Wolfe, go get her. And tell him I didn't do anything.

Yes, sir! There's an absolute certainty about the Shishou!

Where did you learn to say that? And you sound like a criminal.

I hope he comes back safely. ...... I thought, but sure enough. When he came back, Wolfe was wet in places, as if he had been hugged by someone wet.

I'm afraid that locking me in the bathroom will get in the way,.......

I'd better hurry this up. If he joins us and helps us, it could be a disaster. It's been a while since I've been serious.

All right, I'm done.

It's done!

All the tools have been removed. Next is cleaning. But I've done the rough cleaning before, so it doesn't take much effort.

Lakra, who had just come out of the bath, said she could do this, so I decided to leave it to her.

He would probably tip over the bucket, and it would be dirty by the time he was done. Ignoring the shouts from upstairs, I quickly went to the bathroom to remove the dirt.

After that, I let Wolfe use the bathroom, and I made a cup of tea, ignoring the cries I heard upstairs.

"I'm done!

"Oh, good work. I've made you some tea, drink it.

Thank you!

Cleaning finished. ......

Oh, I'm leaving a bath for you. Go take another bath.

You've already taken a bath, but you've left the bathroom dirtier than before.

Don't throw any more bugs in there, okay?

I haven't even done my first crime yet.

I don't know what else to do. I don't have a futon, but I'll let her go for today. You can buy it at Mr. Van's store tomorrow. We'll need a lot of daily necessities anyway.

Then I don't need to worry about Lakra anymore. Now we just need to figure out what to do with all this stuff in the living room.

Wolfe is also looking at the daily necessities with great interest. Many of them were used by the aristocracy, and would be unusual for Wolfe, who had started life as a commoner.

It seems that when Ilias was small, he lived in a reasonably large house. But now he lives like an ascetic. In terms of training alone, he is probably a hermit.

Out of curiosity, I picked up the smallest sword I could find. Even so, the hefty weight of the sword still gives me an unusual feeling.

You try to pull it out of the scabbard, but it gets stuck and won't come out. After struggling for nearly a minute, he finally managed to pull it out and see the blade.

It's a good sword.

Even an amateur can see it clearly. The well-cared-for blade had not a single chip on it. It was probably a ceremonial sword that had rarely been used in actual combat. It is simple, but the blade is beautifully decorated, and the polished edge reflects your appearance as if it were a mirror.

"It brings back memories. My father was given this sword by the previous king.

He was surprised to hear Ilias' voice behind him, and almost dropped the sword. He was surprised to hear Ilias' voice from behind him, and almost dropped the sword, but the weight of the sword prevented him from losing control of it.

Don't talk to him so suddenly, it's dangerous.

I did call out to him, though.

You've been watching. Welcome back, Ilias.

Yeah, I'm back. It's quite a lot of stuff, though, isn't it?

Ilias sighs as he looks at all the artifacts laid out in the living room. At the very least, I can't eat well without them.

You must have some feelings for them even if you dispose of them. What are you going to do with them?

"It's a bit of a problem, but we have to sort it out to some extent. My mother's clothes may be worn in the future. My mother's clothes may be worn in the future, so I'm going to put some mothproofing magic on them and store them at ....... Do you need ...... my father's clothes?

"Yes, they're the right size. I like the fact that he's not flashy.

My father was a strict knight. It would be nice if you could wear some of his clothes and be influenced by him.

They say that any relic with such an effect is cursed.

Who would wear clothes that change their personality just by wearing them? But if you think about it, a businessman's suit can also be a personality switch. Yeah.

"If you want to use armor, you can choose whatever you want.

"I'm not strong enough to wear armor. I don't have the strength to wear armor and I don't have the strength to wield a weapon. This will do.

On my hip is a piece of wood I picked up in the woods. I've converted it into a wooden sword for good measure.

You won't be able to train with it. It'll shatter in one hit.

It's okay. It's all right. A sword hanging from it will make your opponent shrink.

In Japan, you'll be questioned for carrying a wooden sword! Passersby will give you a blank stare and keep their distance!

But if you put some magic power into it, can you use it to a certain extent? No, but if you put enough magic into it, it'll work?

"At any rate, I will never lend you this partner.

If you're going to be my partner for life, why don't you choose something a little better? ....... It's like a child's toy.

I'm sure you'll be able to understand why I've been so impressed with your work.

"This is to remember my original intention when I came to this world. It's a weapon to fight my own pride.

"...... Oh, well, that's just as well.

This is the only weapon you can wield, and no matter how strong your allies around you are, you are only this good.

Don't forget that. Don't be too dependent on your friends. You are the weak one in this world.

I really wanted to carry the first one around. ......

I think I have some ashes left. Do you want me to get them from the barracks?

It would make a good fertilizer for vegetables.

I eat vegetables made from my partner's ashes. If I told anyone, they'd be horrified.

Anyway, I'm done with the clothes. Keep the weapons for ceremonial use. The unused weapons will be donated to Raggedy-doo. The mother's business tools will be donated to Maja. Daily necessities that could be used were to be taken back to the trading post. However, some of the items, especially those used by her parents, would be kept in Ilias' room.

If you have anything you want, you can have it. I'm sure they'll appreciate being used.

Just the clothes are enough. The more stuff I have, the bigger it will be when I leave here.

Moving is hard enough, I'm going to be a minimalist in this world. I'm going to be a minimalist in this world. The treasure box where I keep my memorabilia is going to be quite bulky, but I'll ignore that.

...... Are you going to leave?

It's not that soon. If one of us gets married and starts a family, we won't be able to live together. Ilias has just come of age, but I'm old enough.

I think it would be wrong for an adult male to live with Iliad when Iliad is married and has a family. The opposite is also true.

Yeah, that's true too.

And when I don't have to stay in this country anymore, I'm thinking about visiting other countries.

Are you unhappy with Tarz?

No. I know a lot of good people and even the king is nice to me. You won't find this kind of environment in many other countries.

People who give you lodgings conveniently, restaurants that serve the food you like, merchants who understand you, and a king who takes care of you, honestly, it's too much.

I don't think this will last forever. Is it prudence or worry that makes me think this? --Maybe it's both. In modern Japan, the landscape can change in ten years.

Why would you want to leave your country?

I want to find a way to get back to my world.

I think it's not bad to live in this world, but I haven't given up on the original world. I deciphered the book, but it didn't have a single piece of information on how to return to the original world.

But I've invented a magic of resurrection, the pinnacle of this world, that is forbidden to earthlings. There may be a way to return to the original world.

But at least Taze doesn't have any more information lying around. It may come to him eventually, but I doubt it.

"Does ...... Chikyu have any friends or family?

I don't know. I don't know. If it's just about relationships, this might be better.

Do you still want to find a way to get back to your world?

I'm enjoying this life. I want to take care of Wolfe, and I want to repay the debt to the Iliad. But I don't know what the future holds. I may miss the conveniences of the past, and I may lose the will to live in this world.

In fact, this world doesn't suit me. I'm still a realist even though I'm in a fantasy world.

The people around you are all superhuman, and you could be seriously injured or killed at the slightest chance.

In modern Japan, such dangers are limited to being careful of accidents. There are crimes such as fraud and robbery, but the judicial, legislative and administrative systems are functioning reasonably well.

Obviously, it is in the latter case that it is easier for you to utilize the skills you have acquired to protect yourself.

Like the Iliad, I don't have a set way of life. I don't have a set way of life like the Iliad, but I may see such a path someday. It's a habit of our world to think that the more options we have for that time, the better.

It's good to have a straight line to your dreams and ambitions. But not everyone has a path they believe in. So be prepared. "Well, I'll be happy to return the favor.

"Well, I won't forget to return the favor or irresponsibly throw things away. Leaving a bad taste in your mouth is not a safe way to live.

That's not what I'm worried about. It's just ......


...... I'm sure Wolfe will miss you when you're gone.

Yeah, maybe. I'll probably miss you too. I want him to have better encounters and experiences before then.

Wolfe is very fond of me. She might say she'll come with me when I go back to my world.

So we should make sure she's on her own and has a reason to stay in this world. I'll take that much responsibility.

What are you going to do when Wolfe wants you first?

It's just that I haven't taught him enough about the world yet. I'll take my time. Of course I won't give him to someone who doesn't deserve him.

He's probably the best thing that's ever happened to Wolfe. But Ilias is closer in age. I'm sure they'll get to know each other even better in the near future.

As they become more comfortable with relationships, they may find love as well as friendship. Then you'll find a better man.

Huh, ......, you really are a father figure.

"Well, he's older. I've decided to take care of him.

I hope you'll at least look good in your father's clothes.

That's difficult. If I had met him before he died, I might have been able to imitate him.

After that, we sorted out the remaining belongings and disposed of each at a later date, thus completing the work. Lakra, who wanted a futon, will sleep with Wolfe in his room.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!