Published at 26th of April 2023 05:29:50 AM

Chapter 349: Consequently, it is superior.

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I have a theory that abnormal people are born from their environment. As a result of adapting to a distorted environment in order to prolong their life, they become abnormal from a third person's point of view. The engraved results will forever bind the person's way of being and sometimes create a monster that defies expectations.

When I first saw him, Zahava was a below-average ordinary person who had no sense of talent whatsoever. She was aware of this, and was nothing more than a shy girl, somewhat timid and unable to take a strong stand against others.

For a girl like her, a world where war was an everyday occurrence would have been cruel. Zahava had lost her mother before she could remember, and was raised by her father, a soldier of the exiled nation.

He was raised by his father, an exiled soldier, who had no way of knowing or wanting to know how high a position his father had once held, but he remembered that his self-esteem was unnecessarily high. For such a father, having a shy daughter who was inferior to others was an unbearable humiliation, and Zahava was often beaten by her father when he was drunk.

She was not given proper food, and was locked in the storeroom whenever she misbehaved. He laughed at his parents for being foolish enough to live in such a way that they could not give him the confidence he wanted.

But then a turning point came for Zahava. When he was locked in a storage room, he was bitten by a spider. The unsanitary conditions aggravated the wound, and she developed a high fever and nearly died.

It may not be something to be proud of, but it's still a useful tool. Zahava's father had no choice but to take her to the doctor. That's when she met the Kuro Sister.

She was furious at the sight of Zahava. Parents, who should be protecting their children's future, only bemoaned their children's performance and did nothing to guide them. It was unacceptable for them to threaten the life of their child.

The Kuro Sister took the initiative to save Zahava by working in various ways. She established an orphanage to take care of orphaned children, and separated Zahava from his father. He even knocked down Zahava's father in a fit of rage, which is quite impressive. She showed us a new possibility in a rotten world where nothing of value could be found. For Zahava, Kuro Sister was truly a savior.

After that, she was always hiding behind my sister's back, which was annoying because it reduced the time between us. Even though she was always hiding behind her, she would occasionally give me a resentful glance.

To Zahava, the black sister was life itself. As long as she was there, there was no need for anything else. He was completely dependent on her, if I do say so myself.

Speaking of the black sister who was involved, she had been thinking about the possibility of this happening from the time she saved Zahava. Even so, she had saved Zahava with the intention of carrying her life on her shoulders, rather than being killed as a tool by her cruel father. We tried to improve the situation over time, but Yugra and I both agreed that it would be impossible.

Zahava was still shy, but he had gained the only purpose in life. His persistence to protect it was enough for Yugra to recognize.

When he realized this, Zahava began to show unusual hostility toward anyone who harmed the black sister. And the people to whom she directed this hostility disappeared one by one. At least dozens of people who were inconvenient to her had disappeared since she had started hiding behind her sister's back.

In addition, the smell of blood was stuck on Zahava, but no one wanted to touch it. She had decided to take on the Kuro Sister, and it didn't matter to me or Yugra as long as we didn't become her enemies.

The only reason this guy was able to awaken as a demon is because he wasn't on the side of the black sister at ...... that time.

After resurrecting the demons, the second wave immediately began to invade. In the meantime, I took a break to prepare for the third wave. And it's time for me to take a break to recover more magic power in preparation for the sortie.

I had too much time on my hands, so I was sorting out my things, and I found some documents about Zahava and the others that I had compiled a long time ago. If the Kuro Sister doesn't come back, I'll use them. ...... Now that I think about it, there's no way I can control them.

The meaning of Zahava's life is to die as a part of the Kuro Sister. If she wants to be destroyed, then she wants to be destroyed. No matter what the destination is, as long as he can die where she walks, he's fine.

If you want to die for love, go ahead. If you want to die for love, go ahead. You're more than welcome to be useful.

The next thing I picked up was Lazaricata's material. Lazaricata was among a group of newcomers to the village where the Kuro Sister was. In other words, they were the people of an exiled country that had just been destroyed.

Lazarikata was the daughter of one of the most powerful people in the village. If the country hadn't fallen, she could have been a princess or a queen. Well, she's not the right person.

The village was supposed to be a place where people who lost their countries could work together, but Lazaricata's family brought a disturbing trend into the village. They were trying to rebuild the country somehow, and they wanted to use our village.

It was a real possibility. Our village was under the cooperation of other countries, but the people around us had a lot of trust in our village, and if they had decided to use our village as a starting point, there would have been a lot of people who would have followed us. The influence of the black sister and father was that great.

From the beginning, Lazaricata was hostile to the Kuro Sister. She was the one he had to overcome in order to take control of the village. The people around her were similar, and the atmosphere in the village was quite bad for a while. Even so, the Kuro Sisters accepted Lazaricata and the others, so the difference in capacity was obvious.

In conclusion, Lazarikata's family failed. They couldn't take away the influence from the Kuro Sisters, and if anything, they destroyed themselves through the machinations of their own relatives. It was a good memory that Yugra and I laughed at the thought that if they wanted to challenge the Kuro Sisters, they should at least come together as one.

Lazarikata was on the verge of being executed as a criminal by the country that supported the village. It seems that Lazaricata had been falsely accused by her uncle's trickery.

The Kuro Sister rescued Lazaricata. She succeeded in proving that the crime she was accused of was based on a lie, and stopped the execution.

In the end, Lazaricata was also indebted to the black sister. ...... Lazaricata became even more hateful towards the black sister's actions. The fact that it was given to her by someone who took it from her was an unbearable humiliation for the woman.

If anything, she even tried to bear the sins that the black sister proved to be false as the truth. He's really crazy.

Even after that, Lazaricata continued to take advantage of the opportunity to take the Kuro Sister's position. According to Yugra, Zahava tried to kill him several times. Lazarikata is still alive, so he's a tough guy, isn't he?

In the event that you're not sure what to do, you'll be able to find out what to do.

Lazaricata's goal is and always has been power. She is also relentless in her pursuit of the position held by the Kuro Sister. In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.

And ...... this?

It's a good idea to get a copy of the book before you buy it. It's a bit silly to read this stuff seriously, but I guess I'll at least read .......

Orfalor is a sinner. He has committed many crimes before he became a demon, and has even killed many people. Unlike the spider, an addicted woman who disposes of her prey in a secluded place, Orfalor committed his crimes with open evidence.

He was an orphan who had washed up in the village and was a childhood friend of my sister and me. But like me, he hated human interaction and was even more gloomy than I was.

For that man, the starting point was that day. There was an incident where livestock escaped and were eaten alive by many wild animals. O'Farrow was punished as the one who caused it.

At first, Orfallo claimed that he did not do it. However, many evidences and testimonies suggested that he was the culprit, and none of the adults believed him.

However, it was later revealed by the investigation of the Kuro Sister that the testimony was fabricated and set up, and that she was really innocent in that case.

The O'Farrow was tied up on a sunny hilltop as punishment for missing the livestock and for continuing to tell lies without admitting guilt. He was tied up on a sunny hilltop as punishment for missing livestock and for lying about his crimes.

"You are evil. Accept it.

The adults spat these words at O'Farrow, who was begging for help. The Kuro Sister and the father tried to admonish him for going too far, but at that time, the village was divided into factions, and the father and the Kuro Sister did not have enough influence.

In the end, O'Farrow was released only after a few days had passed and O'Farrow, his body and soul drained and even his tears dried up, admitted to a crime he never committed.

Orfaro was treated as a villain even after that. The adults around him laughed at him as his eyesight deteriorated and he was forced to walk with a cane during the day. The children realized the gravity of the sin of lying. As an orphan, Orfaro was being exposed as an example of good education.

If it had ended like this, he would have been just a poor guy.

Orfallo was quiet for a while. When we saw him in the village, he was harmless except for the creepy glances he gave us. But around the time we changed from boys to young men, he began to show his unchanging inner self.

Suddenly, the livestock, which were supposed to be quiet, started to rampage and attacked their owners. A shed that had just been built began to collapse as soon as the owner entered. Suspicious incidents occurred one after another, and the village soon realized that someone had done this with malicious intent.

Or so they were led to believe from the start. There was a lot of deliberate thought that went into it so that many people could witness it and understand it.

The people in the village gathered evidence and decided that it was the O'Farrow, so they went to the hut where he lived. And when they saw what was there, they knew that the man had stepped outside their understanding.

There were dead bodies, people who had disappeared unnaturally while the village was focused on a small incident.

Every one of the bodies had been subjected to various tortures while they were still alive. Not a single one of them had a decent face. I threw up when I saw that. I'll never forgive you.

The villagers rushed to get O'Farrow. But O'Farrow wasn't easy to catch. He deliberately left a trail, lured and attacked the villagers who were after him.

It is said that the villagers, who were intentionally kept alive, said to O'Farrow, "Why are you doing this? O'Farrow replied, "You wanted this.

"You wanted me to be evil, didn't you? You wanted me to be evil.

Orfalor continued to run amok. He caused a lot of damage to neighboring villages and the country, and was feared by everyone as a freak killer.

Eventually, he was captured by the Kuro Sister with the help of Yugra and was about to be handed over to the state for execution. ...... At that time, the state betrayed us.

I'm not sure what to make of this.

You will find a lot of things that you can do to make your life easier.

I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

These people are crazy. That's why they have been able to maintain their ego even in the unbearable passage of time as human beings. They're flawed as people, but they have great talent as demons. I'm a little jealous of that.

I was cooler than they were. I understood from the beginning that if I became a demon, I would live for an infinite number of years as a non-human, and that my heart would be diminished by that time.

That's why I didn't have the courage to become a demon of my black sister. I became a servant of Yugra, who somehow managed to help me.

I don't think I made the wrong choice. If I had become Kuro Sister's demon tribe, I'd be in the crowd of demons led by those freaks right now.

The power I have acquired is also much greater than those freaks. If you look at the results alone, it's a great decision, the best possible outcome. I don't have to be afraid of those freaks like I used to be when I was human, and I can kill them all by myself.

I guess it's because of him that I don't feel right anymore.

He's weaker and smaller than I used to be. I was terrified of him. No matter how weak you are, depending on how you are, you can still outperform the strong and the mad. The man I wanted to show the old me is now standing against a hero who can destroy the world.

Oh, how I regret it. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it.

Well, ....... I'm not sure what to make of this.

There is a strange lag in the images of the messengers that were placed around the black sister. I'm not sure what to make of it.

If it was Yugra's work, I would have been able to see her, but it was impossible for her to obstruct my vision. If it's Yugra, there's no way I'd notice. Then someone else is trying to deceive my eyes.

Find and analyze the magic that was used to sabotage it. Identify its owner. ...... You f*cking murderer!

...... No, this is ......

I was going to kill him without question, but something was wrong. I found O'Farrow's body lying in the vicinity, but I don't know where his spirit is. You can't even find it inside the Kuro Sister, or even a hint of the man. ....... There's no trace of him here. Then it's Yugra who's responsible for this.

I'm sure he's not the only one. Because he can move his body. So I adjust the wavelength of my magic power to the space Yugra is likely to create, and search for him.

And I find a virtual world that was created just now. Inside was ......, Yugra, Opharo, and that guy.

If Yugra is there, then Orfaro can't cause any problems, but I'm still curious. So I'm going to try to break in. I'm sure this is the world Yugra created, but the accuracy is very crude. I'm sure he created it in a rush, but couldn't he have done it more carefully?

The connection is established, and the mind is transferred to the virtual world. There, the three people I observed are all there.

"Oh, Tedral. What's so urgent?

Yes, in a way! Yugra, what's going on here?

The O'Farrow was interested in him, and he was trying to get into the Kuro, so I gave him a chance to do what he wanted.

"Nah ......

How far will this murderer go to stir things up? I'm not sure what to make of this.

I'm not sure what to do. It's obvious that the O'Farrow and this man had some sort of exchange. But what's the result of that? Why is O'Farrow the only one on his knees with such an exhausted look on his face?

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