Published at 26th of April 2023 05:41:34 AM

Chapter 87: First of all, see through.

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The three-day preparation period has begun. I wonder if Folkdrekra is still observing to switch places with someone.

I've already explained the situation to Ilias and Lord Ragdoll, and although they won't accidentally strike back, they won't be in a good mood.

I had an appointment with the Purple Demon King during the day, so I went to Mr. Ban's mansion.

"Why are you here?

"Wherever she is is her own business, isn't it?

Aside from her guards, Ekuduk and Duvraeori, the other companion was the Golden Demon King.

The mood between the two is very bad, one is the one who tried to invade, the other is the one who threatened to prevent it, and made the pawn he prepared for a long time to be fed to the demon.

It's just me and him now, though, isn't it? Can you please stay out of this, you irrelevant fox lady?

"It's none of my business, that's for sure, none of my business.

You want to die, don't you?

Oh, you want to kill an unrelated third party, so you're throwing away the game?

Okay, okay, that's enough. If it's a face-to-face meeting, I'll keep my mouth shut, but if it's a fight, I'll intervene, and you'll be dead in an instant.

Why did you bring this guy here?

I didn't bring him. He's been sitting in my house and he's been following me around.

I have the permission of the landlord and of the tenant.

Aside from Wolfe, the fact that Ilias had given his permission was a surprise. The magic of the tail is a thing to be feared.

"What kind of ...... lowly beast is it that comes to his house?

"It's not just the mistress, there are already three women living under the same roof with him.

One is a landlord, one is a protector, and one - just like him.

I'll get you a big bed in no time, won't I?

I don't care how small it is as long as it's quiet and I have a bed and I can sleep alone.

So, Purple, let's see if you can't cheat your way through this game.

"You think I'm going to do that? You think I'd allow you to get him that way?

I don't know. If you can't win or get him no matter how hard you try, a weak mind can't help but be tempted. So how was the game this time?

I'm not sure why he's being so belligerent, but I'm glad he's helping out as a guard.

I explain to the Golden Demon King what the game is about.

"Well, well, well. It's fair for now, if anything, it's in your favor.

"Oh, I don't know about that. It's not easy to see through a forked lekra's transformation, you know. It is not easy to see through Folkdrektra's shape-shifting, and although he has the disadvantage of not being able to increase the maximum amount of magic power, we know that he does not feel that way.

In fact, he can kill even the weakest mistress with the weakest basic ability, so how could purple want a man like this twig?

"Oh, you don't understand him at all, do you, Gold?

"You've already defeated him with the power of Yggra. I'm sure you're not the only one.

I'm not sure what to do. I thought you were too smart for that, didn't you?

I appreciate your praise, but don't let it lead to a fight.

In the end, every time something goes wrong, the two sides immediately start arguing, and I repeatedly admonish him, and the purple one, who is in a bad mood, quickly leaves.

I'm not sure why the golden demon king is so proud of his victory, but what is this guy?

But, my lord, the Purple doesn't play games just to lose. But, my Lord, the Purple doesn't play games just to lose. Even in a favorable game, the Purple has a drop of poison lurking.

What, you're worried about me?

Why, you're worried about me? If you can't take her, let her take you, you'll be in no position to take her.

"Certainly, I don't intend to lose.

"That's a good attitude. Now let me show you around the city and we'll meet.

You know, ......, you're going to be here for a long time. What are you going to do about Garne's office?

I'll take care of that. I'll use this.

I'm going to use this." He makes a small gold demon king appear in the palm of his hand.

The Golden Demon Lord's power is the power of governance, a virtual world that can be simulated, and it is used to navigate and assist in the simulation.

"Here, take this.

A small Golden Demon King jumped down from the top of the Golden Demon King's hand while spinning, but what landed was a Golden Demon King of the exact same size.

He's made a life-size copy of himself, hasn't he?

He must have left his alter ego in Garne Castle as a substitute.

"I can always contact them and give them orders. You can rule while traveling, you know.

As a Demon Lord who specializes in ruling, this is the kind of magic Marito would want.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

I'm not sure if it's because of the lack of reaction.

If you're embarrassed to share your inferiority complex with your mistress, you can borrow one for the night, preferably her own body.

"Well, I've always wanted to rip out all the hairs on this tail, let's count them tonight.

No, no, no!

In the end, my body became Lacla's pillow.

The next morning, Lakra's fresh face told me how comfortable she felt.

Three days later, the day of the game came without much progress in the communication with the Purple Demon Lord due to the interference of the Golden Demon Lord.

The time was just before noon, and the game was once again held in a rented area outside the castle walls.

Last time, there was a grand cooking area, but this time there was only one chair.

This time, the only gallery was the Golden Demon King, their guards, and a forked durekra.

You will be blindfolded from now on, okay? At noon, I will remove the blindfold.

"By that time, someone you know will have replaced Folkdrektra?

I'll make sure he stays where he is until you arrive. The game will go on until the sun goes down, and you are allowed to use other people's help for transportation.

That's great, because I'm exhausted from traveling all over the country.

Then I sat down in a chair and put on a blindfold.

And then, for some reason, someone suddenly sits on your lap.

"What are you doing, Golden Demon?

"How did you know it was me, love?


Tails." "Mmmm, that's my kind of attention. This game will be over if Folkdrektra takes your place.

"I don't think so.

Yes, Folkdrektra's winning strategy in this game is to switch places with you.

He will run around the country as an impostor and announce his defeat in front of everyone.

However, this is not a game, it is only a cheat.

I'm not gonna do that, okay? So why don't you just get out of his lap?

"This is my special seat, and since you'll be bored until noon, I'll give you the honor of stroking my ears and tail, mmm-hmm.

"...... hey hey.

But it's hard to stroke them blindfolded.

I'm not sure what to say. My eyes!

Oh, I'm sorry.

When he tried to grab her, he grabbed her face, near her eyeball.

As if to retaliate, his tail was slapped against his face.

You can gouge it out if you want. I'm sure you'll be able to find something that will help you.

"...... could have done that.

A few moments later, the blindfold is lifted, and it is the Golden Demon King who does the lifting.

For some reason, one of his eyes is red, but I don't care.

"Well, it looks like it's over.

I look around, but there's no change except that the forked durekra has vanished.

I thought about the possibility that he had been replaced by Ecdysius, but then I wondered where he had disappeared to.

By the way, what happened to the person who was replaced?

Of course he's fine. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.

...... Now, what to do.

Let's give it a try.

What's your ambition, Exodus?

What is your ambition, Ekud? - To raise the status of Lakra-Sarv.

"What do you think of Lakra?

"The greatest test the world has ever given me.

It's real.

That's a terrible story.

If you were real, Goldfinger, you'd love to have your ears ripped out. Let me rip them out.

No, I don't think so!

You're real.

Who wouldn't!

Did you see how the forked durekra disappeared?

It blended into its own shadow without any apparent change, and then the shadow disappeared into the ground. I think it's safe to say he's already inside Tarz.

Come on, the game's already started, okay? Is there no need to hurry?

It's not exactly a ...... trap, is it?

Perhaps the trap Folkdrektra was trying to set was to copy your memories. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea. By cooperating with him in the shadows, he will act as if his past memories and behavioral standards are the same as the real thing. It's just that you can't make that decision and you're stuck.

It's true that this method allows for more sophisticated disguises, but then there is no way to expose them, is there?

I told you, I was trying to trick you. You can see that the Purple Demon King has probably forbidden that method.

Yes, I know, right? You're right, aren't you? Folkdrekra suggested it, but I forbade it because it wasn't fair?

I didn't have to ban it, though, because there's a fatal flaw in Folkdrektra's transformation.

Oh, really? In my opinion, Folkdrekura's transformation is perfect.

"No, that's the flaw.

He then stares at the forked durekra in the form of a purple demon king.

"What are you talking about?

"You're Folkdrektra, you're transforming into the Purple Demon King, aren't you?

Oh, but Folkdrektra's not showing his back here, is he?

The gold is right. 

Of course it was the first time they switched. It's a good idea to take a look at the actual information on the web and also to make sure that you are getting the most out of it. I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on.

"So I'll just--

Oh, okay, okay, okay. I'll do what the Purple Demon Lord wants me to do. Let's go, Exod.

Where do you think you're going?

Quick answer.

We'll end this conversation and move on to the Purple Demon Lord's residence.

I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea.

When I entered, the Purple Demon King greeted me.

"I'm surprised you were able to read my plan, let alone my intentions.

"You had me change my appearance and come to your dwelling to prove it," he said, "and you ordered me not to admit it to Folkdolekla.

"...... How did you know, my power was exactly the same as the Lord's!

The forked durekra unmasked and took on demonic form.

It's simple, the emotion in the words is not the same.

"Emotions ......?

I'm good at gauging people's distance, and the emotion in your words to me and to the Golden Witch was too weak. It would have been difficult to ask you to speak to a human in a more friendly manner, and you may have felt uncomfortable directing such strong hostility towards the other Demon Lord.

The first thing that struck me as strange was the purple Demon Lord's words to me, I felt a strange dryness.

Secondly, his words to the Golden Demon Lord were harsh, but did not contain much hostility.

From these, I guessed that it might be.

The purple demon king had a past against us. The Purple Demon Lord has never been irritated with us in the past.

I'm sure you're not the only one who has a problem with this.

I'm sure you're not the only one.

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that or not, but I'm sure I'll be able to.

The flaw in your power, Folkdrekla, is that you can't transform until you're inside. You can't fool me if you don't completely become the Purple Demon King inside.

"Don't be silly, if you do that, even your ego will change!

No, you'll still have your cojones, but you'll be able to come back.

What the hell? What's with the ...... eyes?

I'm not going to tell Ilias and the others. Don't tell the Iliad.

It's a good idea to take a look at your own personal life and the way you live it.

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