Published at 26th of April 2023 05:41:24 AM

Chapter 93: Nice to meet you.

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I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea.

It's definitely the man from that time, the colorless Demon King.

I'm glad, I was wondering what I would do if this didn't work.

"It's sad when the first time is a fish and the second time is an experiment. Mr. Yugra's descendant, would you mind erasing the information this man has given you?

I'm sure we've blocked out all sound, Your Majesty.

Oh, it's a knowledge I'd rather forget, to be honest. I have no regrets.

A vague light appeared near Marito's head.

After a while, Marito wobbles for a moment, but quickly recovers.

I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

I told you so.

But it seems we have met, the colorless demon lord.

It seems we don't need to introduce ourselves. How dare the king of a country make such a reckless decision based on uncertain information? He could have used a suitable criminal.

If that's the case, I'll do that next time.

"No, he won't. If he tries to spread his knowledge further, I'll just give him a headshot and say goodbye.

I can feel the snobbery in the air, you demon king.

"Well, I don't like to talk too long. I'll give you a brief explanation of what the nerds want to know. First of all, as you said, I'm a deterrent provided by Yugra. Thanks to me, Yugra is the only bastard who's ever messed with abominations.

"Contraindication" means resurrection magic.

I'm not the only one, but I'll explain it to you. Yugra is the one who created the framework of contraindicated magic, and the reason it's contraindicated is because you can be spotted.

To whom?

God, of course.

That's God." - That's a very strange thing to say.

Are you insane?

What, there are demon kings and heroes and you don't believe in God? Well, I suppose it can't be helped that this Yugra guy didn't think it was right to look into God. How much do you know about abjuration magic?

How much do you know about contraindicated magic, like reanimation magic, which creates a demon lord by reviving him, or necromancy?

It's not a contraindication, it's a contraindication defined by the Yugra cult. There are three types of forbidden magic defined by Yugra: reanimation magic, dimensional magic and space-time magic.

The number of magic I don't know has increased, but I do know something about the second one, dimensional magic.

It's probably the magic that brought you to this world.

"Resurrection magic interferes with the soul, dimension magic interferes with other worlds, space-time magic interferes with time. These are the jurisdiction of the gods, so it's only natural that they would take notice if a third party intervened with magic, right?

"You say space-time magic interferes with time, what about the Golden Horde's power to rule?

You can be forgiven for the time in your garden, but do you think God will be angry with you for going back in time with a handwritten story?

"Thank you for your confusing explanations.

"In order to get at these contraindications, you need to know the differences between the other world and this world. That's why Yugra has taken measures against those who reach out to them. I've set up a filter on the language and left me as a deterrent just in case.

"And that's why the great demon revealed himself, because he gained knowledge all at once.

That's right. Pretty cool for your first errand, isn't it?

I'm not sure what to make of this.

I'm trying to make sense of it all, and Marito raises his hand.  

"May I ask you a question as well?

"I'll ask you if you'll serve me a nice pastry.


Marito quietly stands up, pulls out a bag from one of the shelves and hands it to the Colorless Demon King.

The Colorless Demon King opens the bag and lets out a squeal of admiration.

I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one.

"My question is, are you one of those Demon Lords who harm humans?

No, you're not. You're not a demon lord.

What do you mean?

What do you mean? - I'm not a demon lord. I'm a colorless demon lord, but I'm not affected by revival magic. I'm not immortal. I'm ageless.

It's a scam.

"If you want to classify me, I'm a demon.

With that, the colorless Demon Lord removes the hood of his robe.

He has dark hair, dark eyes, and dark skin. He looks like a normal human, but I've never seen him in this world except in a mirror.

Are you an Earthling by any chance?

"No, I'm from this world. When you're a high ranking demon, the pigment in your body gets darker. I used to be blonde.

You say you're a demon, so are you sure you were created by one of the demon lords?

Yes, I'm a demon created by the Shiro Demon Lord. I'm a demon created by the Shiro Demon Lord, also known as Yugra the Brave.

...... Wait a minute, give me time to accept.

Marito has his head in his hands, and so do we.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. 

I'm just saying. I'm sure you're not the only one who has a problem with this.

I'd like a more step-by-step explanation.

You're an extravagant guy.

The colorless demon king, he once met Yugra, who appeared in this other world.

The colorless demon king, he once met Yugra who appeared in this other world. Yugra was protected by the colorless demon king just like someone and the Iliad.

Yugra built all kinds of magic from the differences between Earth and this world, and created the forbidden Resurrection Magic.

However, the resurrection magic was incomplete, and as a byproduct, those who came back to life became Demon Lords.

Yugra used resurrection magic one after another to create Demon Lords for his research, but the Demon Lords began to rampage, starting with the invasion of the Kuro Demon Lord.

Yugra stopped his research and turned himself into a Demon Lord to fix the situation.

At this time, the Colorless Demon King also became a demon.

Yugra decided to hide himself and resume his magical research, but there was one concern that arose.

It was the Kuro Demon King, who was said to have given Yugra most of his wisdom.

The Kuro Demon King had come one step closer to resurrection magic.

Thinking that if earthlings appeared in this world in the future, those who gained the knowledge might approach reanimation magic, Yugra created dimensional magic to prevent those in this world from easily acquiring the wisdom of another world.

He set up a classification of forbidden magic and constructed a system to eliminate those who came close to it, and gave the role to the Colorless Demon Lord.

Even if it doesn't violate any of the taboos, if it contains a certain level of danger, that's where I come in. If you want to enjoy your life in the other world, you have to keep a low profile.

With that, he handed me a piece of parchment from somewhere.

It was a list written in Japanese, and looking at it briefly, there was some information that I knew.

It also contains information about nuclear weapons, but Shigeya Yukura must have been around 100 years ago, in the Taisho era, whereas nuclear research on Earth started with the Manhattan Project in the 1930s.

I wonder if Shigeya Yukura is getting information about the Earth in some way.

But when I heard this story, the first thing I thought was.

"You're a difficult person for the Yugoslavs to deal with, aren't you?

"I think so myself.

The demon tribe created by Yugra, the hero who left behind his teachings, is the one that prevents the spread of abominations such as resurrection magic.

But he's a demon lord.

I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this.

You've got a lot to tell me, then.

I don't want to antagonize you. It's better to tell me what you can tell me as soon as possible so I don't have to call you again and again. You seem to be very sane compared to Yugra.

I don't want to see you again.

I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

The one who interrupted me was the Dark Lord.

"Of course.

"Do you know where Yugra is?

Yeah, I'd like to know.

And I don't want to be anywhere near it.

I'm waiting for him to come back.

Does that mean you're ...... dead?

Yeah, I'm taking a break from being pissed at God. I told you, if you use contraindication magic, the gods will take notice. He dabbled in space-time magic without a second thought and incurred the gods' wrath and was killed. I've seen the effects of resurrection magic, though, so I'm sure he'll be back before too long.

Seiya Yukura, who the Golden Demon Lord and Purple Demon Lord had expected to be alive, was already dead.

This was a surprise, but the scale was too large for me when the opponent was a god.

So, thank you .......

In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.

If there's anything else you're interested in, I'd like to hear about it. ...... We've got our hands full with the Purple Demon King, too.

I'm almost always satisfied when I hear that he's not an enemy at the moment.

But there were a few things that bothered me.

I've heard from the Demon Lords that you need a name to pay for resurrection magic, but Seiya Yukura still has a name, right?

"It was Yugra himself who set the name as the price. Yugra is paying a different price.

Oh, I see. I also want to know why there's such a big difference in magic power between us earthlings.

I'm sure you're not the only one.

I'm not sure what to make of it.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing.

I'm not sure what to say.

You son of a b*tc*. ...... So, you figured out what happened?

Yeah, it's easy. Yugra was the same way.

Oh, yeah?

You don't want to go back to Earth, do you?

Well, enough to try to find a way back to .......

That's why it's so hard for people from other worlds to adapt to this one. The reason is that it is difficult for a person from another world to adapt to this world. In order to adapt to this world completely, you need to live as a person from this world, without any attachment to the world you were in before. Yugra gave up the option to return early on, and that's when the magic started to happen.

I was surprised that it was such a mental problem, but when I think about it calmly, it's not a good thing.

As long as I'm searching for a way to return to Earth, I won't be able to adapt to this world.

This is a difficult task.

"You mean I have to give up at least once?

It's not that simple. If you can adapt to this world, you can create magic power in your body, but that means you have to give up adapting to the original world. If someone with magic power goes to a world where magic power has been depleted, Yugra said, they could quickly develop symptoms of incompatibility and die.

If you want to live as a resident of a fantasy world, you have to give up your right to exist on Earth.

The world is not so easy.

You don't have to force yourself to give up your past, you'll be able to create magic, but it's only human. To be like Yugra, you need to stop being human. You're not that desperate to throw your life away, are you?

"Well, yeah. The other thing I'm wondering is: ...... Oh, why did you get sent here from Earth?

I don't know, there's a good chance that dimensional magic is involved. There are no new beings that have acquired dimensional magic.

So the mystery of the otherworldly transfer remains a mystery after all.

I have a lot of guesses, but this is not the time to discuss them.

"I've given you enough information to show you. I have no interest in interfering in the affairs of the humans and the Demon Lord. Feel free to share information about me, though it might give the Yugra cult a headache.

I'd be a lot quicker if you'd explain yourself.

"It's a pain in the ass, and I'll tell you my name if I have to, but you're going to have to solve your human problems with a human. I want you to stop calling me like this, so I'll give you a way to call me.

With that, the Colorless Demon King pulled out a button that looked like it might be used on a quiz show.

It's only good once a month, use it carefully. By the way, don't forget to prepare some delicious tea cakes as compensation.

The moment I thought he put the button in my hand, he disappeared as if he had never been there.

...... What the hell was that guy?

"Come on, .......

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