Jagged Germany - Chapter 1009

Published at 13th of February 2023 06:59:27 AM

Chapter 1009: Desperate (ask for a monthly ticket)

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The coup that broke out in Portugal has attracted the attention of the United States on the other side of the ocean and the British government retreating in Canada. After all, the Portuguese government just rejected Germany's request to buy or lease the Azores, and a coup broke out not long after.

The United States and the United Kingdom have instructed their embassies in Portugal to find out whether there is a German conspiracy behind the Portuguese coup. If so, then they have to find a way to stop the Germans, or ensure that their interests are not harmed.

"Gentlemen, the coup d'état launched by the Portuguese Army Minister Cabezadas has been considered a success. The Portuguese regime has been taken over by them. From now on, Portugal has entered the coup led by Cabezadas. Military dictatorship," Woodrow Wilson said. Although Portugal is just a small country on the other side of the ocean, the change of regime in such a small country does not have much impact on the United States. However, Woodrow Wilson is almost certain that the coup in Portugal this time has nothing to do with Germany. And the purpose of the Germans seems to have been very obvious, and that is for the Azores.

"Your Excellency, although there is no definite evidence yet. But I believe that the Germans must be playing tricks. Before that, the government of Sidonio Pais rejected the Germans' request to purchase the Azores. So The Germans planned this military coup so that they could buy the Azores from the new government. The Germans did this purely for the purpose of obtaining the Azores so that they could have a countermeasure in the Atlantic Ocean. Our naval base. Once the Germans really occupy the Azores, the consequences will be serious. Therefore, we must find a way to stop the Germans!" Secretary of the Navy Daniels said.

Because if the German Navy really owns the base in the Azores, the U.S. Navy will be the first to be threatened. This will be a great threat to the US Navy. Therefore, the U.S. Navy must not sit idly by on this issue.

"So, gentlemen? What should we do this time? If the coup in Portugal is really caused by the Germans behind the scenes. Then, the new Cabesadas government will definitely sell or lease the Azores to the Germans. Then we shall not be able to prevent them from possessing the Azores," said President Woodrow Wilson.

The senior officials of the U.S. cabinet all looked unsightly. After all, after the Portuguese government has changed, they have no influence on the Portuguese government.

"Your Excellency, if it is really impossible to prevent the Germans from occupying the Azores, maybe we can consider the plan we proposed before." Secretary of War Garrison said suddenly.

President Woodrow Wilson frowned immediately. Secretary Garrison's previous plan was to send troops to capture the Azores before the Germans could be prevented from occupying the Azores, resulting in a de facto occupation of the Azores. In this case, it may be possible to eliminate the threat to the United States after the Germans occupy the Azores. It is even possible to operate the Azores as a bridgehead to attack the European continent.

"What if the Germans use this as an excuse to go to war against us?" President Woodrow Wilson undoubtedly worried about this. He is almost certain that if the United States really sends troops to occupy the Azores, the Germans will definitely not let it go. At that time, war will inevitably break out.

"Your Excellency, we have discussed this issue before. If the Germans really go to war with us, then we can try our best to control the scale of the war around the Azores. The scale of the war will not go beyond the Azores In this case, there is not much threat to us. I don't think the Germans will be stupid enough to attack our homeland." Minister Garrison said.

"Your Excellency, we can try it. Perhaps the Germans will acquiesce in our occupation of the Azores in order to avoid war with us. In that case, we will make money. If the Germans attack, we can also take the The scale of the war is limited to the Azores. In this case, even if we lose, we will not lose too much." Minister Daniels also said.

There is no doubt that the military's attitude is clear. They hope to gain an advantage in the Atlantic through a risky war.

Although, there is a great risk in this. However, if successful, it will be of great benefit to the United States.

"Gentlemen, what's your opinion?" Woodrow Wilson looked at the other senior cabinet officials.

"Your Excellency, we may try it. After all, if the scale of the war is limited to the Azores, even if it fails, it will not have much impact on us. We can afford it. said Treasury Secretary McAdoo.

"Your Excellency, although the risks are great, but also if successful, the rewards will be great. Therefore, I think we can give it a try. And, this is not just our business, it is best to bring the British into it ’” Secretary of State Blaine said.

"The British? How can they help? Their navy has no capital ships." Minister Daniels said.

"Although the British navy has collapsed, they still have some small and medium-sized warships that can also participate in the war. In addition, we need to send troops to land in the Azores, and the British can also be useful in this regard." Lane continued.

President Woodrow Wilson nodded: "Since everyone agrees, let's implement it according to the plan of the Ministry of War. Inform the British side and let them participate. At least, when sending troops to land in the Azores, they need Join in."

"Yes, Your Excellency the President." The senior cabinet officials of the United States replied one after another.

"Gentlemen, for the American Republic, this time is not only a threat, but also an opportunity. Hope, God can bless us!" President Woodrow Wilson said.

"God bless the American Republic!" everyone shouted. They all hope that this time they can have good luck.

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