Jiaochen - Chapter 22

Published at 18th of May 2022 06:06:48 AM

Chapter 22

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Too much urgency can backfire.

Probably because she was still in the hospital, Fu Yanzhi ignored what she said.

He just glanced coldly into her eyes, took her hand away and turned out.

Ji Qingying micro Zheng, looking at the curtain that was put down again.

Subconsciously, he clenched the palm of his hand, which also had the temperature of his arm.

She was slow for a few seconds and suddenly regretted.

Not really.

She shouldn't be in the hospital.

Fu Yanzhi is not ignorant of how strict she is in her work.

As a result, she was still joking with him while he was at work.

She buried herself in the quilt, like a balloon that had let out air, with unspeakable regret.

Fu Yanzhi was not very busy in the afternoon, but there were still a lot of people who went to see a doctor for examination.

No, I don't have a foot on the ground, but I don't have a few minutes to spare.

By the time he got back to the office from another patient, there was no one in it.

He was stunned for a moment, took out the mobile phone in the drawer and looked at it. There was a message from Ji Qingying on it, half an hour ago.

Ji Qingying: [it suddenly occurred to me that I still have something to do. I won't let you have dinner with me today. And what happened just now. I'm sorry. ]

after reading the message twice, Fu Yanzhi reflected what she was talking about.

He gave a little finger and just wanted to return the message, the nurse's cry came from the door.

"Doctor Fu, there are emergency patients."

Fu Yanzhi put the mobile phone down and said without hesitation: "good."

He is like a gust of wind, when there is an emergency, the fastest time to arrive at the scene.

Race against the clock.

-After coming out of the hospital, Ji Qingying wandered aimlessly.

On the road, many passers-by's eyes fell on her, and she didn't notice it.

Ji Qingying did not want to use this way to attract Fu Yan's attention.

She just felt that she had done something wrong and didn't mean to let him eat with her.

For now, at least.

Fu Yanzhi is busy with his work.

The reason why he promised himself was that she had exchanged gifts.

It's a deal.

Ji Qing's image is drilling into the top of the ox horn, thinking about this causal relationship all the time.

Thinking about it, I feel worse.

When Chen Xinyu ran down from the company, Ji Qingying was sitting by the fountain pool downstairs.

The setting sun shone on her and covered her with a soft hue.

The only pity was that she looked listless and looked rather dispirited.

Chen Xinyu raised his eyebrows and approached slowly.

She reached out and poked at the shoulder of Ji Qingying: "what's wrong, frustrated?"

After hearing the sound, Ji Qingying looks up.

She was silent for a moment and nodded, "I made a mistake again."

Chen Xinyu listened to the voice, immediately nervous up: "how to make a mistake, you can say."

"I'll give you an analysis."

Ji Qingying summed up his words in the hospital.

After saying that, Chen Xinyu stares at her suspiciously, the expression is very intriguing.

"Why do you look at me with that look?"


Chen Xinyu is a little confused: "what's wrong with this?"

She thought for a moment: "do you think Fu Yan is angry? Or will I have a bad impression of you? "

Ji Qingying thought for a moment: "all of them."

"The main thing is that it would be reckless," she said

She is a person who can reflect on herself. She will review herself if she does something wrong. Similarly, she will always hold on to her heart.

Chen Xinyu said he was speechless.

She knows that Ji Qingying has always been such a character, but she does not approve of her present words and ideas.

She sat down beside her and said faintly, "I think you think too much. Although Dr. Fu is cold, he is not one who will be angry because of some trifles."

As soon as the voice fell, Ji Qingying suddenly said, "so I'm just a little thing in him." Chen Xinyu:

She was speechless for a long time, crying and laughing: "do you still let me go on?"

Ji Qingying chuckled: "you say." She looked obedient: "all ears."

Chen Xinyu looks at her eyes.

She thought for a while: "I think it's Dr. Fu who thinks it's not good to give you a response. After all, she's still at work, and that's what happens."

"Is that so?" Ji Qingying is dubious.


Chen Xinyu reached out and patted her on the shoulder: "don't think too much. It's no problem."

She said with a smile, "if you feel embarrassed, just apologize."

Ji Qingying nodded: "I apologize."


Chen Xinyu couldn't laugh or cry. He said with a smile, "that's right. You are such a smart and sensible beauty. No one will be willing to get angry with you."

This is the truth.

If you don't say Fu Yanzhi, Chen Xinyu can't help her.

In memory, Ji Qingying did a lot of stupid things, and occasionally let the two people into an unspeakable predicament.

At that time, the first thing she would do was to apologize.

Even small mistakes. Because of this, even if Chen Xinyu is angry, he will not really care about her.

At most, it is helpless."Stop talking about it."

Chen Xinyu looked at her: "since you've come to see me, would you like to have a meal together in the evening?"

Ji Qingying nodded: "good."

She looked at the time: "don't you have to go back to work?"

"Not back."

"I just went downstairs and made a field order," Chen said


Although Chen Xinyu's enlightening effect is not great, after eating hot pot, Ji Qingying is in a good mood.

She thought, if it is really because of this matter in Fu Yanzhi there deduction, then she will try to make up for it.

As for teasing him in the hospital, she will correct it.


when she got home, Ji Qingying looked at her mobile phone and didn't receive a reply from Fu Yan.

She put down her cell phone to wash.

Just came out of the bath when the doorbell rang.

Ji Qingying is stunned, holding a towel to slowly walk to the door, through the cat's eye to look out.

After seeing the man standing outside, she quickly opened the door.

She looked up at the man who suddenly appeared, somewhat surprised.


The words "how come" came to my mouth and pressed back.

"You're off work now?"

She looked at Fu Yanzhi's clothes, or the one she would wear at noon.

Fu Yan nodded.

In the afternoon, I arrived at an emergency patient who was sent from a foreign hospital and had sudden chest pain.

After examination, a severe type A aortic dissection was diagnosed. It belongs to the most dangerous disease in their extracardiac emergency, which needs timely operation.

The situation was serious, and the director of Cardiology was directly dispatched.

Fu Yanzhi entered the operating room as a second knife.

The operation is over. That's the point.

He looked down at the man in front of him.

Just after taking a bath, Ji Qingying hasn't had time to blow her hair. She still has the fragrance of shower gel on her body.

It's sweet and delicious. It smells good.

His eyes rested on her face for a moment and then moved away.



They both spoke together.

Fu Yan was stunned and looked at her: "sorry for what?"

Ji Qingying pursed her lips, looked down at her toes and said, "in the afternoon in the hospital, I just woke up. I didn't respond that you were at work."

She said, "I'm sorry."

Fu Yan dropped his eyes and looked at the top of his head that she left behind. He asked, "well, then."

Ji Qingying a Leng, looked up at him: "what then?"

Is there going to be another one!

Fu Yanzhi looked at the small expression on her face and smelled the smell of the air. Her nervous tension suddenly relaxed.

He reached out and pinched the brow bone: "no then?"

Ji Qingying blinks.

She didn't quite understand what Fu Yanzhi meant.

They looked at each other in silence for a moment. Then she tried to think about it. Then, after knowing it, she said, "well I won't do that to you in the hospital

Fu Yanzhi raised his eyes: "this means, in other places will?"


Inexplicably, Ji Qingying heard the ridicule in his words.

She looked down at the tiles under her feet and said, "of course..."

To prevent Fu Yanzhi from turning around and leaving, she added, "I have to chase you."

Fu Yanzhi:

It's a little more justifiable.

He felt helpless again, and there was no way.

Two people stood at the door, silent for a moment, Fu Yan to see her: "eat?"

Ji Qingying just wanted to nod, suddenly thought of what, staring at him: "you didn't eat?"

Fu Yan said "um".

She moved her lips and whispered, "why? Are you busy in the afternoon? "


Fu Yanzhi said slowly, word by word, "the nurse didn't order it for me."

Ji Qingying: "ah?"

Fu Yanzhi said: "nurse Zhao thought I would go out to dinner."

Ji Qingying blinks.

He looked down at her and added, "but she didn't expect that I was pigeoned."

Ji Qingying chokes.

Even if she was slow to respond, she knew who Fu Yanzhi was talking about.

But very inexplicable, heard him say so, her heart has kind of unspeakable joy.

Hearing this, Ji Qingying's eyes brightened and looked at him: "that Do you mind eating takeout at home? "

Fu Yan glanced at her eyes: "occasionally."

Words fall, season Qingying lips crooked smile.

"I'll have some takeout," she said

"No Fu Yanzhi looked at her still dripping hair and whispered, "go and blow dry your hair."


after drying the hair.

Ji Qingying looked at himself in the mirror, eyebrows and corners of the eyes are unable to hide the smile.

She went opposite.

Passing by the living room, Ji Qingying also saw the fruit she bought when she came back in the evening.

Without any entanglement, she carried the bag of fruit and passed by.

The opposite door is open.

Ji Qingying looked into the probe and didn't see anyone.

She estimated that Fu Yanzhi might be taking a bath.Sure enough, a few minutes later, Fu Yanzhi came out.

Instead, it's a lot of fresh water.

Her eyes followed him.

It seems to be aware of her eyes, Fu Yanzhi glanced at her side.

Ji Qingying is not shy, so he looks at him naked.

"Fu Yanzhi."

Fu Yanzhi went into the kitchen to boil water: "well."

Ji Qingying sat on the sofa, supporting his chin and asked: "your shower gel smell good."

Fu Yanzhi:

His hand a meal, light should sound: "OK."

"What flavor is it?"

Fu Yanzhi came out of the kitchen with a cold voice and no emotion: "can't you smell it?"


Ji Qingying looked up at him: "my nose is not so smart, and you are too far away from me."

The voice dropped.

Fu Yanzhi suddenly turned his direction and walked towards the sofa.

He stood on one side with the cup in his hand.

Ji Qingying looks at his action, and his thoughts are winding.

"You --"

"what are you doing?" Fu Yanzhi looked down and asked, "now do you smell it?"

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