Jiaochen - Chapter 6

Published at 18th of May 2022 06:07:13 AM

Chapter 6

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It seemed to be aware of the movement here, and the person with his back to them turned around.

She held up her cell phone, looked at it, her eyes widened.

Fu Yan frowned.

Haven't had time to react, leaf Zhen Zhen Zhen suddenly went to this side to come over.

"You, you, you -" she went to the door and stuttered, pointing to the two men.

Fu Yan coldly looked at her eyes: "gone."


Ye Zhen Zhen doesn't care him, she lowers head to see an eye, ask softly: "can I come in?"

Ji Qingying is also a little muddled, she nodded: "of course."

Voice falls, leaf Zhen Zhen Zhen does not have any hesitation to rush to her in front of, a face surprise: "are you season clear shadow?"

Ji Qingying a Leng, surprised at the little girl in front of him: "well."


Ye Zhen Zhen is excited: "elder brother, it is her."

Fu Yanzhi looked at her coldly.

Ye Zhen Zhen thought he didn't understand, excited way: "is I told you before that ah, I like the designer, is her!"


Ye Zhenzhen is to learn design, or sophomore.

She is a more cheerful character of the girl, can not hide things, life and study like to chirp and share with her family.

Occasionally there is a new idol or something, and I will talk to my family.

Fu Yanzhi has heard her talk about her idol more than once.

Soon after she went to college, she solemnly told her family that she had a new idol.

She is a student who graduated from school.

In short, more than a year down, ye Zhenzhen blew a lot of rainbow farts to her new idol.

Occasionally, when she is bored, she can talk about Ji Qingying.

What if my idol didn't participate in this kind of competition, which round got their arrogance.

This new design is so ugly that it's not as good as my idol's work in college.


Over time, the whole family knows that Ye Zhen Zhen has a designer who likes and can't see.

Fu Yanzhi is no exception.

Ji Qingying looked at the excited expression of the girl in front of her, and quickly responded.

She asked, "was that her last design?"

Fu Yan said "um".

Smell speech, season Qingying lip angle to pull up.

Ye Zhen Zhen looks at two people, the brain did not turn a corner for a moment.

She opened her lips and was shocked and asked, "brother, do you know each other?"

Ji Qingying did not speak.

Fu Yan replied, "well."

Words just fall, leaf Zhen Zhen Zhen then stare big eye, toward Fu Yan Zhi shout: "elder brother, you are too much!"

She said angrily: "you know my idol, even don't tell me!"

Fu Yanzhi:

He listened to the voice of Ye Zhen Zhen shouting, twisted the eyebrow, the voice line was cold a few minutes: "how to talk?"

Ye Zhen Zhen is by him a look, instantly counselled.

"I'm just a little excited," she murmured

Fu Yan did not pay attention to her words, he looked down at the season Qing Ying, low voice way: "sorry."

"It's OK."

"Your sister says with a smile," she said

Fu Yan did not answer, he said faintly: "well, nothing to go back first."

Ji Qingying is not reluctant.


Ye Zhen Zhen wants to talk and stop, looking at his idol for a long time, want to say something, but Fu Yan to look over, she was discouraged.

Indignant follow Fu Yan to the opposite door, two people into the room.

When the opposite door is closed, Ji Qingying looks at the quiet corridor and suddenly smiles.


twenty minutes later, the doorbell rings.

Ji Qingying just changed a set of household clothes in the demolition express, she tied up her hair casually, revealing her full and bright forehead to open the door.

The door opens, leaf Zhen Zhen eye bright ground lies on the side of the door, cautiously way: "season learns elder sister, did you eat?"

"I just brought dinner. If you haven't eaten, would you like to join us?" she pointed

Ji Qingying looked down at her, but did not want to refuse: "will it be inconvenient?"

Ye Zhen Zhen hurriedly shakes his head: "of course not, many people are busy, my brother is too cold."


When Ji Qingying passed, Fu Yanzhi was in the kitchen.

The pattern of the two houses is very similar, but the decoration style is different.

What's more, Fu Yan sent this room If it wasn't for knowing that someone lived, what he saw in his eyes now and then, Ji Qingying would suspect that this was just a place for Fu Yanzhi to rest occasionally.


Besides the basic furniture, there is not much life.

Through the transparent glass, she looked at the man in the kitchen.

The man changed a suit of clothes, gray home clothes, hair half dry, should have just taken a bath, looks like a lazy illusion.

He drooped his eyelids and was putting the food brought by Ye Zhen on the dinner plate.

The eyebrows and eyes are focused, and the profile of the side face is exquisite.Looking at it, Fu Yanzhi suddenly turned his head and looked at her side.

Ji Qingying didn't feel like being caught at all. She took back her eyes calmly.

Three people on the table.

Ye Zhen Zhen chirps, with a small magpie, has been saying a non-stop.

"Ji Xuejie, aren't you from Jiangcheng? Why are you here? "

Ji Qingying a Leng, surprised to see her: "this you also know?"

Ye Zhen Zhen nods: "I see on the school post bar."

Afraid of Ji Qingying misunderstanding, she quickly explained: "not on purpose, I just want to know more about you."

Ji Qingying smiles and comforts her: "it's OK."

Ye Zhen Zhen "mm-hmm" two, whispered: "you are planning to come here to work now?"


Ji Qingying explained: "it's a temporary job."

"What is it?"

Ye Zhen Zhen extra curious: "Ji Xuejie, this year's designer competition seems to be about to start to sign up, will you participate?"

Ji Qingying was stunned and said, "maybe there is no time."

"I'm not going to be able to handle the work," she said

Ye Zhen Zhen has a little regret, also want to say something, was interrupted by Fu Yan.

"Eat well."

Ye Zhenzhen's mouth is curled.

Be honest.

Fu Yan raised his eyes and looked at the man who was facing his eyes.

Ji Qingying's eating speed is not fast, which is more like being slowed down by multiple times.

Thoughts flying, no taste of chewing.

At first, the smile in the eyes disappeared.

He closed his eyes and took them back.

After dinner, Ji Qingying proposed to help clean up, "I'll come."

Fu Yanzhi looked at her eyes: "no need."


Having said that, Ji Qingying still helped to clean up.

After putting the dishes into the kitchen, she looked at Fu Yan and said, "I'll do it."

In order to prevent Fu Yan's refusal, Ji Qingying quickly said: "I can't just eat without help, I'll feel very guilty."

Fu Yan did not change her look, but looked at her with a rather intriguing expression: "is it?"

He put them in the dishwasher and whispered, "what guilt?"

Ji Qingying

She was silent.

Take a look at the dishwasher in front of you for a few seconds and turn around silently.

She shouldn't have followed in!!

Quarter clear shadow a go out, Ye Zhen Zhen then hold mobile phone to come over.

"Ji Xuejie, can you help me to see my design draft?"


Two people sat on the sofa to discuss. Ji Qingying looked around and said, "why don't you go to my side? I'll draw you what I just said

Ye Zhen Zhen eye a bright, joyful way: "good ah good."

Two people get up, leaf Zhen Zhen Zhen passes the kitchen, called a voice: "elder brother, I went to the quarter study elder sister there, you don't lock the door."


Fu Yan Zhi raises an eye, just want to train leaf Zhen Zhen, the person then ran. Also conveniently closed the door, leaving a "bang" echo.

Looking at the quiet living room, he reached out and pinched the brow bone.


Ji Qingying was pushed out by Ye Zhenzhen before she could greet Fu Yan.

She laughed and shook her head to take her to her side.

Ye Zhenzhen is talented and interested in design.

She and Ji Qingying chat, the topic is basically around the discussion of clothing, from fashion design to cheongsam, she can say one or two, but not thorough.

Ji Qingying is an elder, in these things, than Ye Zhen Zhen to understand more.

She asked, the quarter clear shadow knows to say without saying.

The two chatted comfortably and had no sense of distance.

Finally, it is Fu Yan to call people, Ye Zhen Zhen just reluctantly leave. Before leaving, she also had to contact information of Ji Qingying.


the car is quiet.

Ye Zhen Zhen chirped and Fu Yan Zhi said a pile, turned his head to see him: "elder brother, you don't congratulate me?"

Fu Yanzhi looked at the road ahead and asked coldly, "Congratulations, what?"

"I saw my idol!"

Fu Yan glanced at her eyes: "I know."

Ye Zhenzhen: Oh

She quipped her lips: "indifference."

Fu Yan ignored her.

Quiet meeting, Ye Zhen Zhen can't help but say: "elder brother, how do you know Ji Xuejie's, you are too much ah, know also don't tell me, are you afraid of what I do?"

Speaking of this, her eyes flashed with gossip light: "tell me quickly, are you chasing our Ji Xuejie?"

Fu Yanzhi gave her a look.

Ye Zhen Zhen felt guilty and touched his back neck, whispered in a low voice: "it is not impossible, ah, my Ji Xuejie is so beautiful."


She read fragmentary: "you don't know, I heard the elder student sister say before, the person who chased Ji Xuejie in university can queue up from your hospital to your community."

Finally, she made a conclusion: "so it's reasonable for you to chase our sister Ji."Fu Yan gave a warning look at her eyes: "talk nonsense again, don't come next time."

Ye Zhenzhen:

She shut up immediately.

After sending people home, Fu Yanzhi went back.

It's already 12 o'clock.

When the elevator door opened, Fu Yanzhi just walked out, and the door on the other side opened.

Ji Qingying a big Su Yan Lu in his sight, shallow voice asked: "send back?"

Fu Yan stopped and looked at her: "well."

He whispered, "I just bothered you."

Just go back when ye Zhen Zhen said to him, season Qingying helped her to change the design drawing, also borrowed a few books related to design to her.

"It's no trouble. It's a piece of cake."

Ji Qingying curved lips smile, "I like her very much."

Fu Yan nodded: "the book will be returned to you after she has read it."

"Don't worry."

She looked at Fu Yanzhi, her eyes burning and asked, "will you rest tomorrow?"

Fu Yan did not answer, he stood at the door of the elevator, the warm light in the corridor fell on him, lining his delicate eyebrows.

Three dimensional and profound, particularly attractive.

Season Qing Ying pursed lower lip: "if do not go to work, can you help me?"


Fu Yan asked.

Ji Qingying didn't dare to be too aggressive. She blinked and said, "I still have some things I haven't bought. I plan to go to the home market tomorrow, but my friend doesn't have time. Can doctor Fu help me to be my driver for half a day?"

After saying that, Ji Qingying is also nervous.

Fu was not sure of her promise.

There was no voice, and the lights in the corridor went down.

Let her see Fu Yan Zhi's expression for a while.

I don't know where the wind came from, blowing away the silence.

Fu Yanzhi smelled the smell of jasmine.

He looked down at her in the dim light of her room.

Inch by inch, you can see clearly.

With her trembling eyelashes, she fell into her eyes.

I don't know how long it took.

Ji Qingying heard the man's voice: "what time?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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