Jubo - Chapter 37

Published at 19th of July 2021 10:06:14 AM

Chapter 37: Jubo Chapter 37

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Chiangyushien’s notes :

Hi guys, I actually don’t like doing this but as most of you had requested, here’s the rough translation that we have. Kindly keep in mind that this chapter hasn’t been proofread (neither chinese nor english) so there’s a big possibility for mistakes. I do recommend you guys to read it again once it’s been proofread.

Author: Yin Ya

沒在社會上打滾過永遠不知道現實有多麼險惡與殘酷。 Having never been in society he had never known how sinister and cruel reality is.

唐絲絲明顯就是這種人,而且她很明顯把褚亦峰他們都當成了傻瓜,剛畢業沒有經過現實洗禮與淬煉的大學生,竟然就想糊弄一群老油條,她對自己的自信就連王成都覺得不可思議,最後三兩句就被套出了話。 Tang Sisi was obviously such a person and clearly regarded Chu Yifeng as a fool. A college student who had just graduated without any actual baptism and tempering even wanted to fool a group of old fritters. Her confidence in herself even had Wang Cheng feeling that it was incredible as she spoke out the last two sentences.

唐絲絲見錢眼開,加之被公司的同事排斥,心裡有怨氣,這時昌德剛好找上她,於是她毫不猶豫的同意了。 Tang Sisi saw the money and her colleagues in company had rejected her she had a grudge; then Wang Changde found her and didn’t hesitate to agree.

會議上,褚亦峰根本還沒有說什麼,她自己就先不打自招了,整個公司最有動機的人其實並不難猜,因為非唐絲絲莫屬。 At the meeting Chu Yifeng didn’t say anything at all, she did not hesitate and confessed. The most motivated people in the whole company did not find it difficult to guess it was non other than Tang Sisi.

今天之前,李喻他們早就發現公司內部出了內鬼,一開始他們就懷疑到唐絲絲身上,哪怕後來有人想嫁禍到王成身上,並且製造出所謂的證據,他們都沒有改變對唐絲絲的懷疑,不過真正讓他們認定唐絲絲就是內鬼卻是快遞員那件事。 Before today Li Yu had long discovered that there was a mole inside the company. At first she had suspected Tang Sisi, even if someone later wanted to blame Wang Cheng and make up some so called evidence, this did not change. It had not created any doubts with Tang Sisi, but really they were able to find out that Tang Sisi was the mole from the courier.

章一恒在聽王成說起之後就去調查了,那個快遞員並不是真的快遞員,而是昌德那位周經理的人,他們原本想將一些特殊資料寄給王成,利用他反將華鷹地產一軍,結果遇到了不按常理出牌的王成。 Zhang Yiheng went to investigate after listening to Wang Cheng; the courier was not a real courier but rather the manager at Zhou Changde’s people. They had originally wanted some information on Wang Cheng to use on Huaying Real Estate, the results were they encounter a man who did not use any form of common sense, Wang Cheng.

當時他們人都安排好,只等著王成簽收就行動,誰知王成竟然執意要看看快件裡的東西才肯簽收,那個快遞員怕露餡,只好搶了東西就跑。 At that time they were all arranged, they were only waiting for Wang Cheng to sign, who would think that Wang Cheng would actually insist on looking at what was in the express mail before signing it, the courier was afraid and had to grab the thing and run.

計畫泡湯,於是才有那位周經理跑去跟王成說鳥語那一幕,為了讓華鷹地產的人以為王成與他們勾結,他才會親自出面。 Thus the manager of Zhou ran up to Wang Cheng and spoke his bird language so that the people at Huaying Real Estate would think Wang Cheng was colluding with them, they would then personally come forward.

唐絲絲最後被公司開除了。 Tang Sisi was finally expelled from the company.

履歷出了污點,往後再找工作就沒有哪個公司敢錄取她,出賣公司機密,這種員工是最要不得的。 Her resume had been tainted, looking for a job later no company would dare to take her and have her sell the company’s secrets. This kind of employee was the most unwanted.

如果你以為褚亦峰會這麼簡單就放過唐絲絲那就錯了。 If you think Chu Yifeng would simply let her summit you would be wrong.

王成後來聽說唐絲絲被華鷹地產告上了法庭,唐絲絲從昌德地產得到的那筆錢還沒來得及享受就全賠進去了,再後來聽說她灰溜溜的逃離了山海市,再也沒有人見過她,這是以後的事。 Wang Cheng later heard that Tang Sisi had been taken to court by Huaying Real Estate. The money that Tang Sisi had gotten from Changde Real Estate had not even been enjoyed before it was lost. Then he heard that she would flee to the mountains, no one would ever see her in the city, this was her future.

“王成,你小子原來還有個那麼厲害的哥哥,盛輝集團分公司的副總,那可是大有前途的職位,你藏得可真深。”方天用力的摟住王成的脖子,盛輝集團是個以製藥為主的大公司,他在帝都的時候就已經聽說過。 “Wang Cheng, you have such a powerful brother. The vice president of Shenghui Group branch, that is a promising position, you hide really deep.” Fang Tian hardly hugged Wang Cheng’s neck, Shenghui Group was large pharmaceutical-oriented company, he had heard of it in the imperial capital.

“打住,我哥是我哥,我是我。”王成雖然以他大哥為榮,但是可沒想到要用他大哥的名聲去做什麼。 “Stop, my brother is my brother, I am me.” Although Wang Cheng was proud of his older brother he did not expect to use his brother’s reputation to gain anything.

“你們家的人一個個可真不是省油的燈。”方天羡慕道。 “The people in your family are really not fuel-efficient lights.” Fang Tain said.

“那當然,我們家的基因個個都是頂瓜瓜的。”王成聽到這話就毫不猶豫的承認了,他最喜歡聽別人誇他家人。 “Of course, all the genes in our family are top melons.” Wang Cheng did not hesitate to admit it. He liked to listen to others praise his family.

“你就美吧。”方天受不了他的厚臉皮。 “You are beautiful.” Fang Tian couldn’t stand his cheeky face.

褚亦峰走了過來。 Chu Yifeng came over.

方天頓時不敢嘻皮笑臉了,還捅了王成一下。 Fang Tian suddenly dared not to smile and also poked Wang Cheng.

王成回頭,“老闆。” Wang Cheng looked back, “Boss.”

“還不下班?”褚亦峰在兩人面前站定,目光落在沒有注意到已經下班的王成身上。 “Not off work yet?” Chu Yifeng stood in front of the two as his fell on Wang Cheng who had not noticed he had left work.

王成看了下時間,原來已經五點半了,“下班,老闆也要下班嗎,太順路了,我們一起走。”說完跑去拿自己的手機,與方天說了一聲就和褚亦峰一起走了。 Wang Cheng looked at the time and it turned out to be 5:30. “When it is time to get off work, the boss must even get off work. I’m on my way, let’s go together.” After running to get his mobile phone he said goodbye to Fang Tian and he and Chu Yifeng left together.

方天傻愣愣的看著兩人一同離去的背影,老闆竟然邀王成一起回家?一定是他的錯覺,不行,他要把這個消息和章哥他們分享分享,分享的結果是章一恒幾人都不相信,老闆是什麼人,沒有親眼看到是絕對不會相信的。 Fang Tian stupidly looked at the backs of the two people, the boss actually invited Wang Cheng to go home together? It must be an illusion. No, he wanted to share the news with Zhang Ge. The result of the sharing was that Zhang Yiheng did not believe that the boss would that and would never believe it.

離開了長河大廈,王成坐在副駕駛座上透過車窗看到外面的公車站擠滿了人,不禁感慨,有個免費司機真好。 After leaving the long river building Wang Cheng sat in the passenger seat and through the window he saw that bus station outside filled with people, he couldn’t help but feel that it was good to have a free driver.

褚亦峰偏頭看了他一眼,發現他似乎在沉思,好像在想什麼深刻的人生大事,但是經驗告訴他,這人不能只看他的表面。 Chu Yifeng glanced at him and found that he seemed to be thinking, as if he was thinking about something profound in life; but experience told him that he couldn’t just take this person by a look at the surface.

“你大哥還沒回來?” “Your big brother hasn’t come back yet?”

“嗯?”聽到老闆主動提起一個話題,王成差點反應不過來,“哦,是還沒有回來,前幾天他給我打過電話說要晚幾天回來,已經過去三天了,如果今天回來,早上或下午他應該會給我打個電話。” “Hmm?” Hearing the boss take the initiative to bring up a topic Wang Cheng almost did not react. “Oh, he is not back yet, a few days ago he gave me a call and told me that he would be a few days late. It’s been three days, if not today he will come back and call me in the morning or the afternoon.”

褚亦峰正要回話,手機響了。 Chu Yifeng was about to reply, then the phone rang.

王成看他在接電話就沒再說話。 Wang Cheng saw that he was answering the phone and couldn’t speak again.

褚亦峰聽電話的時候幾乎沒有怎麼回話,只有幾個字,直到後面,他突然看了眼王成,然後才對電話另一端的人說了句有空,接著就掛斷了電話,將車開到前面的路口就調轉車頭往回開了。 As Chu Yifeng listened to the phone he almost never replied, he only said a few words until the end. He suddenly looked into Wang Cheng’s eyes and then he said to the person on the other end of the phone that he was free. Then he hung up and turned the car to the intersection and turned around.

“有人請吃飯,一起去?” “Someone sent an invitation for dinner, want to go together?”

“……”車頭都調轉了才來詢問他的意見,他能拒絕嗎?不過想到自己回去也是一個人,怪沒滋味的,王成就同意了。 “……” The car had already been turned around before he asked his opinion, could he refuse? However, thinking back there was nothing to be blamed, Wang Cheng would have agreed.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!