Published at 4th of May 2022 05:20:16 AM

Chapter 656: Episode 655, the third qualifying round is over.

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From now on, we will start the Royal Battle.Please be aware that you will lose when you pass out or step outside the ring.Well then... start!!}

15 minutes to wait.

The special ring is ready, and a fierce battle of 24 people has begun.

Battle Royale is a dangerous match, so Karen moves to the side of the ring and is ready to deal with any serious casualties at any time.

There is no room for restraint when attacking, as the player's prowess is on the horizon and he doesn't really know who will win.

"Zink, what are the cadre apprentices doing now?"

"Nh ~? Some of them entered the High School of the Kingdom of Quor as Chris's first year junior, and some of the kids are only enrolled in secondary school and receive deaconry education."

The three people I'm fighting with grew faster than my head... because they were the so-called "brain muscle type"...

I was sent to the second class of the high school on the premise of my retirement, and I was asked to walk the path to the militant deacon.

Of course, even if you say you're not good at studying, you're only a candidate for executive position, and you don't get red dots like Chris.

I was busy levelling in a labyrinth city, and I was skipping classes to the limit, so I might stay for a while...

"My power is not like this!!I can't even repay my debt, so I'll be gone!!UAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH


Did you read the air? The three apprentices who fought individually without cooperation were defeated by a veteran adventurer from the Yamato Kingdom, and all of them were disqualified.

Proud of his own flesh, he seemed to have been defeated by Gilles in the tournament and poured into the Battle Royale to reclaim his honor.

Aunt Mercury, the maid... even though she defeated two Gorimaccio, she fell off with the third one.

After all, it wasn't until the end that I won.....

"I'm sorry. I have a mentee too, so I'm going to win this one."

At the beginning, Alexander and I went through the situation without moving, and after the number of people decreased, we only kicked out rivals who were compatible with each other.....

"Wait, Gilberto Coquin!" I'm going to break your bones in this battle!! "

I was a veteran adventurer in the Yamato Kingdom who defeated my cadre apprentice and raised the banner of "Overthrow Gil-kun".

"There is almost no difference in strength in the interpersonal battle.I wonder if the army has risen to the brightest of men and experienced Alexander. "

"With Zink's Enchanted Gear, the results would have been different... but when you do it in Battle Royale, you can't help but concentrate your criticism."

It's a pity that there was only a bitter ossan left, but Aunt Mercury... Anyway, I'm sure that it was a good experience for the three cadre apprentices.

Take advantage of this defeat to become a militant deacon who can take Ian's place.

After the closing ceremony of the third qualifying round, Ian Esther Gil decided to join Ian Esther Gil Alto and walk back to the Mansion with the five of us.

The defeated staff went back first because of their daily work....

Alexander and his fellow adventurers were drinking until the morning at the liquor store.

"Everyone is tired today, right?"Koch's solace party will be held the day after tomorrow. "

"I understand." I'll coordinate a schedule with Nina when I get home. ”

“Thank you, Ian. Should I give special bonuses to Battle Royale contestants and other top tournament members?”

"I see... I won't stop you if you want, but I don't think it would be fair to do it with just words, because it would be unfair if you didn't announce it in advance."

Words, but aren't they cheap?

"Fufu. Everyone wants to talk to your mistress, so I think you'll be satisfied just by calling her by her name and complimenting her directly."


If I were you, I'd be more than happy to get some money... but if Ian says that he has a strong relationship with the staff, I think he should use it as a reference.

"Roger that. I will try to tell each one of them the" good points "and" improvement points "that I felt when watching the games during the memorial party.Instead, get excited about the ingredients for the party. ”

“Very well, I'm sure they will too.”

At the beginning, I told the four of them how I felt about the match, and when I praised them for their appearance in the main battle, my praise turned bright red on the unfamiliar Alto.

Esther, unhappy because of her treatment as a princess, came back to life... Ian and Gill told me how much money they had made by letting their maids bet on her behalf.

When I returned to the Mansion while talking like this, the gorimachos gathered around the gate, and a large piece of paper was stuck on top.

"Huh? What's the matter..."

- Anyone who breaks in from here will be considered suspicious, and Zink's maid unit will interview him and hand him over as a criminal to the Special Security Officer (Summoner Kanon) - -

"Oh my. Maybe... the third qualifying result was too good, and the brain muscles that wanted to get stronger pushed on the Mansion."

"I thought you were right, Master Gill."Master, what can I do for you?Do you want to go around to the back door? "

"Ian, there's someone out back."Unwillingly... I'll have the barrier temporarily disarmed from the inside and enter through the top of the wall.I'm sorry to get involved with people like you. "

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