Published at 4th of May 2022 05:17:03 AM

Chapter 799: Episode 798 Prophecy from the Dark Children

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Zinks arrived near the "Will Forest" and hid in the "secret base dug in the cliff" 15 minutes later.

As the sun rose, the eight ravens scattered across the Zalu Battle Empire returned from their missions.

Without dreaming of being seen by the "Shinigami nearby", they boast of their achievements and enjoy the "winning wine".

Although calling for vigilance as the head of the clan, like other individuals, the chief who was "drunk on victory" began to speak with the head of the werewolf clan in a playful voice.

"It's been a long night!" Many martyrs were released, but "zombie body fluids" were scattered all over the country. In the coming decades, there will be murders and riots everywhere. ”

"Ah, that would make it easier for the Demon King to attack next year if the" national power "of the Zal Battle Empire and surrounding countries fell." We won!! "

"Hmm! The Hachiman, the Werewolf, and the Dark Child were recognized by the Fallen Angel Lord, and became the highest ranking among the Demons." I can't believe this day is coming... it was worth the effort. "

Celebrating each other's struggles, the two Qaol kingdom granting magicians are determined that they will not help restore the Zalu Battle Empire.

And to do more damage, we entered into a discussion about whether we could be pursued.

"Compared to the full moon, Chikara falls, but if the moon is big tonight, we can do some chasing." If Zink's men find me, I won't be able to live. "

The Hachiman clan elders proposed further contamination of the countryside by zombiating the "peasants" and "adventurers" who died as a result of being caught in a stampede.

Increase the number of martyrs and make the "chase" decision to increase the reputation of Fallen Angels.

"We werewolves have returned to human level, and if we move aggressively, we could be annihilated." I'll let support turn it around. "

In the damaged city, "people watching each other" and "searching for demons using holy swords and magic tools" began, so the top of the werewolf race declared passive cooperation.

He promised to contact the werewolves on the scene where the Zink Group and the Imperial Army were less alert, although he would not participate in the direct attack.

"The Dark Children are the rest." They will also be able to change due to the moon's fullness, and it will be difficult for them to cooperate greatly because they were aiming at the full moon..... "

Umuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuui (If they are uncooperative, our "Hachiman" status will be relatively high. It's not a rival from here) "

When two chieftains tried to contact the Dark Children, they sent them a letter with a red envelope indicating the "color of urgency".

I saw an envelope that was really used only in a hurry and said, "What is it?! And they jumped into their eyes, and they opened the seal, and they said," The prophecy of death. I was returned as soon as possible. "

~ Zink side ~

While relaxing in a secret base and exploring the trend of the enemy, at the same time that the sun rises in the morning, "three-legged crows" are returning from the people.

As Gilles Ian predicted, "The Will Forest" has "their hideout" or "the hidden route with the demon continent."

"Nina, three times!" I'm wearing cat ear katucha ~ "

"Ugh!! It's embarrassing to be told by Karen-san ~ But isn't your ears cute?"

”Yeah, I bought it thinking it would look good if I put such a cute♪Esther on your head, but Nina-chan's cat ears are also going to junk!”

"I did it! I'm glad you said so!"

I'm tired from the tension, so I'm playing card games except for watching (now me and Esther).....

You can be soundproof with wind magic even when you make noise, and you're wearing a < disguised robe >, so you don't seem caught by surprise.

"Hmm? Tatano-kun contacted me." They're sending reinforcements from a nearby labyrinth via the Transfer Trap. As soon as they rendezvous, we'll lay the "Will Forest" siege. "

"" "" "" "Yes!" "" ""

When Tano contacted me, I waited for 40 minutes... The skill informed me of the arrival of the reinforcements.

I was told to "appropriately choose someone who has free hands," so I thought Elsa would come to the answering machine in the Quor Kingdom, but I didn't think she would call Louis and Roy.

"Marina Gil, I want to take control of the air before the enemy sees it." I need you to summon a flying monster stronger than Hachiko. "

"Leave it to me." "Roger."

The 20 people who came to reinforce me are all members who know my personality, so they'll be able to match whatever they want to do.

They don't have any, and when the A-ranks get close enough, they'll find out, so we'll put a big seal on them first.

Seal the boundary between the "Will Forest" and the meadow. Seven people, other than Marina, are 300 meters apart, centered on me! Marina instructed the summoned monster in my pocket! "

"" "" "" "Yes!" "" ""

The "Will Forest" is deep with S rank monsters, so it can't be passed by the "Werewolf Hachiman" with low combat power.

We took control of the sky with the griffins and dragons, and if we seal the border with the meadows, we'll complete the siege!

When the Reinforcements "Elsa Team" meets, they will take our place...... The nine people who have become free will attack the point where the Eight Crows have returned.

If there's a transfer route at that location (which connects to a safe place outside the country), we'll miss it, but otherwise it's over!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!