Published at 4th of May 2022 05:16:47 AM

Chapter 811: Episode 810 The Magician's Tactics of the Sea of Man

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"Um... the Brand's Marginal Buddha is" Material Mania ", so I enclosed the jewelry of Jewel Bird and nostalgia." Philip is a pain in the ass... "

"Zink, wait!" I'll get in touch with Mr. Philip. If you really stand around, your hairline will regress due to stress. "

"Thank you, Gil. Then I will tell His Majesty Normill that I will♪ borrow your place."

"Thank you, thank you!"

I was advised by Mr. Canon to return to work with a break in time to finish the purification of the fields.

We had a rushed day working with Gil-kun Ian, writing letters explaining the situation to all concerned and discussing how to purify.

"Master, please confirm the final confirmation." The team of Operation Zalu Battle Empire Purification should be divided as shown in this table. "

"Yeah, perfect! Thank you, Ian. I'm sorry I'm the only one with an escort, but I'm going to think," The magician is evenly distributed, so it's OK. "

"Niisama deserves an escort!" I really wanted to be next to you, but Ian said, "You're the best match for holy magic, aren't you?".... "

"It's true." Esther is better at handling sacred magic than the master of the "main house". There's a lot of MP, so I can't let you play with it. "

"Mmm...! I feel like I'm sorry for the first time for" "the amount of MP" "." Oniisama's limbs are a real hope, and he does 120% of the work. "

"Fufu. After the purification is over, you can report the results to your mistress for praise. Good luck."


Esther is overprotective, so she's overly worried that my protection will be thin... but it's okay because Mr. Bogard and the male staff will protect her tightly.

Rather, when the appearance is harsh, "people who can only judge others by their appearance" may be frightened, and they may be able to move without trouble.

By the way... this is the division of the team for Operation Zalu Battle Empire Purification.

I knew that there was no reinforcement from the demon side, based on information from the werewolves and the Hachiman crows, so I set up a lineup that gave priority to speed.

His Majesty Zwei, who suffers from a shortage of magicians, will be saddened to learn that “the number of magicians belonging to the private group has been lost”.

The engineer who prepares the water.

B Rank Magician Equivalent Staff 50 x 8 Teams

Water to Holy Water

Zink (Escort: Bogard and 10 others)


- Esther.



• Gilbert


-Karen & Will

[Transferring Holy Water to the Pavilion]

40 physics male staff x 8 teams

The clerk who takes the koji to the site in a magic bag

30 female physics staff x 8 teams

Holy water to fields and forests

30 Water Magicians with great control x 8 teams

< Stampede to fix a field that was ravaged by the stampede >

20 Earth Magicians x 8 Teams with a lot of MP

Command Tower

Elsa & Dan

Speaking of the Zink Group, it's difficult to concentrate this number on the Zalu Battle Empire.....

In addition to staff and clan members, the company also attracts "paid volunteers" by calling out to trustworthy people.

Clan Daiki's Luke also said, "I will stay on the ground for a while, so if you need reinforcements, please call me"....

I'm going to borrow it for about a week, mainly for the magician.

"Don't pull me out of the Kingdom of Qualor, speak up to the local talent!" You might think, "but....

If you add untrustworthy people to the operation, you could be mixed up with spies or stolen of holy water, so I really don't want to rely on them except when I have "no other choice".

Still, I'll ask the Lord who defended the City on his own for help, and I'll ask for some help... but they're only support staff.

Exuberantly, it moves with priority on speed, and its roots are solidified with "people you can trust".

"Well then, go to your destination from the group that has all of you." If anything happens, I'll send reinforcements. Contact the tower immediately. "

"" "" "" "" "Yes!" "" "" "

"In particular, please be careful with Canon and Marina." If conservative people come out under pressure or are about to be captured by bad people, don't hesitate to kill them halfway. "


"Fufu, it's okay, Mr. Zink." Marina became an S-rank adventurer, and I grew up looking at you. You have to be separated! "

"Ahahah, I'm so worried..."

"Ku-chan feels similar too, so I know how she feels ~." Marina-chan is fine, so don't worry.♪ "

I know Marina is strong, Kanon-san, but I'm worried that the bad guys will be mean because there's still discrimination in the Zabal Empire.

I'm a little worried about Nina and Esther, who look like they can be beaten up, so we need to finish the purification and get back together.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!