Published at 23rd of March 2022 06:31:13 AM

Chapter 247: No Going Back.

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"Your heart is torn, your body wants him but your mind is being the stubborn one. How did you hope to function so well in this battle?" Asia made sure she was looking deeply into Jade's eyes to be sure she wasn't going to lie to get out of this fiasco.

"You asked why right? That is because each time we are like this, memories and the thought of their death plague my mind and when I get angry, I realize why all of this happened and it boiled down to the man who gave the command."

"Do you think the Anders wouldn't have attacked to wipe off the Frost family with or without Xander? No, they would have done it still. One way or the other, be it using a different family or not."

"I know and I appreciate that but really, I wish it wasn't his family, then I could have crushed down my enemies."

"But it is his. Face reality, nothing in the past can change, but you can shape your future. You love him, build on that love. Perfect love casteth out fear says the Bible. Let your love for him outweigh your fear and hatred and then you would overcome and stop living in the shadows of your past. Embrace your future."

"I am trying."

"You are not trying enough. Push that damn fear out!" Asia hollered at her.

She took some deep breaths, hoping to calm down and once that was achieved, she looked at Jade and smiled sadly. 

"I am sorry and I know you may feel I wasn't the one who lost all that I cherished but when a door closes, a window is opened. You lost before but life is compensating you with a new love. I know you're feeling sadness, but it is alright."

She took a sigh and smiled genuinely. "Never thought I would be singing one of Disney's songs but here we go, you need this." She smiled again, placing her hand over Jade's.

"I know you're feeling sad. I see it in your eyes. The pain is overwhelming when a loved one dies, but it is time for you to let go and set your heartache free. For there's a life that's waiting there for you.

If you can let love through. If you can give love, you will find your family. Though it may not be like it was before. And if you give love, you'll never lose love. It only grows more and more.

No need to build a wall up. For you can now be strong. The things that you've been searching for have been here all along. And though it hurts to miss them, their spirit's always near. So trust that they will always be with you and love someone new."

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