Published at 16th of November 2021 07:32:34 AM

Chapter 1244: 1244

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Chapter 1244 Miss Nian: You still need confidence to enter a group stage? ?

Bo Jingxing turned off the topic at this time and asked about Qiao Nian's game by the way: "Miss Qiao, are you confident of entering the next group stage?"

The girl raised her eyebrows and glanced at him, her eyes arrogant and dry.

Bo Jingxing was glanced at by Qiao Nian, and heard the girl's slightly dumb voice: "It's just a group stage of a software competition. Do you need confidence?"

Bo Jingxing was taken aback, and she couldn't recover from her question for a long time: World-class competition, don't need confidence?

He looked at the girl’s white and cold face, and Qiao Nian's unbearable jealousy.

Bo Jingxing's wringed brows let go again, and smiled, Sven and handsome: "Yes, it's enough for Miss Qiao to perform at a normal level."

Qiao Nian's eyes converged, and he seemed to be a little more serious. He glanced at him and said slowly, "Don't worry, I can read."

After she finished speaking, she looked over Bo Jingxing again, and fell on Qin Si, who was listening to the two chatting and'listening to the heavenly book'. She was much more familiar with Bo Jingxing: "Shao Qin, when are you leaving?"

Qin Si was still immersed in the thinking of ‘what the **** is Bo Jingxing talking about, when will the dog cheer me and sister Qiao’s relationship so good?’

was suddenly named by Qiao Nian.

He suddenly withdrew his sense of reason from his astonishment, raised his hand, and touched his high nose, always feeling that he was not strong enough when talking to Qiao Nian: "Ah. Go now, go now."

After Qin Si finished speaking, he felt aggrieved again.

He followed Bo Jingxing and the others for a run, but he would be driven away if he didn't say a word of nonsense.

He is wronged.

Qiao glanced at him with his black and white eyes, as if inadvertently: "I took the time to upgrade your game account. Do you want an AK sniper rifle."

AK sniper rifle is a rare weapon in a game they played recently, and few people on the whole network have it.

Qiao Nian has one.

Qin Si quite wanted it.

I told Qiao Nian about this a few days ago, but Qiao Nian has been busy and has no time to talk to him.

When Qin Si heard Qiao Nian asking him if he wanted the rare items in the game, he was busy: "Yes, it's the one in your backpack. I saved some mission value and didn't get it. I was afraid that I would be lonely on the back of my hand. Sister Qiao. If you have time to smoke for me, I mainly want to dip into your European style."

Qin Si thought that the gun was difficult to draw, so there was a reselling second-hand scalper selling the gun on the Internet, and the price on the market was already as high as six figures.

Small hundreds of thousands.

For a virtual item in a game, the transaction price is already very high.

But it sells very well.

It can be said that there is no shortage of buyers, only things!

Basically, once a second-hand game trading platform is listed, there will be dragons, and they will be snatched away in less than a few minutes.

Of course, Shao Qin, who is arrogant and accustomed, does not lack hundreds of thousands of dollars. Qin Si is mainly unwilling and does not want to spend money to buy it.

It’s just a game, what I bought is so unpleasant to play.

He insisted on pumping himself!

But Qin Si is more than just the dishes for game play, and the luck of smoking items is also bad.

Zhang Yang, who played with him, drew a lot of previous items, and he, from beginning to end, draws a consolation prize every time.

He can't even compare with Zhang Yang, let alone compare with the Europeans in Qiao Nian's game.

Qin Si thought of asking Qiao Nian to help him smoke.

The dragon sniper in the game is very difficult to draw, so he saw that Qiao Nian had one. Qin Si was afraid that Qiao Nian was under too much pressure. After thinking about it, he said, "But it doesn't matter if you can't get it. Play it, I can get a few mission values ​​in the game if I can't get it."

(End of this chapter)

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