Published at 27th of April 2021 02:56:17 PM

Chapter 110: 110

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Chapter 110 Sister Nian engages in wholesale gift-giving

After finishing speaking, he was holding the brooch that Joe had read for him with a shy expression, and embarrassedly proposed: "Can my sister wear it for me? I don't know how to wear it."


Jiang Li added a sentence in his heart.

The people of the Ye family have high IQs, and Ye Qichen is no exception. He can assemble even disassembled guns at a young age, and now he says he can’t wear a brooch. Who are you kidding?

just lied to Qiao Nian. He watched his sister walk by, and asked in a gentle voice: "Which one do you want to wear first?"

Her white face was just a few centimeters away from herself, Ye Qichen's heartbeat plopped, blushing, and with a loud voice, she stretched out her hand and chose the brooch with the cat pattern: "This."

Qiao Nian picked up the brooch in his palm and put it on him, adjusted the position for him, straightened up, and bends the corners of his mouth: "Okay."

also gave a thumbs up, and said to the little man on the bed: "Good-looking, very good-looking."

Ye Qichen pursed his scarlet lips, and raised his eyebrows. He cherished the little cat on his chest. He loved it so much. His eyes blinked, fearing that he would not be worthy of the little cat. He asked nervously, "Really? Really? Does it look good?"

Qiao read with one hand in his pocket, beautiful and sassy, ​​and gave him a positive look: "If you don't believe me, ask your uncle."

Ye Qichen took her words as a sacred decree, and immediately turned his head and asked his uncle: "Uncle, do I look good on this?"

Ye Wangchuan looked at his ostentatious little appearance with sour water in his heart, his narrow eyes were deep, and he squinted: "It's okay, next time you change your clothes. Wearing better clothes is more suitable for you."

"Oh." Ye Qichen said to Gu San without even thinking about it: "Then I will buy a cat T-shirt next time."

Gu San silently felt sorry for Ye Lao in his heart, thinking that Ye Lao repeatedly told the young master that he should wear cute clothes. How did the young master say, he is a boy, and which man should wear it with a wife? Like.

The tiger refused to wear it, and now he actively asked to wear cat clothes.

Hey, Mrs. Ye is miserable.

Jiang Li looked at his eyes and couldn't help but said to Qiao Nian: "Nian Nian, only Chenchen has a gift, what about mine?"

Qiao remembered, and immediately said: "Oh, I remembered, I also bought a gift for you."

Ye Wangchuan squinted, but Jiang Li also has it?


He pursed his lips, his well-defined face seemed to tighten a little, and the air seemed to be cold a lot.

Qiao Nian took out three boxes from the bag beside him, just like a wholesaler, one of them stuffed them.

"I saw this when I was shopping, it looks pretty good, so I bought one for you all alone."

Jiang Li originally thought that he was the only one who had it, and he also had it when he saw it. His heart was already imbalanced, and he looked at it again, fuck, even Gu San had a share!

He held his mouth and opened his black brocade box. The black bracelet inside was simple in style, low-key and luxurious, as if it were a brand item.

He couldn't remember what brand it was for a while, but vaguely remembered that the price was not cheap.

"Do I have it too?" Gu San took it over flatteredly, and saw what was in the box. His one was similar in style to Jiang Li's. He knew this brand, which was of the same grade as Seven, and belonged to high-end luxury goods.

A genuine product is at least one hundred thousand.

Ms. Qiao, where did you get so much money?

He remembers that there is a shop around the city that specializes in high-end A goods. Many young girls like to go there to buy goods. In addition to the high imitations, the shop has all kinds of authentic packaging and gift boxes, which look similar to the original ones.

(End of this chapter)

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