Published at 27th of April 2021 12:19:34 PM

Chapter 1104: 1104

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Chapter 1104 Jiang Xianrou knows to hit the tune

"I just found out from people in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine that they plan to engage in a solo dance with ethnic style at the opening ceremony, and the accompaniment selected is Nirvana of Chasing Light!"

Jiang Xianrou's heart chuckled.

Same as them?

Sure enough.

Zhao Ruoqi also said to her on the phone: "The song they chose happens to be the same as ours. I don't know if it was intentional."

Immediately afterwards, he smiled and continued triumphantly: "It happened deliberately. Our senior sister and your brother were there at the opening ceremony. It is sure to be the most eye-catching of our program. They insisted on bumping into it, just in time, let them lose a big face!"

"Do you know who played this tune yet?" Jiang Xianrou didn't care about the gossip she was talking about, and she had guesses in her heart.

Zhao Ruoqi said nonchalantly: "Yes. It seems that they are the freshman of this year, the one who is particularly good in the college entrance examination. What is the name..."

"Qiao Nian." Jiang Xianrou's voice was chilly, and her beautiful eyes were completely cold.

She said how Jiang Li would come back to look for her to get nervous, it turned out to be such a thing.

Haha, it turned out that Qiao Nian also chose the song for chasing light, and it happened to be the same as her choice, it was Nirvana!

Jiang Li should have found that the song they chose had hit him, and wanted to read it to Qiao, so he ran back and asked her to change it!

Jiang's delicate lips are extremely cold, without a trace of temperature, and the look on his face is cold and dazzling.

When she heard Zhao Ruoqi on the phone, she suddenly realized that the person on stage was Qiao Nian. Her voice became even colder: "Zhao Ruoqi, do me a favor..."

Zhao Ruoqi didn't think so much, and said straightforwardly without even thinking about it: "Senior sister, you can just say anything if you have something, you can help me wherever you need it."

Jiang Xianrou told her what she wanted to do.

Zhao Ruoqi agreed without thinking at all.

Wait to hang up.

Jiang Xianrou looked down at the mobile phone he was holding, and raised the corners of his mouth coldly, his eyes full of disdain.

Jiang Li said to let her change the song, otherwise she would regret it.


If she didn’t know that Qiao Nian chose the same track as hers, she might consider changing another one. Now, she has to look at head-to-head, who regretted her and Qiao Nian!


The next day.

Ye Wangchuan's plane arrived at the Capital Airport at five in the morning.

The apartment arrives at half past five.

When he got home, he didn't wake up Qiao Nian, he went back to his room to take a cold shower, and slept in his own place with peace of mind.

Woke up at almost two o'clock in the afternoon.

Ye Wangchuan got up refreshed, put on his house clothes, and then left the room.

In the living room.

Gu San came here early, and when he saw him coming down the stairs, he immediately put down what he was busy with and greeted him; “Master Wang, you are up, do you want something to eat?”

"Well, just get some."

Ye Wangchuan looked down and found that Qin Si was also there, and he was telling Qiao Nian what happened at the auction.

When it comes to excitement, the whole person is too excited.

"Sister Joe, it's a pity that you didn't go. Really, if you do, I will definitely show you the auction."

Qiao Nian yawned, not very interested, and occasionally frowned, showing that Qin Si was annoying enough.

Qin Si didn’t feel it himself, but still slammed there and said: “Do you know that there is a mineral tycoon in the illegal zone.”

When he mentioned this, the girl seemed to be a little interested. She raised her eyes to look at him and leaned lazily against the armrest of the sofa: "I don't know."

(End of this chapter)

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