Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:47:10 PM

Chapter 1426: 1426

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Chapter 1426 She is just a child!

She turned her head again, staring at Qiao Nian furiously and accusingly: "Qiao Nian, you are crazy. Even if you find your biological parents, you also call my mother the mother of eighteen years. How do you treat your elders?"

Qiao Qi said as he pushed a security guard away.

"What are you guys, get out of me."

But she is usually spoiled by Shen Qiongzhi, her fingers are not touched by the spring water, when everyone let her, she can still make trouble, when no one let her, she is actually nothing!

Sure enough.

The tall and strong security guard snatched the bag from Shen Qiongzhi in twos or twos, opened the zipper of the bag, and poured out the contents.

A black hard drive fell out of the bag and snapped to the ground.

For a while, everything was silent in the security room.

Shen Qiongzhi turned his neck stiffly, and stared at Qiao Wei with a pair of eyes: "Hey, you really take her things?"

Qiao Chi's brain buzzed, his brain buzzed, and he suddenly released the hand that was pulling the security guard, his face was white and stuck in place, and he didn't know where to put his hands.


Everyone is watching her.

Qiao An seemed to be engulfed in the endless darkness, her eyelashes trembling trembling, she stood there, her eyes confused, first looked at the incredible Shen Qiongzhi, and then at Fu Ge.

Fu Ge, like Shen Qiongzhi, looked at her in shock.

The look in that look is as if I only met her today!

Qiao Hao's heart was burned by Fu Ge's eyes, her heart seemed to be held by an invisible big hand, and her heart beating quickly.


Qiao Ai's white teeth bit her lip, and her pink lips gave a tooth mark.

She clenched her hand on her side tightly, and turned her gaze to the uninjured hand supporting her chin, as if she had seen through her Qiao Nian earlier.

The jealousy in her heart is like a devil released, and finally drives her crazy!

Qiao Jia stared at Qiao Nian’s jealous face, gritted his teeth and admitted his behavior: "Yes, what if I got your hard drive?"

Qiao Nian raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect that Qiao An would take the initiative to admit it, and there was an unexpected look on his face.

Qiao An seemed to be suffocated, speaking fast and anxiously: "I didn't want to take your things, but you didn't lock the door. I knocked on the door and found no one, so I couldn't hold back and take it away. hard disk."

"Qiao Nian, even if I took your hard drive, you didn't lose, you still won the first place, you are in the limelight... Your goal has been reached, what do you want?"


Qin Si couldn't hold back a single one. He was biting the cigarette in his mouth, but he immediately vomited it out and threw it out on the ground, swearing swear words.

"According to you, is it reasonable for you to steal something?"

Qiao An knows that he has an extraordinary position in Beijing, so he dare not provoke him.

But in this situation, Qiao An could not be calm, and said coldly: "I didn't mean it. I mean she had prepared two hard drives a long time ago. Even if I take one away, she still has two hard drives. One? I did not lose to her if I took this hard drive..."

Shen Qiongzhi has already recovered from the initial shock, and hastily grabbed her, blocked her behind, looked at the girl in the middle of the crowd with a look of embarrassment, and said with difficulty: "Qiao Nian, haunt her. Little, just a child."

"Hey, are you still a child at 18?" Gu San sneered, "What a big child."

"You..." Shen Qiongzhi was flushed with sarcasm, but he didn't dare to talk back.

(End of this chapter)

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