Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:41:26 PM

Chapter 1620: 1620

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Chapter 1620

Wei Xueying raised her mouth dismissively, then retracted her gaze, and said coldly; “There are more and more beautiful people in the entertainment industry. How many can get ahead? It’s not a vase.”

"That's what I said." The assistant has been following her for almost a year. He has already figured out her temperament and knows how to make her happy. He immediately retracted his gaze and said contemptuously, "She will look just like this, now she looks like this outside. A lot of passersby catch a lot. She is not half as good-looking as you."

Wei Xueying's body and mind became much more comfortable with his saying, "I look so average, I caught a lot of it on the road". She arrogantly retracted her gaze and stopped looking at Qiao Nian.

The assistant looked at the time on the watch again, and said to her anxiously: "Xueying, let's go in first, otherwise we won't be able to make up."

Wei Xueying let out an ‘um’, and followed the assistant to the TV station.

She is the idol who participated in the recent hot talent show debut, and is considered one of the most popular female idols recently.

Wei Xueying came here to participate in a variety show.

The resources of this variety show are average, but for her new idol, who has just debuted and has a few fans and a little fame, this resource is already very good.

So Wei Xueying herself also attaches great importance to the appearance of this variety show.

Under the leadership of the staff, she and her assistant were preparing to go to the artist’s exclusive lounge to make-up, and met a man in his forties hurriedly walking towards them...

The assistant next to Wei Xueying immediately hit her with his hand, lowering her voice, unable to hide her excitement: "Xueying, it's Director Tan!"

Tan Ninghao is the general director + producer of the variety show they are going to record this time, and it can be said that this variety show is the same target.

Wei Xueying naturally also saw Tan Ninghao.

Forty years old is the best time for men. Men of this age group are always mature and stable. Middle-aged men wear Mocha blue overalls, are tall and look elegant and handsome, and very calm.

She became nervous involuntarily, immediately raised a smile, and said hello to the person who came by: "Director Tan."

The man was suddenly called to a halt, his steps stopped, and he seemed to notice the group of them. He was startled for a second and frowned. He looked at Wei Xueying and the assistants and staff who followed Wei Xueying before slowly speaking: " you are?"

Wei Xueying has always thought that the audition show she participated in was very popular, and she has also been popular recently.

Who knew that the director didn’t even know her.

She stiffened all over, and introduced herself there in embarrassment and embarrassment: "Hello Director Tan, my name is Wei Xueying, and I am one of the guests participating in the show."

"My assistant is next to me." She didn't forget to introduce the assistants next to me.

Her assistant also hurriedly greeted the man respectfully: "Good Director Tan."

Tan Ninghao then showed a face of enlightenment. He nodded gently and said: "Oh, oh, I remember your name is in the guest this time."

Wei Xueying accompanied the smiling face, changing the ostentatious face at the gate that no one could look down on just now. She was very pleased: "Yes, this is the first time I have recorded this kind of variety show. I hope Director Tan will take care of it."

"It's okay, our variety show has no rules, you can record it easily."

Tan Ninghao simply comforted her, picked up the phone and looked at it. Obviously there was something else, and hurriedly said to them: "The dressing room is just around the corner on the left hand. You should go first. I'll pick someone up."

(End of this chapter)

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