Published at 18th of August 2021 12:09:14 PM

Chapter 1758: 1758

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Chapter 1758 Miss Nian: Thor's Hammer

Wei Lou sat opposite her and watched the girl playing with the computer. He reached out and took a sip of coffee on the table. He leaned back leisurely, half-squinted beautiful peach eyes, and whispered, "Hammer!" NS?"

Qiao Nian opened the e-mail with a cold white hand, already reading ten lines at a glance.

Lifted his lips, smiled wildly and lazily, raised his eyes, and gave him a look in an arrogant tone: "Ah, Thor's Hammer."

Weilou was taken aback, then looked at her delicate and eye-catching face, she knew it, she shrugged her shoulders, and mourned Jiang Xianrou's silence for three seconds: "Then you are not going to hammer someone into the pit?"

Qiao Nian had already bowed his head and edited it.

Brows and eyes are quite cold.

Don’t say anything, know in your heart.

She threw this hammer out, and Jiang Xianrou was likely to be cold.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Wei Lou said with a smile, "Oh, I forgot to remind you."

"Jiang Xianrou posted a new update on Weibo half an hour ago, calling out publicly, telling you not to talk to her privately if you have something, and put it on the table."

Qiao's hand is fast, and editing is just a small case for her.

When Weilou finished speaking, she had erased the important information from the email, leaving only the reply from the medical certification agency.

She raised her eyes and glanced at someone obliquely, her long, straight legs draped under the table, very sloppy: "Look at the fun?"

Weilou was jumped up quickly by her glance.

But it quickly occurred to him that he had no chance, and his expression was a bit bitter.

But in a blink of an eye, he hid the trace of bitterness under the appearance of a fool, and concealed it well: "How can I! What kind of person is Xiaoye? Qiao Xiaonian, don't you believe me?"

Qiao Nian raised his eyebrows, how he felt like he was watching the excitement.

Wei Lou was uncomfortable with her sharp gaze, Ququan pressed her mouth and coughed, very temperless: "Ahem, I'm not watching the show. I just want to see Jiang Xianrou talking on Weibo. Let you put it on the table and say, you really told her on the table, will she regret it."

He expected that Jiang Xianrou would regret it afterwards, and he would regret the kind of intestines.

It’s a pity that there is no regret selling medicine in this world.

Jiang Xianrou does not leave room for others, and in the end, it means that she does not leave room for herself!

She can't blame anyone for this.

I hope that when she regrets, think about what she did in the first place.

"That's her business, I don't worry about it." Qiao Nian's attitude was very cold, and he didn't seem to want to mention Jiang Xianrou.

Wei Lou narrowed his lips and smiled, and looked at her with a straight look: "You have given her the opportunity, but she didn't cherish it, and she tore the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Huang Lao into the water. She insisted on making things big, who There is no way."

Qiao Nian has edited Weibo, but has not sent the edited Weibo copy.

But she hesitated and had nothing to do with Jiang Xianrou.

She was just thinking about Jiang Li and Father Jiang.

The words of Weilou reminded her.

Jiang Xianrou this time not only involved herself, but also involved innocent people. Qiao Nian gathered the coldness in his eyes, tapped the white fingertips, and sent out Weibo.

As soon as she sent out her Weibo, the phone kept ringing, all the Weibo reminders, ding ding dong dong, noisy.

Qiao did not read any of them, so he quit Weibo, then found Jiang Li’s WeChat and sent a message to Jiang Li.

(End of this chapter)

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