Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:34:36 PM

Chapter 1909: 1909

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   Chapter 1909 Ji Family Wants to Recognize Sister Nian

  After the recruitment list of the first research institute this year was finalized, the major forces in Independent Continent received the news as soon as possible.

  "Qiao Nian? Who is Qiao Nian? Shouldn't it be Ji Hongfeng or Xie Yu who passed the assessment this year? Where did this Qiao Nian come from?"

When the   list came out, almost all the major forces were wondering who the man who defeated Ji Hongfeng and Xie Yu was.

  They quickly linked the names on the list with the names of the people who had been exposed before on behalf of the Nanjia who participated in the assessment of the First Research Institute.

  In addition, Qiao Nian's assessment results are too bad.

  Even if the First Research Institute intends to cover her second round results from the public, but these forces who can make a splash in Independence Island have few personal connections, and soon everyone inquired about the results of this rookie king.

  The first round of full marks passed is already very BT.

  The person who inquired about Qiao Nian's results never expected that she did the second round of the 8th level simulation test questions, but also won 100% of the completion.

   Now, the word ‘Qiao Nian’ began to circulate among the major forces in Independence Continent like a spark.

  Such a genius who turned out to be born out of nowhere, all forces are ready to move, wanting to be the first step to win into their own circle.

at the same time.

  Ji’s family rarely held an internal family meeting.

  The masters of the lobby of the Ji family arrived at the meeting point early and sat in their own positions.

  They are all members of the Ji family.

  Even if they are not a direct line of people, they are also seniors with a line of respect and respect.

  These people hold the various forces of the Ji family, big and small, and they are the people who can really speak the Ji family.

  At this moment, these old people who always carry them on weekdays whispered to each other, and their faces were unconcealed with excitement.

  He Lin served tea to each of them, and respectfully placed the tea cup on the table in front of everyone.

   Soon, Ji Lingfeng will arrive.

  Ji Lingfeng sat in the top position.

  As soon as he arrived, the whole meeting room was quiet.

  He Lin also gave him a cup of freshly brewed tea, then pushed it to the side and stood silently in a corner not far away.

Ji Lingfeng raised his teacup, took a sip of the tea, and raised his head. There was no extra expression on Junya's face, and she said slowly: "Uncles should know why I called everyone here. I want to hear your opinions. ."

  As soon as he spoke, someone immediately couldn't sit down below.

   immediately said: "The patriarch, that Qiao Nian is the blood of our Ji family, and our Ji family’s bloodline does not make sense to enter the institute on behalf of the Nan family. We must recognize the person back!"

  He said this to everyone's heart.

  In any other situation, these people may not be willing to recognize a bun who did not grow up in Independence Continent.

After all, the threshold of the Ji family of Independence Island is high, and there are so many people staring at them. If they recognize a bun who didn’t know where to grow up and come back, they say it is the bloodline of the Ji family living outside. Those outside forces still don’t know how to laugh. them.

  They would rather hold a gifted side branch than come back with such a shameful lineage.

   is different now.

  Qiao Nian is the sweet pastry that the major forces of Independence Continent are vying for. Such a genius who turned out to be a member of their Ji family, says he will have face.

  They have no reason not to want Qiao Nian to return to the family.

  (End of this chapter)

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