Published at 27th of April 2021 02:54:02 PM

Chapter 196: 196

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Chapter 196 The question of unworthy

was so angry that his fingertips were shaking, and he pointed to the direction of the elevator and said coldly to Qiao.

"Miss Qiao, you and my son are only dating, and they are not married yet. I can tell you clearly now that I don’t agree with you being together. Please leave here immediately!"

"As for how Yu Chenchen fell down the stairs, I will investigate it carefully afterwards. If it has anything to do with you, our Fu family will not sit idly by."

Gu San watched the excitement, which is so beautiful.

But before his Wangye showed up, how could she not have this attitude.

In the final analysis, what they succumbed to is nothing more than power, and they don't really care about the young master at all.

Qiao Hao ever suffered such insults, nails were pinched into the flesh, biting his lip, tears swirling in his eye sockets, and suddenly a drop rolled down, as soft as rain hitting pear blossoms.


"Brother Fu, I'd better go first."

She is sincere this time.

Although she didn't know why Madam Fu suddenly had such a tough attitude towards herself, she wanted to be with Fu Ge for a long time, and it was bound to go through Madam Fu's pass. She did not dare to offend the other party to death.

She was about to cry away while holding the strap of her handbag.

was grabbed by the man next to her wrist: "Don't go! Mom, if you want to go, I will go with her!"

Qiao An turned her head and saw that Fu Ge was holding her hand while confronting Mrs. Fu, her heart warmed.

"You!" Madam Fu was so angry that her fingertips were trembling, she stepped forward, raised her hand, and slammed down his face fiercely.


Fu Ge's white and handsome face showed five finger prints, which shows how angry and angry she is.


She originally thought that the Fu family could rely on him to carry forward in the future, but now it seems that it’s fine if you don’t put it in his hands.

"Get out now!"

Ye Wangchuan raised his eyebrows, his deep eyes looked at their family mockingly, and casually reminded them: "Mrs. Fu, I didn't come to see you quarreling in the hospital. If you want to quarrel, your whole family can go back and quarrel."

This doesn’t save them a bit of face!

Fu Ge gritted his teeth and held back his blood, covering his face, suddenly raised his voice and asked him: "I also want to ask Ye Shao who you are against me and annoyance everywhere? Because of Qiao Nian?"

Madam Fu took a deep breath, and only hated that she had acted lightly just now. Without a slap in the face, she woke him up, so she dared to ask such things.

Does he know who the Ye Family in Beijing is?

Who is Ye Wangchuan?

Sure enough...

Ye Wangchuan's eyes twitched slightly, those bloodthirsty eyes fell on him, and Fu Ge was frightened and clenched his fists.


He originally thought Ye Wangchuan would not admit it.

After all, even after Qiao Nian's background was retrieved, his parents and brother would be the same. It is impossible for this man to admit it.

Who knows, the next second, his face was beaten to pieces.

Ye Wangchuan: "So what?"

What about   ?

Even Gu San couldn’t help but look sideways. I’m going, Master Wang has publicly admitted Miss Qiao?

However, he is not as surprised as he was at the beginning. Before knowing the identity of Miss Qiao, he felt that although the two had a private engagement, Ms. Qiao was not worthy of the paranoid, but now...Jiang family + Xueba + The genius doctor, Miss Qiao still looks so beautiful, to be honest, she is barely worthy of the delusion!

So he glanced at the man who admitted, and silently withdrew his gaze.

(End of this chapter)

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