Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:31:57 PM

Chapter 2001: 2001

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  Chapter 2001 Sister Nian: Now it’s popular to talk to her?

  At the same time, Qiao Nian had returned to Ye Wangchuan’s private house in Independence Island, which was regarded as an important stronghold in Yaomen.

   is located in the prosperous area of ​​Independence Island, but it is not noisy.

  The villa area is all around.

  Yewangchuan, a four-story luxury villa located in the center of this area, in addition to the villa, there is also a tennis court, courtyard-style infinity swimming pool and a family-style football field with beautifully manicured lawns.

  Independence Continent is a separate continent, but the area is not wide, only slightly larger than the illegal zone.

  In addition to the mixed forces of various forces in Independence Continent, forces from all over the world want to take root here, so the land price in Independence Continent is not cheap.

  Compared with Beijing, which is famous for its housing prices in China, it is completely worse than that.

  Ye Wangchuan’s detached villa, Qiao Nian's only visual assessment has exceeded one billion yuan. As for how much money he spent, she has not deliberately calculated it.

  It's definitely not cheap anyway.

  Wait for the three people to return to their residence.

  As soon as Qin Si entered the door, he put down the car key very foresight, and turned around and said to the two of them: "Sister Joe, Lord, I will go back to the room first."

He is very good at finding reasons, and he also specifically found a reason that people cannot refuse: "I haven't contacted my home for two days. If I don't call my mother again, she is afraid that she will come to Independence Island to find me. Dare to mess with her."

  The Qin family in Beijing is also at the top of the pyramid. Madam Qin naturally knows the existence of Independence Island, but it is not easy for Madam Qin to come to Independence Island. It is not a matter of plane ticket.

  Qin Si made it clear that he wanted to make room for them to be alone.

  He slid so fast, he went upstairs and disappeared.

  Before leaving, she stuffed the rough pink diamond that Qiao Nian gave him in the car back to her hand, saying that it was too expensive and she couldn’t ask for it.

  He didn't give Qiao Nian a chance to refuse, so he stuffed things to Qiao Nian and ran away.

Qiao Nian had a diamond in his hand, she had to hold it first, walked into the living room, put the black backpack on her shoulders on the sofa, and then walked towards the kitchen and took out two bottles of ice from the refrigerator. The mineral water is turned back again. He handed over one of the bottles casually, looking lazy, and asked Ye Wangchuan lazily: "Do you want it?"

   Ye Wangchuan looked at the water handed to him, smiled lightly, reached out to take it, unscrewed the bottle cap, and returned the bottle he had unscrewed to her. Then she took another bottle of water that had not been unscrewed in her hand.

  Under the smudge of the light, Ye Wangchuan has an exquisite face, the tall nose is smooth and three-dimensional, and his thin lips are dyed bright red.

  His slender fingers rested on the mineral water bottle, looking down, a pair of black pupils seemed to have a faint light, and said to the girl: "Shen Qiao, let's talk?"

  Qiao Nian leaned against the table and drank water casually.

  Suddenly heard what he said, she couldn't help but raise her head, just to meet his eyes, she quickly moved away from her eyes, frowned, put down the water in her hand, her eyes were a little dry.

  What's going on recently, everyone loves to talk to her...Is this a new trend?

  But Qiao Nian still screwed on the cap, put the mineral water bottle on the table, and walked with him to the living room sofa.

  Ye Wangchuan asked her to sit first.

   Waiting for Qiao Nian to sit down, he leaned on the side of the sofa, put his hands in his pockets, and said with a smile but a smile: "That pink diamond..."

  Qiao Nian immediately raised his hand and pulled down his peaked cap.

  This is her usual small gesture.

  (End of this chapter)

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