Published at 2nd of December 2021 03:45:39 PM

Chapter 2114: 2114

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   Chapter 2114 Xie Family Never Allows an Outsider to Take Advantage

  Be aware that what Xie Tingyun owns is not just the real estate on the surface. Everyone in the Xie family knows that Xie Tingyun also has a notebook that records many top scientific research projects that she participated in when she was young.

  Those scientific research projects are classified as confidential, but Xie Tingyun’s laptop has complete experimental data. With this laptop alone, Xie’s family is not willing to let outsiders take advantage.

  They absolutely cannot accept Xie Tingyun to recognize another goddaughter.

  Thanks to Tingyun’s persistent personality, he is by no means a person who will be led by his family.

  No one in the Xie family dared to express their dissatisfaction on the face, for fear of annoying her, and directly cut off the relationship with the Xie family.

  If they want to take the legacy of Xie Tingyun, they have to play the emotional card step by step.

  This is the main reason why Xie's mother came to Xie Xinyao impatiently.

Xie Xinyao is not a fool. She knows the idea of ​​her parents very well in her heart. She pursed her lips and said in a distracted tone: "I'm not reluctant to go to the manor to see my aunt. Every time I go to see her, I try to please her and make her happy. . But she never mentioned the notebook to me, nor asked me how I was in the graduate school. I don’t think she really wants to teach me.”

"How come." Mother Xie comforted her, patted her hand gently, confident: "Don't think so much. Anyway, blood is thicker than water. You are her only niece, and we thank you. The heir of the family’s generation, she is unreasonable and cheap, and outsiders are unwilling to teach you. You, you have to go see your aunt more and stay with her more, she is happy, and she might give you things."

  Xie Xinyao waved her hand and opened the window of the car to let the outside air blow in. She breathed fresh air, her depressed mood felt better, and she whispered to Xie mother: "I know."

Mother Xie nodded with great satisfaction, and returned to her usual dignified and noble appearance. She tucked up the silk scarf on her shoulders and said casually: "As for that goddaughter...heh, don't want to take advantage of Xie's house! I will follow you. Dad is looking for a chance to talk to your aunt, but it’s really impossible. If I let your grandfather go, I don’t believe that your aunt insists on acknowledging an outsider as a goddaughter."

  Xie Xinyao felt a strong sense of anxiety, grasping what was in her hand, and lowering her eyelids: "I hope."

  Xie’s private car moved forward steadily, getting farther and farther from the First Research Institute until it disappeared.


  On the other side, in the research institute.

  Xie Xinyao left all the team members and left early. Without her, the atmosphere in the Level 8 laboratory suddenly became much more relaxed.

  Cao Yanhua mentioned the meal again: “By the way, Qiao Nian, you were not free before, and we didn’t have a meal. Do you have time today? Why don’t we all have a meal together?”

  Xu Yi and they were also very happy, and they looked at the girls one after another.

  Qiao Nian had already tapped the cap again, leaning slantingly there and looking down at the phone.

  Nan Tianyi just sent a message to her, asking her if she was finished, and invited her to the manor, saying that she had something to discuss with her.

  Qiao Nian worried about Xie Tingyun’s body. He raised his head when he heard that, kicked the phone back into his pocket, picked up his belongings, and said to Cao Yanhua and others: "No today, I have something to leave first."

  Cao Yanhua did not expect Qiao Nian to be so busy, and his honest face could not hide the disappointment. However, he waved to her in a grand manner: "Well, let's do it, you can do it first."

Qiao Nian was ready to leave. Before leaving, he stopped and turned his head to look at a few people. The delicate face under the brim of the hat was very beautiful. Her eyes were extremely deep and thorough: "Can the day after tomorrow be okay? The day after tomorrow, I invite you. Eat hot pot. I know there is a hot pot in Independence Island that tastes good."

  (End of this chapter)

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