Published at 21st of January 2022 07:44:09 AM

Chapter 2191: Xie Xinyao's lie is about to be exposed

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Chapter 2191 Xie Xinyao's lie will be exposed

After Nan Tianyi stood firm, he gently patted his arm with his backhand, tugging the already stiff muscles on his face, revealing a surviving smile, but his eyes were already wet, and he spoke incoherently when he spoke excitedly: "I'm okay, it's okay. . It’s fine, it’s fine, it’s great! It’s great.”

The old housekeeper also stayed with him all night. He is getting older and his body is not as strong as a young man. His eyes are also flushed with redness. At this moment, he can't help but yelled happily beside him: "God bless you. Fortunately, Madam is okay, just fine."

Jinan, Xie Yun all smiled.

Everyone smiled in relief.

The relatives of Xie's family also hope that Xie Tingyun can survive this time, so after waiting for the whole night, they all whispered to each other when they heard the news.

In the midst of joy, only one person behaved extremely abnormally.

Xie Xinyao waited here all night. When the doctor came out and said that Xie Tingyun’s operation was successful, people would soon wake up.

She has a blue face and can't laugh at all.

The person has been blinded.

"It's okay? How could it be okay..." She didn't want to hurt Xie Tingyun's life after changing the dressing, but the doctor later said it was serious, and she was also mentally prepared.

Who knows the twists and turns.

Thanks to Tingyun, it’s okay.

Now the person who is about to face danger has become herself.

Xie Xinyao couldn't accept the reality, she was stiff in place, with her head down, completely unable to control her emotions.

Jinan noticed her, said to Xie Yun, and walked towards her.

"Xie Xinyao, the doctor said that my aunt's operation was successful. How do I think you are unhappy? Do you not want my aunt's operation to be successful?"

Everyone in the corridor was still immersed in the joy of the successful operation of Xie Tingyun. Ji Nan's question attracted a lot of attention.

Xie’s mother reacted greatly and immediately stood in front of Xie Xinyao, glaring at Ji Nan: “What do you mean? Why is Xinyao upset? She said she was upset?”

Ji Nan didn't give her face this time, with a cynical attitude, hands in his pockets, but his eyes were firmly locked on Xie Xinyao: "I think everyone is celebrating. She stood alone in the corner and said nothing. I thought she didn't want to see her aunt waking up without incident."

Jinan made it clear this time.

"My aunt is all right now, and we can also investigate some things. I was almost taken a bit wrong before. It suddenly occurred to me that the poisoning is not a doctor who has to administer the drug. It seems that other people have a chance to do it, right? "

"After all, my aunt is not taking that medicine for the first time. Nian Nian will deliver the medicine every other month. Now it is the end of the month."

Ji Nan looked at Xie Xinyao with scorching eyes: "In other words, Auntie has been taking this medicine for a month. If there is a problem with this medicine, there will be a problem at the beginning, and it can’t be delayed until now. Then the problem is, whether it is the medicine. The question is, or is there someone using this medicine in the middle to achieve a certain purpose?"

"For example, frame Qiao Nian."

Xie Xinyao has always refused to admit that Xie Tingyun’s heir is Qiao Nian. She has always believed that Xie Tingyun will leave everything to her in the future.

Jinan visually told her that Qiao Nian was Xie Tingyun’s doctor. Because of this relationship, Xie Tingyun was ‘confused’ by Qiao Nian and left all her contacts and family properties to Qiao Nian.

(End of this chapter)

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