Published at 21st of January 2022 07:42:45 AM

Chapter 2273: A sweet orange candy to the heart

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Chapter 2273 A sweet orange candy in the heart

Qiao Nian remembered that he had promised him, and looked at it patiently.

【Lu Zhi: You are so cute! If the wind blows into my arms, I won't pay it back. 】

Qiao Nian:...

She once again succeeded in being caught in the eyes of someone's evil taste. She remembered that yesterday, Lu Zhi seemed to say, "I'm going to buy a piece of land outside, buy your heart and soul."

Today is more earthy than yesterday.

Probably, I was more pleased by someone’s circle of friends with spicy eyes. The corners of the girl’s mouth were slightly raised, her skin was white, her arrogant facial features, and her arrogant facial features added a bit of color.

Qiao Nian is probably in a good mood. She has always just completed the task. Today, she commented on Lu Zhi’s circle of friends for an unprecedented time.

Q: [Thumbs up. ]

In a certain way, Lu Zhi is really an individual!

……Such as his circle of friends.

Qiao retired after reading to Lu Zhi’s circle of friends, and it happened that Qin Si also sent a message to her and asked about going to the National Taiwan University tomorrow.

Qiao read the edited news in his spare time and returned him, saying that he would pass tomorrow.

Wait to get this done.

She put the phone down, tired from the corners of her eyes.

Ye Wangchuan took her a candy and peeled it off. Seeing that she had finished replying to the news, he grabbed a trace of emotion in her eyes, and passed the peeled candy over: "If you eat a candy, go up and rest. I'll call you after dinner. ."

Qiao Nian raised his eyes to look at him, and slowly reached out to take it.

Ye Wangchuan lowered his eyes, and suddenly said in a low voice: "Open your mouth."

Qiao Nian frowned, his mind turned a little slow because of fatigue, and he didn't react for a while, but subconsciously believed him and opened his mouth.

at this time.

Feed in with an orange-flavored fruit candy.


The hard part of the fruit candy was against the tip of her tongue, and the sweet and sour taste of orange candy quickly spread between her lips and teeth.

Girl Yahei's eyelashes were half-closed, shaking slightly.

Ye Wangchuan's thin lips twitched slightly, and he patted her on the shoulder, with a low and seductive voice, urging her: "Okay, go up and rest soon. I will call you later."

Qiao Nian's dull nerves were clear for a moment, and his jet-black eyes looked at him like ink. After looking at him for a while, he bit his lips when he got up, then quickly moved away, licking his lips, arrogantly: " Very sweet."

She didn't give the man a chance to respond, so she took the opportunity to walk upstairs.

While not forgetting to wave his hand, the one walking is called a chic.

"I went up to rest."

Ye Wangchuan watched her ascending back gradually disappear to the top of the stairs, then reached out his hand to touch his lips, and smiled.

lowered her head, and no longer cared about the name she liked in Moments when she accidentally saw her playing on her mobile phone.

Lu Zhi.

It seems that Qiao Nian is quite familiar with this person.

Ye Wangchuan has always been arrogant, but this time he cared a little about the name.

He stroked his thin lips with his hand, and lowered his eyes, but he restrained all his concerns, and did not ask Gu San to investigate.


The next day.

Qiao read the door at half past one.

Rhine was near the National Tsing Hua University. It only took her ten minutes to reach the back door of the National Tsing Hua University. Qin Si came to pick her up.

Qin Si also learned that Qiao Nian was injured when he went to pick up someone in the afternoon.

He parked the car, unlocked the seat belt, hesitated before getting out of the car, turned his face and asked the girl: "Sister Joe, are you sure you are not at home for more rest? Your hands... Actually you can rest assured to give it to me, I will This thing is done..."

(End of this chapter)

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