Published at 21st of January 2022 07:40:32 AM

Chapter 2431: Someone knocked on the glass on her side

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   Chapter 2431 Someone knocked on the glass on her side

   Zhou Zhou put the water on the table and looked at him sideways: "Who is that?"

"I don't know who it is." Shi Fu said bluntly: "But I know it must not be Ji Ziyin. If she had this ability, Gu Hengbo and her would have been known to everyone, it is impossible to keep it a secret and refuse to show it. come out."


   "The explosion you mentioned should be the work of another person. I will find someone to investigate this matter, and I will tell you when there is news."

After Shi Fu told her about it, Zhou Zhou stopped mentioning it for the time being.

   She got up and thanked Shi Fu, turned around and prepared to leave.

   When Fu saw that she was about to leave the office, he thought of something, and suddenly stopped her: "Team Leader Zhou, wait a moment."

   Zhou Zhou turned around and asked, "Do you have anything else to do?"

   Shi Fu hesitated to use his words and said slowly, "Can you help me contact Qiao Nian? I can't contact her."


   "The dean never came back. I guess she knows where the dean is."

   Zhou Zhou readily agreed: "Okay, I'll contact her and let her call you back."

   "Hmm." Shi Fu was a little relieved.

   "The vice president, I'll go first." Zhou Zhou waved his hand and left first.

   As she walked out, she did not forget to contact Qiao Nian for Shifu.

   It's just that no one responded whether she called Qiao Nian or sent a message.

   Zhou Zhou frowned. He was not calm at first. He turned out their group chat again, and was going to find Qiao Nian through the private chat group...


  Feng Yu's operation did not end until the next morning. The entire operation lasted for more than ten hours. When the door of the operating room opened again, the sunlight outside had already come out.

  The girl looked tired and came out first.

   "How is it?" Qin Si gathered around and asked about Feng Yu's situation.

  Qiao Nian tore off the surgical gloves and threw them into the trash can. There was a cloud of green black under his eyelids, but he could see that Feng Yu's operation was a success: "The legs are saved, and there is no need for amputation."

   "That's good." Qin Sichang breathed a sigh of relief and muttered.

   Ye Wuchuan walked over, didn't ask Feng Yu's situation, only cared about her: "How about you? Are you okay?"

  He thought that Qiao Nian would say it was fine, but who knew that the girl's cold white fingers pressed between her eyebrows, suppressing the coldness all over her body, and answered sincerely: "Not good."

   Ye Wangchuan looked at her.

  Qiao Nian took his hand away and said irritably, "...Headache."

   This time, she didn't sleep all day and night again, she stayed up for 24 hours, went to find Gu Hengbo, and performed high-intensity surgery on Feng Yu for more than ten hours...

  Qiao Nian only felt that his brain was buzzing and everyone was numb.

   "Sleepy?" Ye Wuchuan understood her very well.

He looked up at Feng Yu, who was pushed out by the doctor and nurse, and turned back to the girl and said, "Anyway, Feng Lao is fine here. I'll take you back first. You can go back and have a good night's sleep. Leave it to me. I'll let you go. Mo Dong is here to tell you something."

   "Well." Qiao Nian really couldn't stand it anymore, after all, she was considered half a patient. So I followed Ye Wangchuan's footsteps and told Qin Si and the others that they were going to go back to rest first...

Ye Wangchuan arranged Feng Yu's affairs with Mo Dong, took the car keys, turned back, and returned the black shoulder bag to Qiao Nian: "Someone called you halfway, but your phone just ran out of battery, It shuts down after a beep."

  Qiao Nian went out of the hospital with him, got in the car, put the bag aside, and planned to go back and charge the phone.

   She just put her seat belt on.

   Someone walked out of the car window and knocked on the glass on her side...

   (end of this chapter)

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