Published at 7th of February 2022 02:31:37 PM

Chapter 2465: Yu Qingliu came to the door and was slapped in the face

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   Chapter 2465 Yu Qingliu came to the door and was slapped in the face

   The message on the phone was still on the one he sent before taking a shower.

  【D: Boss, I heard that there is a man in your house? 】

   The avatar over there is quiet.

   didn't mean to return him at all.

   He didn't get angry when he saw the news that he had not moved for more than half an hour. He grinned and said to himself, "It seems that what Guan Yan and the others said in the group is true."

   As he was talking, someone knocked on the door and came in.

  The stubborn man with a stubborn grin raised a rough smile on his face, held the instant noodles in one hand, and asked people to come in: "Come in."

   Someone came in from outside.

   quickly walked up to him and stood up respectfully. . .


  The man saw that he was eating instant noodles, and quickly said: "Boss, someone came to the door outside, it seems to be called...Yu Qingliu. He said he wanted to talk business with you."

  The stubborn man put the instant noodles in his hand, raised his eyes impatiently, and scolded him: "What Yu Qingliu, Wang Qingliu, didn't see me eating instant noodles, no time!"

   The man was very sensible and immediately said: "Then I will let him go."

  The man put down the instant noodles, wiped his mouth, and stopped him: "Wait a minute."

  's men immediately stopped to listen to his instructions.

   He seemed to remember why the name Yu Qingliu was so familiar. Isn't this a member of a hidden family?

He pulled the corners of his mouth, his eyes flashed a hint of contempt, took a piece of paper out of his hand to wipe his mouth, and said casually, "Tell him that our transactions with the Hidden Family have always been with Martin, It's against the rules for him to intervene in this way. If he insists on interfering, you ask him to bring the seal of the hidden family, and I'll have a chat with him."

   "Yes." His subordinates silently remembered his words in their hearts.

   "Go down." The man waved his hand for him to go out.

   Then he picked up his instant noodles again, and ate it deliciously. From time to time, he raised his head and looked at his mobile phone to see if the person he noted as Q had replied to him.


   The people under his control outside relayed his words to Yu Qingliu word for word.

   Yu Qingliu's old face almost didn't hold back, the corners of his mouth pulled down fiercely, and he waved his hand and said, "Let's go!"

   The bearded man who followed him followed behind him with a depressed expression, and said in a low voice, "Old Yu, let's just forget it?"

   The other side humiliated them like this.

  Yu Qingliu didn't even hold him accountable?

   They have to leave here in disarray.

  Yu Qingliu stepped out of the hotel and took a deep breath of the cold air outside.

  Independence Island's weather in March and April just entered spring, and the temperature was low before the sun came out.

He breathed into his chest with a cold breath and barely suppressed the anger in his chest. While waiting for the car to come, he lowered his eyebrows and said gloomily, "This person has an unusual relationship with Martin. And the source of the weapons in his hands should be It was offered to him ... we have no idea who was behind him."

   "In this case, it is impossible for us to confront him head-on!"

   So he had to hold back his breath.

  Who made this weapon dealer have the backing of a big guy?

  Yu Qingliu has not been able to accomplish anything he wanted to do since he came to Independence Island. He was frustrated frequently, and he was not very comfortable.

   He turned his hands behind his back, Shen Lian looked at the driver's car, turned his head to look back, and said in a low voice, "We still have to find a way to deal with him, after all, he has the weapons we want..."

  The bearded man gradually calmed down at this time, and nodded his head in a humiliated manner: "I see."

   (end of this chapter)

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