Published at 10th of March 2022 09:08:44 AM

Chapter 2563: Yu Qingliu plans to fight to the death with Sister Nian!

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   Chapter 2563 Yu Qingliu plans to fight to the death with Sister Nian!

   "Okay, I understand." Yu Qingliu interrupted him suddenly with a blank face, and got up to let the housekeeper see off the guests: "I don't need your hands, and you don't have to perfunctory me here."

  John was confused by him and explained embarrassingly: "Old Yu, I didn't mean that, it's just that Qiao Nian her..."

   When Ji Ziyin heard this, her eyes suddenly widened.

   Did she hear it wrong?

  m The royal family said... Qiao Nian?

  Yu Qingliu interrupted him: "Our Yu family has its own blood, and people step on our head. I'm different from you. I want her to understand who can be offended and who can't be offended!"


   "Send off."

  The housekeeper of the Yu family had to walk in front of John, bent over and said politely, "I'm sorry, I'll take you out."

  John stood there for a minute, and after a brief thought, he bent over to pick up his blazer and drape it over his arm.

   Before he left, he stopped again and persuaded softly: "I know you won't listen to what I say now, but I still want to say something that the Queen is not even in the first place, you'd better think about it again."

  Yu Qingliu ignored him.

  John shook his head, as if he had nothing to do with him, turned around and left Yu's house.


  The Yu family's villa was left with only the members of the Yu family's own family.

  Yu Qingliu sat back on the sofa like he was relieved. When the rest of the Yu family saw him like this, they looked at each other and realized the seriousness of the matter.

   Someone asked cautiously, "Elder Yu, are we really going to go out and deal with that Joe or something?"

  m The royal family didn't dare to stand out, it's a bit unreasonable for them to go to the top.

   Everyone has a bad feeling in their hearts. .

  Yu Qingliu's eyes were firm, and he said solemnly: "When things have come to this point, we have no turning back."

   "Whether the Yu family can go further, depends on this time!"

   "But." A few sober people in the Yu family are still worried: "The Queen is not willing to help, in case we..."

   "Huh!" Yu Qingliu sneered, his eyes showing arrogance: "There is no case. Yu family has grown up in country m, is it possible that they are still afraid of them?!"

   "The fact that the royal family dared not only shows that they are cowardly. We want to go a step further, and this time we must give the queen a satisfactory explanation. Otherwise...we will fall out of favor with the queen..."

   "If we can take this opportunity to please the Queen and let the Queen look at us, it is not impossible for the Yu family to take a step forward to replace the Martin family in the future."

   His words undoubtedly gave everyone a shot in the arm.

   In the face of the huge temptation, other opponents also became silent.

The housekeeper of the Yu family returned after seeing him come back, and Yu Qingliu arranged in a deep voice: "Go and gather all the staff of the Yu family in country M, we have to finish this matter before dawn, and we will never let them live. Opportunity to leave country m!"

   "..." The housekeeper of the Yu family was shocked when he heard this.

   He quickly looked up at Yu Qingliu.

   Ke Yu Qingliu has made a decision to give it a go.

   He had to obey the arrangement, complied, and quickly left the villa to contact the Yu family's scattered staff.


  m states that it is not too big, but not too small.

  The news that the Yu family plans to use the whole family to fight to the death tonight quickly reached Qiao Nian's ears.

   She was not surprised that Yu Qingliu would make this decision.

   She just wondered what happened to Yu Xinlan.

   (end of this chapter)

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