Published at 10th of March 2022 09:07:34 AM

Chapter 2626: Sister Nian's mother is also a boss

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   Chapter 2626 Sister Nian's mother is also a boss

She had tried countless times before to unlock the password of the USB flash drive, so she was not surprised to see this. She got up and went to the bed to pick up her bag. Page.

   Qiao Nian took the paper and sat back in front of the computer, and opened the piece of white paper that seemed to be torn off temporarily.

   has a string of numbers written on it.

   is exactly the same as the password required on the computer, it is all six digits.

   Qiao Nian was about to enter the password according to the numbers on the paper, when there was a knock at the door.

   She raised her eyelids, slid the chair away, leaned on it lazily and said, "Come in."

   Ye Wuchuan came in from outside, walked over and said, "I brought you two bottles of water."

   He unscrewed the cap of one of the bottles and gave it to the girl.

  Qiao Nian took it, raised his head and gulully took two sips, then put the bottle aside: "Thanks."

   She happened to be a little thirsty.

   Ye Wuchuan put another bottle on it, and out of the corner of his eye he saw the scratch paper spread out on her desk.

  Someone used a pencil to scribble and draw on the scratch paper, and wrote a lot of calculation formulas with flying handwriting. At first glance, it was Qiao Nian's handwriting.

   He moved his hand for a while and turned his head: "Have you tried it yet?"

   "Ah." Qiao Nian didn't hide it from him, and said slowly, "I was about to try, so you came in."

   So she hasn't had time to try.

   Ye Wuchuan folded his arms and leaned against the side. Hearing her words, he raised his eyebrows: "Can I take a look with you?"

   Qiao Nian glanced at him and said nothing.

   But she showed her attitude with practical actions. She put her hands on the keyboard and typed in the password she calculated, and then hit the Enter key...

   Ji Qing has set up a self-destruction program on it. Once the password she just entered is wrong, the contents inside will be automatically destroyed.

   Ye Wuchuan was rarely nervous, and stared at the computer screen for a moment.

  The computer first flashed, and then a large amount of data began to jump out as if entering some kind of program, all of which were C language specially used for computer programming.

   He wasn't sure if the USB flash drive had entered a self-destruction program, or it was normal.

   However, Ye Wangchuan tilted his head to see the girl's calm profile, and then looked at the garbled characters on the screen and became calmer.

  Looking at Qiao Nian's attitude, the password she entered should be right!

   Sure enough.

  The speed of the programming data rapidly turning on the computer screen starts to slow down, and then a progress bar pops up, and the progress bar starts to refresh from 1%.

   10% refresh every minute.

   Ten minutes later.

  Complete 100% progress.

   The picture on the screen cuts into a folder.

  Qiao Nian saw the folder named 3 by Ji Qing, and he covered the mouse with his hand and gently clicked on the folder.

There are a total of 10 small files in the    folder.

   There are video formats and TXT formats.

   Qiao Nian clicked on the smallest TXT file he had picked, and there were dense calculation formulas written on the notepad.

   She pulled down and found more than 10,000 words.

   "This is?" Ye Wuchuan was a little surprised by the contents of the USB flash drive. As she guessed, it wasn't the trivial things that the Ji family and the Yinshi family kept secret, but a lot of data.

  Qiao Nian pulled the notepad to the top again, watched it carefully for a while, then took a pen and worked out a few formulas on the blank space of the previous scratch paper.

   For a long time, she dropped the pen, unable to calm down for a long time.

   "The above is a formula and procedural deduction for a missile interceptor system."

   (end of this chapter)

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