Published at 6th of April 2022 04:36:10 PM

Chapter 2691: Another dog food

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   Chapter 2691 is another dog food all-you-can-eat

   Ji Xiao was both happy and excited: "Go, of course!"

   He happily began to figure out how to allocate the 4 tickets for Ji Ziyin's baby, and mentioned a few people to Ji Ziyin.

   Ji Ziyin herself lacked interest, and was still thinking about the rejection by Cao Yanhua's text message, so she absently mentioned a word or two.

   Ji Xiao didn't see that she was disaffected, and finally decided to give Simon, Lu Yiming and Liao Quan the remaining three tickets except him.

   This way, all aspects are considered.

   Ji Ziyin has no opinion, let him arrange everything.

   Ji Xiao started to call the three of them separately, preparing to maximize the effect of these tickets, so that these people can see that Ji Ziyin is not what it used to be.


   three days later.

  Independence Island Airport.

  Qiao Nian slept until eight o'clock when someone dug it out of the bed, yawned all the way, and got on the plane half asleep.

  Gu San and Qin Si were also there.

   They don't live in the Privy Council. Moxi arranged an apartment for them outside, which is very close to the Privy Council, and it is also convenient for Qiao Nian and Ye Wangchuan to come out and live.

   Moxie was also with them this time.

  Mo Dong was left in charge of Yaomen's affairs.

   "Miss Joe, do you want coffee?"

   Moxie is a good person. As soon as Qiao Nian got on the plane and sat down, he acted as a flight attendant and took the initiative to ask the girls what to drink.

  Qiao Nian found a seat by the window and sat down, put the bag next to him, and yawned, unable to open his eyes: "No, please bring me a blanket and blindfold."


  Moxy went to get something.

  Qin Si sat diagonally in front of Qiao Nian, turned his head to see this scene, and muttered in his heart, wanting to play a game with Qiao Nian: "Sister Qiao, Zhang Yang asked you to play a game together. Would you like to come?"

   "You guys play." Moxie came over with a blindfold and a disposable blanket, and brought Qiao Nian headphones by the way.

  Qiao Nian took over and leveled the seat down, put the earphones on his ears, covered his eyes with blankets, and started to make up for sleep.

   Yesterday, she sorted out the calculation formula of the season situation and didn't sleep until 3:30 in the morning. She slept for less than four hours in total. She was really sleepy.

   Anyway, it takes about eight hours to fly from Independent Island. Qiao Nian planned to sleep all the way, and just woke up.

  Qin Si saw that the girl had already closed the curtain and went to sleep. He didn't want to disturb the girl, so he simply sent Zhang Yang a message.

  [Sister Qiao is sleeping and playing another day. ]

   She posted it in the game group.

   Zhang Yang and the others were waiting for him to form a team in five rows. When they received the group news, the corners of their mouths twitched and they looked up at the sky. Tangning was no longer so well-behaved, so she dared to call Ye Wuchuan directly below.

   "Come on." When Qin Si saw the news in the group, he looked anxiously to see if Mr. Wang saw it.

Who knew that the tall and tall man didn't look at his phone at all, but walked over, with a gentle face, dimmed the light above the girl's seat, and put a bottle of mineral water by her hand, then walked away lightly, signaling the flight attendant Don't go this way.

   Qin Si suddenly felt boring when he saw this.

   He retracted his neck and silently picked up his phone and sent a message to Guan Yan.

   Guan Yan did not return to him for the time being.

   Qin Si is also used to it.

   Guan Yan has always been like this. When he is enthusiastic, he is like fire, and when he is cold, he can disappear for ten days and a half months without replying to news.

   He told Guan Yan that he was going to the Privy Council and ignored it.

   (end of this chapter)

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