Published at 4th of June 2022 05:42:11 AM

Chapter 2779: The few people Ye Wuchuan arrested are Leonard's people

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Chapter 2779 Those people caught by Ye Wuchuan are Leonard's people

Jiang Li stopped her from the door with an indifferent expression: "No, she doesn't answer unfamiliar calls either."

Mu Yiyi's lips trembled, knowing that Jiang Li was deliberately embarrassing her, but she had no choice but to ask for help: "Then if Jiang Shao encounters trouble with chasing light again, tell me, I am willing to apologize to chasing light. "

Jiang Li neither agreed nor refused.

In fact, this is a disguised rejection.

Mu Yiyi was deadlocked with him for half a minute, and soon he couldn't hold it anymore, his eyes were dodged, and he forced an embarrassed smile: "Then I won't disturb you."

"No." Jiang Li didn't even say to see off the guests, and watched them leave.

Mu Yiyi and the others just walked to the elevator when they heard the sound of the door closing behind them.

The hearts of the two sank to the bottom with the sound of the door closing.

The female assistant was pale and lost her mind: "Yiyi, what should we do now?"

Mu Yiyi couldn't help: "I don't know."

She was upset and pressed the elevator, and said to the female assistant, "Go to the director first, maybe Director Li has the contact information for chasing light."

On the other side, Qiao Nian is in the underground garage of the hotel.

She saw a few people squatting next to Ye Wangchuan and Moxi, squatting with their heads on their heads, glanced at them, raised her eyebrows and asked, "What's the situation with these people?"

"Miss Qiao." Moxie saw her come down and greeted respectfully, then turned to those people, and sneered: "People from Lei's family, but not Leonard's cronies, just some leftovers."

"I met them in the underground garage and said they wanted to trouble you, so I just arrested them first and then waited for you to come and deal with them."

Moses finished.

Ye Wuchuan brought her a coat and put it on her shoulders, and then said casually, "I asked them, they came to intimidate you under orders."

"Threat me?" Qiao Nian was a little surprised, raised his eyes, seemed to think this was funny, and the corners of his mouth evoked a hint of interest.

Ye Wangchuan saw warmth in her deep eyes, and said lightly, "It has nothing to do with the Privy Council. People from Beijing found it."

Qiao Nian heard what he said, and immediately reacted, and felt quite speechless. He pulled down the cap with cold white hands, and his black eyes swept across a row of people squatting on the ground: "...They are quite good at finding someone."

Ye Wangchuan laughed sullenly: "Yeah, they really have good eyesight."

His vision was good, not only that Mu Yiyi, Su Qing and others were looking for Leonard's people, but also that they had a good vision to offend people.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to pick Qiao Nian.

Moxie looked at the people who were squatting on the ground and asked them, "Miss Qiao, arrogant master. What are you going to do with these people?"

Several people were apprehensive when they heard that they had been named.

Ye Wangchuan had an expression of 'Looking at you, I have no opinion'.

Qiao Nian turned his head and pondered: "Take the person back first and see what Leonard has to say."

Moxie knew how to point out the conflict between her and the empress of the hidden family. He nodded: "Okay, I'll arrange it right away."

He went to arrange to take these people away.

Ye Wuchuan opened the car door and said to the people around him, "Let's go, I'll take you to dinner."

Qiao Nian replied casually as he got in the car, "I ate at Jiangli, and I'm not hungry yet."

Her beautiful eyes looked over: "Are you going? I'll accompany you."

Ye Wuchuan went around to the other side to get on the car, fastened his seat belt, and said casually: "Forget it, I'll go back and have something to eat."

Qiao Nian glanced at him and hesitated.

But at this time, Elder Xue called to look for her, so Qiao Nian had to give up and pick up first.

(end of this chapter)

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