Published at 3rd of March 2023 05:55:32 AM

Chapter 2931: Coincidentally, the monitoring system in the underground garage is also broken.

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  Chapter 2931 Coincidentally, the monitoring of the underground garage is also broken

  The staff had never seen her before, but when they saw a cool girl wearing a cap and asked her, she was also taken aback: "How do you know?"

  Qiao Nian's heart sank, she pursed her lips and said nothing.

  The hotel staff didn't pay much attention to her, and quickly explained to the manager: "I checked the monitoring before going to work, and the monitoring is fine."

   "Two hours ago, the surveillance in the underground garage suddenly went dark. I rushed over after receiving a call from the security guard on duty."

   "The maintenance master said it wasn't an equipment problem, but a malfunction in the hotel's security system, which will be repaired tomorrow afternoon."

  At this time, at this place, the monitoring is just right.

   And still that kind of glitch problem.

   There is no way to fix this.

  Qiao Nian raised his hand and turned the cap, and walked straight inside: "I'll try it."

   "Hey, you can't go in here..." The hotel staff still wanted to stop her.

   Was grabbed by the manager.

  The lobby manager nodded and bowed to the young man to be careful: "Young Master Ye, you can investigate slowly, you can do whatever you want. We really don't know that there is a problem with the monitoring..."


  Ye Wangchuan ignored him, passed by him and entered the security room.


  The lights in the security room were dim.

  The area of ​​less than ten square meters is filled with small TVs the size of a wall, and real-time monitoring of the hotel is displayed on each screen.

  Qiao Nian dragged the chair away and sat down, then took out a laptop from her bag, and plugged the black data cable into the hotel's monitoring host computer.

  Her fingers tapped on the keyboard quickly, and all kinds of codes were continuously updated on the small screen.

   Qiao Nian's tense jawline never relaxed, and the speed of his hands gradually accelerated.


   At a critical point.

   She stopped suddenly!

  Ye Wangchuan watched her push away the computer with both hands, and leaned back, exuding an aura that no one should enter.

   "The storage disk is broken."

   "Can't recover?"

  Qiao Nian nodded his head in a rare way: "The other party has already prepared this move and completely destroyed the disk. Even if the king of heaven comes, the data cannot be recovered today."

  Ye Wangchuan seldom encountered a disk that she couldn't recover, so he raised his eyebrows.

  Qiao Nian brows and eyes were very dry, and she raised her hand to press the center of her brows. It was as if a stick was hitting her brain, and the nerves started to hurt from the back of her head.

  She was quite calm: "If I'm not mistaken, just in case, the surveillance in important parts of the underground parking garage is also broken."

  Ye Wangchuan raised his eyes, and immediately turned back to tell the lobby manager: "Find someone to take a look."

  The manager in the lobby was startled, thinking it was unlikely, their staff just said that they had checked the equipment before going to work.

  But he didn't hesitate, and immediately asked someone to go down to check.

   Less than ten minutes.

  The person who went down to check the surveillance in the underground garage came back at a trot.

  The man was still panting, and said with a visibly surprised expression: "Manager, the three cameras in the underground garage have been artificially broken!"


  The lobby manager has nothing to say now.

  When Qiao Nian heard that his guess was confirmed, he put all the data cables and notebook back into the bag with a blank expression, and zipped up the shoulder bag.

  She put the shoulder bag on her shoulders, got up and turned to Ye Wangchuan and said, "Let's go, I can't find anything here."

   Now she can only go back and wait for news from Leonard.

  If Leonard dies...

  Then today's round will be a dead end!

  (end of this chapter)

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