Published at 3rd of March 2023 05:53:34 AM

Chapter 2977: Do you think she complained?

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  Chapter 2977 Do you think she complained?

   Just as the elevator came over.

  Qiao Nian glanced at him, and entered the elevator first.

  Ye Fanchuan came in behind her, so she pressed the button on the 10th floor first.

   Then wait for the elevator doors to close.

  Qiao Nian said a little irritably: "Tsk, I thought the people she regarded as treasures were so different, but I didn't expect them to be like that. Two eyes and one mouth, not superhuman."


  Ye Wangchuan understood what she meant.

  Nie Qixing is not mediocre, but Nie Qingru can sacrifice even Jiqing, and she alone protects such a person well. How ironic to Qiao Nian? !

Ye Wangchuan curled up his fingers, and originally wanted to take a picture of her shoulder, when he saw the girl leaning against the side of the elevator with a cold and arrogant expression, her hands in her pockets carelessly: "I gave him the photo, Nie Qingru should understand me when she sees the photo the meaning of."

  Ye Wangchuan's Adam's apple rolled, and it took a long time before he said: "Do you still want to investigate this Nie Qixing?"

   In a blink of an eye, the elevator went down to the 10th floor.

open the door.

  Qiao Nian walked out from the inside and headed towards the room.

  Ye Fanchuan walked with her.

  She had lost interest in this Nie Qixing. When she opened the door, she waited sideways and said, "I'm going to the Pharmacy Association in the afternoon."

   "I have made an appointment with Mr. Zhong, and I will ask Aunt Yuan about her recovery."

  Ye Wangchuan saw that she didn't answer the question of whether to investigate Nie Qixing, and didn't ask to the end. There were stars in his deep eyes: "I'll let Ji Lin accompany you."

  Qiao Nian pushed open the door and was about to go in. Hearing this, he stretched out his hand and pulled off his peaked cap. Remembering the scene where Ji Lin and her were not in harmony before, he raised his eyes and said to him, "Forget it, I can go alone."

  Ye Wangchuan was obviously not such an easy-to-fool person, he immediately noticed something unusual, raised his eyebrows, and was about to ask her seriously.

  Qiao Nian preemptively found an excuse to prevaricate: "I'm used to being alone, so there's no need to trouble him to accompany me there."

  Ye Wangchuan took a deep look at her, without revealing the words inside, nodded, looking quite calm: "Tell me when we arrive."


   Qiao Nian pushed the door open and went in.

  Ye Wangchuan watched as the door of Qiao Nian's room closed.

  His eyes narrowed slightly, the smile on the corner of his mouth faded, he also swiped his card to open the door, walked in, unbuttoned his collar, rolled up his sleeves, went to the window and made a phone call.

   "My Lord." Moxi answered in seconds.

  Ye Wangchuan didn't follow him, and went straight to the point: "What did you say to her before?"


  Moxie's mind turned quickly, and he reacted immediately.

  The "she" that Master Wang said could not be someone else, it must be Ms. Qiao.

  His heart skipped a beat, and he wanted to cover up for Ji Lin, so he said stiffly, "No, we didn't say anything, we just chatted a few words about Nie Qixing."

   "Where's Ji Lin?"

  Ye Wangchuan and Qiao Nianhui held back their temper, and they were not so easy to fool others: "What did he say?"

  Moxi listened to Ye Wangchuan's rare and cold tone, lit two sticks of wax for Ji Lin in his heart, and dared not fool around any further, honestly told what happened that morning.

   "My lord, he also apologized to Ms. Qiao afterwards, and Ms. Qiao said she didn't take it to heart..." Mo Xi didn't doubt Qiao Nian's character.

  He just thought that Ms. Qiao might have slipped her tongue and brought up what happened that day, so Master Wang would suddenly ask them to ask for a crime.

  Who knew that Ye Wangchuan seemed to be able to see what he was thinking in his heart: "Do you think she complained?"

   "Ahem." Moxi was embarrassed for a while, and became more and more at a loss: "I didn't mean that, Master Wang."

  (end of this chapter)

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