Published at 3rd of March 2023 05:44:34 AM

Chapter 3187: The whirlwind slapped the face, this step must be retreated!

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  Chapter 3187 The whirlwind slaps the face, this step has to be retreated!

  She is ruthless, vicious and ruthless!

   As expected of the species of Ji Wu Falcon, the direct descendants of the Ji family are as disgusting as rats in the gutter!

"Queen, what are we going to do next? The judges are all coming to ask for an explanation. I'll calm them down temporarily, but if we can't come up with a solution for a long time, they may admit to our secret operations in order to preserve our reputation. "The person in charge said cautiously.

  Nie Qingru's mind was filled with the anger of Nie Qixing lying in the hospital with serious injuries, and Qiao Nian's anger at throwing a basin of dirty water on his head.


   Until the person in charge called her again.

  Nie Qingru seemed to come back to her senses, her brows furrowed, and she couldn't think of a good solution for a while, so she could only say in a hoarse voice, "You find someone to suppress the heat first."

  As soon as she finished speaking, she heard the person in charge saying: "Queen, I have already tried the method you said. I found a public relations company, but the public relations company couldn't hold it down. I'm afraid there are still people behind this..."

  Nie Qingru's cheek muscles trembled, took a deep breath and said, "I will personally find someone to press the hot search."

  The person in charge finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said happily: "Then I will trouble you, old man."

  Nie Qingru didn't even want to say a word, just hung up the phone and returned the phone to the assistant with a very gloomy expression.

  The assistant didn't dare to leave after getting the phone call, so he could only follow behind her and asked her cautiously: "Queen, is it something on ins?"

  Nie Qingru had a severe headache because of this. Hearing this, she suddenly turned her head and narrowed her eyes dangerously: "You also know?"

  The assistant was taken aback, and he stood still, not daring to move, and stammered, "This matter is making a big fuss on Instagram, I accidentally saw it..."

  Nie Qingru didn't know what to think of, and the expression on her originally cloudy face became more and more condensed, as if it would explode at any time.

   Fortunately, when her anger was burning to the peak, she deliberately controlled it and swallowed this breath: "You should contact the ins first to let them cool down internally."

   "Okay." The assistant quickly agreed.

Nie Qingru called him to stop him before he ran away. Although he swallowed his anger, he had to do so: "Also let...the organizer issue an apology statement. Take the reason for canceling the first place on yourself, and say that they care too much this time. Western musical instruments lead to a biased final result. It is said that after seeing the controversy, they discussed with the judges and decided to return the first place to Qiao Nian."

  Every word she said was squeezed out between her teeth.

   If possible, Nie Qingru would not return the things she took, but this time the other party grabbed her tightly.

  If she refuses to give in and lets the public opinion ferment, Nie Qixing's difficult situation will only get worse!

   This step, she has to let it go!

  Nie Qingru has never been so aggrieved before, watching the assistant run out to make arrangements.

  She pressed her fingers on her temples, and before she could turn around to catch her breath, someone came in to report to her that people from the Nie family had arrived.

  Nie Qingru knew very well that the Nie family came to her at this time, and she was determined to see if Nie Qixing could inherit the Nie family.

   "Let them in."

   "Yes, Empress."

  Even though she didn't sleep all night and was physically and mentally exhausted, she forced herself to brace herself to deal with these people.

  After all, if she is not strong, Nie Qixing's future will be even more difficult!


   Seven hours later.

   Qiao Nian's plane landed at Capital International Airport.

  (end of this chapter)

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