Published at 3rd of March 2023 05:34:23 AM

Chapter 3389: At your speed, I won't even see you end up dead

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  Her tone sounded normal, and she didn't have much mood swings.

  But Ye Fanchuan is not the first day to know her.

  If Qiao Nian really doesn't care about a person, let alone that person has an accident, even if that person dies in front of her, she might be able to calmly step over that person.

  Since she mentioned this, it means that she has been paying attention to Ji Lingfeng.

   At least a little concerned.

Since she cared about it, Ye Wangchuan said with words: "I also heard that Independence Island is not very quiet these days, and he has not shown his face since he came back. From inside and outside of Ji's house, many people began to speculate whether he was real or not. Come back, it's still fake news released by Ji's family."

  Ji Lingfeng came back to Ji's house suddenly one night, and only a few people had seen him in person.

  The others didn't get the news until the next day, and when they went to see Ji Lingfeng with anxiety, they were all stopped by He Lin, Ji Lingfeng's right-hand man.

  At first, everyone didn't think much about it, except that Ji Lingfeng didn't want to see anyone.

   It's been a long time.

  Now there is a new way of saying it.

   It is said that Ji Lingfeng did not come back alive at all, and the so-called Ji Lingfeng'returned' is just fake news made by He Lin and others.

  The purpose is to stabilize the chaotic situation of the Ji family.

  Qiao Nian said calmly: "It's not fake news. He should be at Ji's house. As for why he didn't show up, I suspect it has something to do with his physical condition."

   Gu San happened to bring the hot tea that had been brewed and put it on the table in front of her. Seeing her frowning, he whispered, "Miss Qiao, let's have a sip of tea first."

  Qiao Nian got up impatiently, thought for a while, and said hastily, "I'm going to make a phone call."

  She didn't run back to the second floor to make a phone call this time, but went straight out to the aisle outside to make a phone call.

  Bang   Qin Si heard the sound of closing the door.

   Then he pouted and said with a depressed face, "Sister Qiao ran out to make calls again. She is too busy all day long!"

  Ye Wangchuan ignored him, keeping his eyes on the direction the girl was leaving, looked at the entrance for a while, then looked away, touched the phone again, and decided to urge the old man to hurry up.

  Looking at the situation on the Independence Continent, it should not be possible to wait for ten days and half a month.

   Then Zhou Zheng’s final trial date can only be advanced a few days.

   "What? It's still ahead of time?! Didn't I tell you as soon as possible. No matter how fast you are, you have to go through the process normally."

  Facing the old man's furious complaints, Ye Wangchuan didn't change his face, and said very calmly: "According to the normal process, the final trial will take at least 3-6 months."

   "What do you mean?" Mr. Ye was so angry that he was grinding his teeth: "You brat still educated me."

  Ye Fanchuan was so quarreled that his cochlea hurt, so he collected himself and whispered to him: "Nian Nian's uncle is in some trouble, she may have to leave early."

  So Zhou Zheng's matter must be settled first.

  Master Ye is not an idiot, he instantly understood what he meant, immediately changed his attitude of jumping in anger, and became more worried: "Is it serious?"

   "I don't know for now." Ye Wangchuan said honestly: "I still have to watch."

  Old man Ye was so angry with him again, he endured it and said, "You wait. I'll go find someone and see if I can urge them to hurry up."


Seeing that he didn't do anything himself, Mr. Ye was very handy in arranging himself, and said more gloomily, "When will I see your kid get married? I'm afraid that if things go on at this speed, I'll be buried in the ground with the back half of my body You can't even see it!"

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