Published at 3rd of March 2023 05:17:35 AM

Chapter 3752: Because of Qiao Nian, didn't you give up on me a long time ago?

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  Chapter 3752 Because of Qiao Nian, didn’t you give up on me a long time ago?

  Qiao Nian just sat there and listened to him talking about how to solve this predicament.

  The whole person is not very interested.

   In the middle of the process, she was still a little distracted, and the scene of the kiss just now kept replaying in her mind.

  Qiao Nian pressed his forehead, not knowing what was wrong with him, so he took a deep breath and tried to force himself to concentrate.

  Finally, Ye Wangchuan finished his plan without haste, Qiao Nian pulled off his peaked cap, leaned back, very lazy: "Okay, just follow your arrangement."


  Beijing City.

  Wei Lou personally brought him back.

  Because Yu Wenhao wanted to meet Master Cheng on the way, he said that except for Master Cheng who came over in person, he would not explain to anyone who asked him.

  Wei Lou knew what his plan was, and after bringing him back to the Ninth Institute, he asked Bao Jingxing to notify Master Cheng and others to come over.

   Because Jiang Tianzhi was involved in this matter, Jiang Tianzhi was also brought here.

   In a blink of an eye, the room was full of people.

   Ye Maoshan, Master Cheng, and Jiang Zongjin are all here.

  Besides, Bo Jingxing, as the person in charge of the Nine Institutes, must be there, plus Jiang Tianzhi and Weilou... There are people in every corner of the small conference room.

  Where did Yu Wenhao see this battle.

  After he entered the door, he lowered his head, with a white face, staring at his toes without speaking, like a piece of wood stuck in the middle.

Wei Lou put his hands in his jacket pockets, saw that he was silent, sneered, raised his foot and kicked him from behind, urging him impatiently: "Say it. Everyone you want to see is here , pretend to be dumb with my young master now?"

   "Ah." Yu Wenhao had fallen and injured his knee before, but he was suddenly kicked from behind to the bend of his leg, almost kneeling on the ground.

Seeing his pitiful look, Wei Lou said in a cold voice, "Don't put on that look, make it look like someone is bullying you. As far as what you did, no matter how pitiful you are now. No victims. Put away the show and save!"

  Yu Wenhao's face turned blue and white after he said it, he raised his head and looked around the room, his eyes fell on Master Cheng, and he called out: "Old, teacher."

  Master Cheng immediately turned his head away, extremely disappointed in him, he didn't even want to look at him again.

  Yu Wenhao saw his reaction, his heart turned cold, and he called out more and more sadly: "Old, teacher, I'm sorry."

  Master Cheng suppressed the anger and disappointment in his heart, and finally looked back at him: "Who asked you to tamper with the program."

  Yu Wenhao met his stern eyes, hesitated for a moment, and said slowly: "I told you, can you forgive me?"

"Huh?" Master Cheng was almost laughed angrily by him: "Are you bargaining with me? You made such a big mistake yourself. You never thought about being sorry to your senior brother, or to your colleagues and Qing who worked day and night. The members of the big scientific research team... until now you are still thinking about how to get yourself out. Wen Hao, you have disappointed me so much!"

  Yu Wenhao seemed to be hit **** the head by a wooden clapper, and his brain buzzed.

  Looking up at his teacher's angry and disappointed expression, he was silent for a moment, as if he had been stimulated by some kind of stimulation, and blurted out: "Didn't you disappoint me a long time ago?!"

  Master Cheng paused and frowned: "What are you talking about?"

"You gave up on me a long time ago." Yu Wenhao pinched his palms, his eyes were red: "From the day I offended Qiao Nian, you have been disappointed in me! Isn't that why you didn't let me participate in this chip project? So don't tell me that you are only disappointed now... this hypocritical rhetoric, you believe it yourself... ah!"

  (end of this chapter)

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