Published at 3rd of March 2023 05:14:18 AM

Chapter 3807: Wang Ye is a walking cheat

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  Chapter 3807 Wangye is a walking cheat

   She didn't say the most important reason why Tian Chen would agree, but most people in the illegal area knew that Lu Zhi was interested in Sun.

   It's just that the two parties seem to have not shown much.

  Of course, Guan Yan would not say the reason directly, it would be too... deadly.

   "Look, Young Master Ye..." She resisted her embarrassment and said in a embarrassed manner.

  Ye Fanchuan glanced at her, but he didn't mean to be angry, and said directly to the girl who was having a splitting headache: "Moxi is in the illegal area."

  Qiao Nian pressed his temple, a little surprised: "When did he come?"

   "The night you decided to come to the illegal area to save people, I arranged for him and Ji Lin to come here in batches, and I also brought some people from outside."

  He originally had some influence in the illegal area, but it wasn't as big as in Continent F and Independent Continent.

  But with Ye Wangchuan's character, he will not let go of the territory of the illegal area. Over the years, there have been people who have been cultivating themselves in the dark.

  If it wasn't for Qiao Nian's sudden need for manpower, he might not have exposed this group of people just like that. However, if Qiao Nian needs it, he doesn't mind that his painstaking efforts over the past few years are so 'wasted'...

   "With the manpower of Moxi and Ji Lin, plus the manpower of the Red League, even if Nie Qingru has a backup arrangement, we should have enough people."

  The implication is that they don't need to bother Lu Zhi.

  Qiao Nian didn't pay attention to hear what he said, but was mainly immersed in the news that he was surprised that there were people in the illegal area.

   And both Mo Xi and Ji Lin are here...

  Ye Wangchuan How many things does he not know?

  Qiao Nian twitched his temples again, and looked at him again with a look of scrutiny.

  She always feels that someone is a bit too buggy.

  After a brief distraction, Qiao Nian lightly tapped her knees with her knuckles, narrowed her eyes, and her delicate face was arrogant: "Then let her come, just to uproot her influence in the illegal area!"


   At nightfall.

  The wind is howling in the small town, and there are few pedestrians on the road. The originally desolate street seems to be shrouded in an unknown dangerous atmosphere tonight.

  There is not even a shadow of a person on the road.

  This weird atmosphere starts from the setting sun, to the point where it is already so heavy that it is difficult for people to ignore it when night falls.

   "Are there still people from the Hongmeng outside?"

   "Why do my eyelids keep twitching, will there be no accident tonight?"

  Singer was very upset when he heard the whispering voice in his ear, and lowered his voice to scold them: "Be quiet! Are you afraid that others will not know that we are leaving?"

  Others heard the news from her that the Hermit Family was coming to pick them up. Even if Singer was not their leader, everyone defaulted to obeying her command for the time being.

  At this moment, Singer lost his temper, and the people she scolded didn't turn back as shamelessly as before.

   Instead, he touched his nose silently, holding back his breath.

   "I found that since the afternoon, the people who were watching us that I could see before had disappeared." Someone said in a low voice.

  Of course, Singer also discovered this, so she also felt a kind of uneasiness in her heart, but she didn't want to show it in front of other people, and deliberately dismissed it.

"Since Young Master Zhai said that the Hermit Family will send someone to pick us up tonight, we'll just wait honestly and stop talking crows. No matter how powerful the Red League is, it's just a hacker organization. Can they still eat us up? ?!"

  (end of this chapter)

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