Published at 27th of April 2021 12:37:45 PM

Chapter 390: 390

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Chapter 390 Actually in the same examination room

This year, National Tsing Hua University autonomously enrolls 10 more students than in previous years. There are extremely large numbers of applicants. Basically, people who have a little confidence in their own scores have come to participate. Everyone wants to try their own scores, even if they fail to pass the exam, look back. Taking the college entrance examination is also a lot of experience.

Qiao Qi got his admission ticket number at the security checkpoint and went to the examination room.

Her examination room is on the first floor.


She looked around and quickly found classroom 201, took a deep breath, and stepped into the classroom.

The position in the examination room is already sitting seven or eight, everyone is here, one by one, hurry up, either check your pencil case, or take out the exercise book and recite the formulas and vocabulary at the end.

She is seat 8 in the second row.

Qiao 嗔 looked down, the location was close to the door, and there were boys wearing glasses in the front and back. They looked very honest, only the position obliquely in front was vacant, and no one came yet.

She put the schoolbag she carried with her in the temporary storage area in front of her, holding the pencil case and exercise book, and quickly sat back in her seat, wanting to hurry up and read the book last.

It is impossible to take the test for a few days in independent enrollment, especially at National Taiwan University.

National Tsing Hua University’s independent enrollment has always directly issued a comprehensive set of test papers, which cover all the questions in physics, biochemistry, history and politics outside the language, the total score is the same as 650 points, the number of questions is not as large as the college entrance examination, but the weight of each question is more than The college entrance examination is much higher.

After all,    is to select outstanding students from top students. The application questions of the test papers all refer to the Mathematical Olympiad standards.

A test takes 4 hours, after 2 hours you can choose to hand in your own papers.

Some are struggling with the difficulty of the papers, and students who consciously fail to pass the test will hand in the papers in advance, which can be regarded as a humanized rule.

Otherwise, if you can’t write it and force a person to sit there for four hours, it’s no different from suffering.

"Mathematical, Mathematical, m/a/t/h..." Qiao Hao sat there with his head buried in nervous expression, carrying the words summed up by the tutor for her on his back, and at the same time he opened the exercise book to see where he still hadn’t remembered. , Take advantage of the few minutes left to make a quick note of it, in case the exam is passed.

At this moment.

Two invigilators came in from the door of the classroom with their test papers.

The people in the examination room swiftly put away the things in their hands, and started to get up and put them in the temporary storage place of the podium.

Qiao Hao also closed the materials in his hand, got up and put the things back in his schoolbag, and when he sat back again, he raised his eyes and saw the figure coming in with the two invigilators behind him.

Her eyes tightened to the point of needles, and she almost couldn't control her scream at that moment.

Qiao Nian? !

The person who came in from the entrance of the examination room was the last to arrive, but he was so angry that he lowered his head and held his mobile phone, as if he was replying to the news.

The snow-white delicate face looked careless.

It's not like entering an exam room, it's more like coming here to relax.

She came in, moving her eyebrows, and realized she was in place. She raised her eyes and took a look. She threw her hands into the black shoulder bag, then took out a pencil case from the shoulder bag, holding the admission ticket. , Come to the position of the exam below.

Qiao Jia just watched her pull away the chair that was diagonally in front of her and sit down.

Put the pencil case on the table, put his fingers on the table, and didn't look in his direction from beginning to end, as if he didn't find himself in this examination room.

She took a deep breath, and another deep breath. She never expected Qiao Nian to be in the exam room with her!

At this time, the exam bell has sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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