Published at 27th of April 2021 12:33:51 PM

Chapter 523: 523

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Chapter 523

She is so sensible, but she made Shen Jingyan's face look a little better, raised her hand, and said: "Go, pay attention to safety, don't play too late, almost call your mother."

"Okay." Qiao Qi agreed readily.

Before leaving, she glanced at the man sitting opposite Shen Jingyan for the last time. She only felt that Wei Dongshan's aura was extraordinary, and she didn't look like an ordinary person.

My mind turned again, and when I remembered what I had just overheard, I couldn't help but raise my red lips.

Qiao Nian again.

It seems that Qiao Nian is going to be out of luck this time!

She walks briskly, and she never forgets to bring her home when she goes out.

also did not hear Wei Dongshan's worried words after she went out.

"I didn't expect that Qiao Nian had such a deep background, and he knew Mr. Su! You didn't see Mr. Su's attitude when he came to pick up people last night. At first glance, he was standing on her side. The relationship was unusual. And I heard the police station that morning By the way, someone went to bail Chen Yuan out in the middle of the night last night. I asked them who bailed, but none of them dared to say... Brother Shen, that Qiao Nian is your niece, you know her, and you know what she is. What's the background? Why haven't I heard of such a person in the circle before?"

Shen Jingyan's neck seemed to be pinched, and he couldn't say a word.

He usually spends most of his time in Beijing and rarely travels around the city. At the beginning, he knew the origin of his sister's "daughter" and came back once in a while. Although he didn't treat this cheap niece differently, he didn't take it seriously. In this case, how does he know about Qiao Nian? !

Seeing him silent for a while, Wei Dongshan took two sips of tea upset and frowned, and said in a deep voice, "You don't know, I always feel like I'm going to plant this time! Last night I I didn't fall asleep at night, and the upper hand started to intervene in this matter. I think if this matter is not settled as soon as possible, the situation will be reversed!"

He looked at Shen Jingyan, and said in a deep voice: "I told Wei Ling that she couldn't listen, or you could tell her to stop holding on to this matter. Almost done! Wei Qi’s character, you I know that it is impossible for people to beat him for no reason. He must have done what he owed. We have cancelled that Qiao Nian's school status and let her pay Weiqi some money. It's too ugly... Mr. Su's side..."

In addition to being afraid of Su Huaiyuan, the great Buddha above, he was also worried about the person who bailed Chen Yuan last night.

As his identity, he walked around the city as half of his territory. No one did not sell his face. He said that in the morning, but no one dared to reveal the identity of the other party to him.

What does    explain?

it goes without saying!

People are definitely the kind of existence that stands on the cusp of a pyramid, and may be able to crush him to death with a finger, no one dares to say!

Shen Jingyan patiently listened to him after he finished speaking, and saw him sitting there restlessly, even fidgeting, and wanted to stand up several times.

He pursed his lips, thick eyebrows and big eyes showing exhaustion. The gaze towards Shangwei Dongshan was heavier than him, and he said, "The situation has been reversed!"

Wei Dongshan: "……"

Shen Jingyan didn’t know how to tell him about the situation in Beijing, because he himself didn’t know what Ye Wangchuan was holding Wei Qi in his hand, he only vaguely revealed: "The Ye family intervened in!"

"You mean Lord Paranoid?!" Wei Dongshan stood up on the sofa, his face turned blue, and then fell back slumped, his whole body expressed regret: "No wonder... No wonder those people dare not tell me who bailed me. Chen Yuan..."

(End of this chapter)

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