Published at 27th of April 2021 12:28:55 PM

Chapter 734: 734

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Chapter 734 Boss, have you done less of non-human things?

"Master Cheng!" Bo Jingxing has never experienced such a long four-hour period. He walked quickly over, walked to Master Cheng who had just woke up, helped him up, and asked in a low voice with a serious face: "How do you always feel? ?"


The old man who just woke up had muddy eyes, his eyes were not as bright as before, and he looked a little confused.

However, after slowing down, he blinked and rubbed his temples on both sides, and it was obvious that his head was getting better.

When Bo Jingxing saw him stretched out, he couldn't hide his joy and said to the girl: "Little girl, what method did you use, old man, I haven't slept well, this time I slept really well! In the past ten years, I didn’t sleep so well, it was like a dream."

Chen Zhu: "..." So just now Master Cheng was in a coma and actually fell asleep?

Qiao Nian put his hands in his pockets, very wild: "There is no way, just to **** your three acupoints, Shenmen, Neiguan, and Fengchi. These three acupuncture points have the effect of sleeping, how do you feel now?"

She has a quiet voice and a little dumb, but it sounds nice.

"Does the head still aches?"

Master Cheng subconsciously felt it, and then was pleasantly surprised to find that the back of his head, which was always aching, did not have the heaviness of the past, and his whole person was refreshed and relaxed.

When he looked at Qiao Nian again, his eyes couldn’t hide his appreciation: “It’s not painful at all. Little girl is okay, I can’t see that you are so young and your medical skills are so good.”

Bo Jingxing did not expect that Qiao Nian only gave Master Cheng acupuncture once, and the effect was so good. For a moment, he felt a bit hot when he thought that he had almost lost his breath before.

Fortunately, he did not act like Zhou Wei, otherwise the faces of the Ninth Institute of them would be completely lost this time!

Qiao Nian didn’t care. He got up and said in a calm voice, "Starting today, I will acupuncture you every two days from now on. After three times, I will prescribe a Chinese medicine for you. You can see it after taking half a year. effect."

Chen Zhu asked strangely: "Miss Qiao, why does it take half a year to see the effect? ​​Isn't the master already well?"

He just heard Master Cheng say that his head no longer hurts and he slept comfortably.

Bo Jingxing also wanted to ask this question. With his hands behind his back, his black eyes fell deeply on the girl, and he also asked: "Yes, sister Qiao, hasn't Master Cheng improved? How come it will take half a year to see the effect?"

Qiao Nian saw that their eyes were quite inexplicable, the tails of the raised eyes were a bit wild and evil, and he raised his hand to pull the brim of his hat, and said dryly: "You don't think I only give Master Cheng acupuncture and moxibustion once. Good master's migraine?"

Bo Jingxing smiled, his gentle and elegant appearance just looked a little fake: "Isn't it?"

Qiao Nian retracted his gaze, and said lightly: "I don't have the ability, and I have never heard of anyone who has the ability to cure a person's stubborn illness for decades at a time, unless this person is a **** but not a human."

Gu San almost wanted to answer.

Boss, you are not doing things that are not human yet?

Fortunately, he did not speak too much.

Qiao Nian continued lightly: "Master Cheng feels that the symptoms are alleviated only because he has not slept for a long time and his brain cannot rest. Just after a nap, the brain rests for a long time before he has the illusion that the disease has been cured. In fact The migraine problem is still there. As long as he continues to work and his brain becomes tired again, the previous symptoms will still appear..."

(End of this chapter)

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