Published at 27th of April 2021 12:24:28 PM

Chapter 898: 898

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Chapter 898 You can hear the echo if you slap loudly

The closed disciple of Nie Mi who came from the city, this year's college entrance examination, the national champion, and Nie Mi, these words together have become the keywords of Beijing.


In the laboratory of Beijing Kanghui Hospital.

The members of the team gathered around the test bench to observe the changes in the mice’s drug test response. Only Jiang Xianrou found a corner alone and stood there playing with his mobile phone.

Liang Lu is the leading brain surgery expert in China. The members who can join her team are all top medical students, or people who have achieved achievements in medicine, and have to work hard enough to be qualified.

Only Jiang Xianrou belongs to the background relationship.

The members of the entire medical team knew that this eldest lady herself did not have much enthusiasm for medicine. When she first chose the major, she chose the clinical department only because the clinical department of National Tsing Hua University is the most powerful major of National Tsing Hua University. Jin, it is not certain whether you will be engaged in medical-related majors in the future...

So Jiang Xianrou often raped and slipped in the experiment, or did not ask for leave, they were used to it.

At this moment, she went to play with her mobile phone again. Everyone just assumed that they hadn't seen it, what should they be doing, and they were busy with their own affairs.


In the corner, Jiang Xianrou's face is not pretty.

Since half an hour ago, her cell phone was blown up by all kinds of calls. Some people who couldn't reach Mr. Jiang turned the phone around and called her, asking Qiao Nian about the school banquet today. To not punish the heart.

She didn't even feel in the mood to answer the next phone call, so she simply set her mobile phone to reject mode.

But even so, the news in the group is still ringing non-stop.

She has always had a small group.

A group of people in Beijing had a good time with her or those who were fond of her. In the group, she dragged Qin Si and Bo Jingxing into the group, knowing that Ye Wangchuan didn't like these, so she didn't dare to pull them.

But with the two lively signs of Qin Si and Bo Jingxing, many second-generation people in Beijing have sharpened their heads and want to join her group, and the group has become a means for her to gather contacts.

Early this morning, she posted the news of the afternoon game in the group.

It was originally harmonious.

Zhang Yang couldn't tell.

She definitely couldn't stop trying to save the game because Zhang Yang didn't come, so she went to Qin Si again. After all, as long as Qin Si was willing to come out, her team's game was forced to go up.

This was originally a trivial matter.

She did this a lot before. Basically, Qin Si would sell her face to play together as long as she was fine, but this time...

[I’m eating out...Speaking of which, this person is still your acquaintance, Qiao Nian, my sister, who came around the city, and will cover it a little later. ]

Jiang Xianrou looked at Qin Si Aite’s news in Qunli, and her palm was cold, she felt as if she had fallen into an ice cellar, and she could not find a trace of temperature.

She never thought that Qiao Nian could have a relationship with Qin Si. Looking at Qin Si's posture, she made it clear that she had a good relationship with Qiao Nian in private!

Otherwise, with Qin’s blatant character, it is impossible to say so publicly.

There are also those mentioned by Zhang Yang below, Ye Lao, Wei's family, Wen's family all went to Qiao Nian's college entrance banquet...

No one in the Beijing circle knew that she would not wait to see the cousin she recognized from the small place around the city. She would rather stay in the laboratory than eat that meal. Everyone thought she would not go, and Qin Si would not be able to go, but The news came down like a slap in the face, slap after slap on her face, the fan was crisp and loud, and she herself could hear the echo of the slap in the face!

(End of this chapter)

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