Published at 27th of April 2021 12:23:38 PM

Chapter 929: 929

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Chapter 929 Sister Joe’s Score Has Not Changed

"I heard that it is from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, no wonder no one in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine wants to study..."

"That Qiao Nian is a student of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at National Tsing Hua University, oh, that's not surprising."

The names of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Qiao Nian of National Tsing Hua University were firmly tied together, and people kept mentioning them. While complaining about the scores of the last place, they also complained about the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Shen Yu returned to his seat, fidgeting, his complexion tense, staring firmly at the constantly refreshing results on the LED screen.

Joe reads the last place.

is still the last.

is still the last place.

Twenty minutes have passed, and the LED screen has been refreshed 7 times. No matter how fierce the battle between Jiang Xian and Qi Lanyin for the first place, Qiao Nian’s name seems to never change, firmly occupying the last page of the last page. A name.

066, Qiao Nian, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, National Tsing Hua University, 18 points.

The total score of the first round of the written test is 60. Now the first place Qi Lanyin has 39 points, and the second place Jiang Xianrou is also very tight, 32 points. The remaining third and fourth places are chased by you. I'm rushing... the more you get to the next ranking, the smaller the score gap...

However, this phenomenon suddenly changed when the penultimate and the penultimate were placed.

065, Zhong Peiyun, Department of Medicine, Shenda University, 26 points.

066 Qiao Nian refreshed again, and Shen Yugui wanted to stand up so that he could see clearly.


18 points.

Unexpectedly, it didn't go up by a single point!

Shen Yugui holds as much hope as there is so much disappointment. He closes his eyes decadently, almost afraid to look at the rankings on the LED screen above his head.

There is no trace of blood on his face.

The Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Tsing Hua University followed Qiao Nian's name as if he was put on the top of the stadium to be publicly executed, and even if he was mentally prepared for Qiao Nian to take the last place, he did not expect to lose so embarrassingly.

The difference between the penultimate place and the penultimate place is only 1 point, and when it comes to Qiao Nian, there is an 8 point difference between the penultimate place and the penultimate place!

was beaten by the penultimate!

This is too ugly.

"Mr. Shen, don't care too much. Qiao Nian is a freshman. Even if she has some potential in medicine, she hasn't studied systematically. This score can only be said to be unsurprising. She still has a lot of potential to cultivate."

Liang Lu's face was a bit ugly with the numbers refreshed on the LED screen, especially after seeing the overseas representative Qi Lanyin's score overtake Jiang Xianrou, her heart was not good, but when I saw that the names of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Qiao Nian were still hanging on the last one. In name, she put her hand on her chin and showed a hypocritical smile, turning her head to comfort Shen Yugui from the side.

"It's a pity... Qiao Nian did a good job in the college entrance examination. If she enrolls normally, everyone still expects her. As a result, her national top pick is ruined..."

She said what a pity, but not in a pity tone. The look in her eyes looking up at the LED screen was like watching lively, with a cool sneer.

066 refreshed or Qiao Nian.

still 18 points.

According to the frequency of refreshing the big screen every three minutes, Qiao Nian did not move at 18 points when it was refreshed twice in a row, indicating that she had not done a single question in these 6 minutes, or she had done it. The questions are all wrong.

No matter which one, Liang Lu is happy to watch this joke!


"Grass, why is it still 18 points, Daoye, is the screen broken, other people's scores are moving, so why is sister Joe's score completely unchanged."

(End of this chapter)

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