Magic Revolution - Chapter 27

Published at 1st of May 2023 08:31:21 AM

Chapter 27

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Ms Heles did not pry into my aptitude further, and I continued the lecture. ‘Now that we are on the topic of aptitude. Let us learn of it.’ I saw their notebooks open, and I saw their pens scribble. ‘Every person bears an aptitude for element. I have never come across one who has none.’ I thought mine would be obvious to these little children. I called them little but they ranged from sixteen of age to eighteen of age. ‘I have an aptitude for water. Some of you may have Fire aptitude.’ I saw their shimmering eyes. ‘And some of you may have an Earth aptitude.’ I saw their dull eyes. Indeed, Earth does not seem as the most fascinating element. ‘We will begin with the basics of Elemental Magic, then turn to each element.’

I began telling them how intricate the connection between man, mana, and element is. After which I continued with a phrase I had prepared. ‘But remember this — An Element is a gift of nature. It cannot be conjured and it may not vanish. Write it down.’ I hummed as they did. And soon, I began teaching them about each element.

‘Each element — may it be water, fire, earth, or wind — has something unique about them. Their states are different; their properties are too. Earth may be the most unique of them surprisingly. See, when I say Earth, the only thing that comes to mind is the ground we stand on. But it is made of multiple things, is it not? Soil/ground,’ — I counted on my unblemished fingers — ‘stone, metal/ore. Three.’ I held the fingers proudly. ‘Earth has these three branches to perfect and adapt to. So, if any unenthusiastic about Earth finds themselves with an aptitude for it, you may not be disappointed; you may find much to explore.’ I said so brilliantly, and yet, I myself never found love for Earth. The Element was bland. ‘Wind, water, and fire do not have any branches, unfortunately.’ I saw a raised hand. It was Ms Valet again. The girl was enthusiastic.

Her blue eyes looked at me, and with passion, she uttered, ‘What about magma, ice, and ash, Professor?’

‘They are a product or state of water. Ice, for example, can be achieved by freezing water, but do we have a way to do so? Unfortunately, not. I can turn the temperature affecting me hotter or colder, but there is a limit to this magic. Furthermore, it falls into Property Construct. Unless one lives in snowy places and has a high aptitude for Snow and Ice, one may not find Ice as a possible branch of water. Ice will remain as an independent element.’ I continued, ‘Magma, on the other hand, is molten rock. It exists in nature, yes, but it is seen rarely. Magma is viscous, the opposite of the general properties of Earth. It may be a product of heat but cannot be classified under fire. It may seem like a liquid, but it is not water. And ash is simply residue not an element.’

‘What about Mud?’ she asked, still.

‘Good question.’ I nodded approvingly. ‘If one has a fair amount of aptitude for both Earth and Water, one may find Mud as a Secondary Element.’ I flipped through my pages. ‘Secondary Elements are products of two or more elements. Unlike the four Primary Elements that I mentioned previously and Ice — a unique element, the secondary elements require you to be proficient in more than one element. Magma could be considered one, but as it is far too rare and dangerous, none have tried it so far. I remember a mage dying after finding himself too close to an active volcano.’ That was rather dreadful news. I still recall fearing for my own life. Being a mage is difficult, I told myself.

‘Similarly, there are gases that some argue should come under wind and liquids under water. But it is simply not possible. Wielding gases or liquids such as poison is simply not possible under Elemental Magic as we know it. For we utilise a connection with mana that commands nature. Gases or liquids are not elements. Note it.’ I hummed once again, tapping my feet. ‘Though I must say, there are a few fascinating examples of exceptions. There is a lauded mage who has found one such beautiful exception — Mercury. Mercury is a metal, and yet, it is liquid. Hence lies the conundrum. It is not a Secondary Element but comes under the branch of Metal. But it is liquid, is it not? That is why Mercury is one of the exceptions. It is a branch that requires such a niche aptitude. Gaining mastery over it is far more difficult than any of the four Primary Elements.’

‘What about smoke?’ Ms Valet asked after my approval.

‘It is a product; it cannot be wielded. Though, do remember,’ I said, looking at them solemnly, ‘all of these can become exceptions if you, as a mage, have aptitudes rare and unique. So though, I say they are not elements, you might find yourself with the ability to wield them.’ That was my hope — a vast number of aptitudes in Elemental Magic.

‘Now, let us move on to each element. First, Earth.’ I saw the disappointment, and I sighed. ‘Now, now. Earth is the most important element for all of you.’ They looked at me as if I was out of my mind. Of course, Earth was not appealing. ‘See, one requires Earth if one is to find themselves in a dire situation. Sometimes, you may find yourself in a place where there is no water and you have no control over Wind — very few do. What then?’ I recalled the incident where I had to use fire to burn myself, and perhaps, they understood it too. ‘Sometimes, the answer is to be better prepared than simple strength. One should always carry materials related to their element. Carry water if you are proficient in that element. Matchboxes if you wish for fire.’

‘But sometimes, there may not be a way for you to utilise these elements; perhaps you have been robbed of your effects. What then? Wind is far too difficult for the average man.’ I looked at them pleadingly. ‘That is why learn to use Earth better. In my class, unless you have no aptitude for it, Earth is a mandatory element.’

An hour later, I concluded the lecture after handing my notes to the girl named Karla Varleii, hoping Ms Lasfield will be awake by the time they reach her. And so, the second lecture was adjourned.

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